
The beginning

Hi, I'm Hannah I'm 16 and I live in Montana with my father and brother in a two story house. I have a boyfriend named Brent I met him on the first day of high school and I have 3 friends Anthony,Macy and Emily . But enough about me let's get to the story. I was laying in my bed one Saturday night when I heard a strange sound coming from my closet I got up to check it out and my closet wouldn't open I thought it was locked so I went down stair to get the key when I i got to the last step of the stair. I heard my closet door slam shut I ran back up stair but my closet was open. So I checked around nothing seamed to be out of place so I sat back down and started drawing a picture of a gold rose . Bling bling bling,I must fallen asleep,hey said Hannah hi I just got my book report in and guess what I assed it said Emily amazing I haven't gotten mine yet oh well I need to go my brother is back said Hannah bye said back to her . Hey ien how was school said Hannah ,oh hey sis it was fine do u now we're the milk is said ien , dad went shopping he said he'd be back in an hour or so said Hannah,fine I'll be in my room sleeping so don't bother me ok said Ian ,I geuss I should some sleep to.
