
lost kings

after getting in a fatal accident he is reported in the New World as a dragon!? He now seeks the power to figure out about himself and explore this new world will he be able to figure out more about himself monsters and decisions he has to make finally weigh him down read to find out how does all ends.

firelightdragon · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

New World chapter 2

I'm in an egg.... as much as I'd like a question that I have to get out of here it's starting to get uncomfortable so I used my hind legs I think push against the egg until a cracks.

"crack crack crack crack"

I repeatedly push my hind legs against the shell there was now a hole I can use to break away the shell. I use my hands, claw, feet?

Anyway I use them to break away the shell I blinked my eyes as they adjusted to the light I can see now it was a dimly-lit cave the entrance of the cave about six feet away from me I looked around the cave there was 5 more eggs there.

I pulled myself out of the egg shell and land on the cold Stone floor of the cave it's damp but warm and humid.

Now That I'm out of the shell I noticed how hungry I am I'll look around the cave to see what there is to eat.

I don't see anything but my egg that came out of so that's what I ate and it didn't taste bad almost like i was supposed to eat it.

And then I heard cracks the other five Eggs wiggled and then they hatched my new siblings, family I think I'm related to them.

I can feel a connection like I'm there brother the one to hatch out was the egg on the top right it wiggled and moves and then a cute little claw popped out of a hole the egg wiggle some more and then fell over to the side is Wiggles again and then acute adorable little dragon purple scales came out and immediately started eating their egg.

And when they were finished they looked right at me and ran towards me at least tried... and when they finally got over to they rubbed against me and in my head I heard a high-pitched voice saying brother.

like that I heard a metallic robotic voice sound off.

'}(ultimate survivalist system booting up ){'

okay done chapter for some reason I can figure out how to change out my words to make it darker when the system is stalking if you know how to change that please do tell me and if you like the story so far feel free to comment I noticed that what I said last time was a bit rude but I really don't like hate so give me a honest opinions about it and the things I can change to make it readadlehas less grammatical errors if you have any things you like to bring up in me things you like to show me please feel free to do so and if any sings you like me tell you about feel free to ask me in the comments that's it have a good day and stay safe.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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