
Lost In a Dream

A world nobody knew that existed. Until our MC started to dream about it. He also met a person in that dream. Slowly he learns about that world. But later on he saw how that person dies and that world falls apart. He wishes to help him but he thinks that it's just a dream, but little did he knew that he was going to fall in that dream and as that person. But he also doesn't want to die tho. Now, how is our MC going to survive?

lily_aqua · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Who is she? (4)

I saw something was coming towards us.

"We have to run away from here, NOW!" Helios said in a scared voice. He grabbed my hand started to run. While running he whistled and our horses came to us while running. Then Helios helped me to get on the horse so did he.

"Where are we going and what's going on?." I said while trying to be calm.

"We're returning to my hidden place!". He said while panicking.

After awhile we reached our destination. We were breathing heavily. Then I asked Helios.

"What happened and what were those?"

"I'm also confused."

"Why?" I asked in a concerned tone.

"Those were goblins, but how did they come here?". Helios said while scratching the back of his head.

"Skyler I think it's better for you to leave now".

"But why?".

"Those goblins aren't from our empire, they also devour other tribes in order to live and you may get hurt as well."

"But what about you?".

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me."

"Ok, if that's what you want." I said in a sad voice.

After that I closed my and *thud*. Here I'm back in my room again laying on the floor.

"When am I going to get rid of this habit of falling from bed?". I said to myself. I got up from the floor then made my bed and went to get something for breakfast. Then I thought,

"I wonder if Helios is alright there?".

While Helios was having a hard time figuring out what's happening since he was running away with Skyler. He was worried that how did those goblins came in this empire and they can also harm the people.

"There must be something wrong in the empire and I have to go back in the castle in order to get the information". I thought while running on the horse.

"I also have to send Skyler away, I can't let him get hurt."

Then we finally reached in the garden, after telling Skyler about goblins I told him to leave this place even though he doesn't want to. But I can't let his life be in danger. After that Skyler closed his eyes and disappear in the air.

*Sigh* "now I should leave too and see what's happening. Then I sat on my horse and started my way for the castle. After reaching to the castle I ran to my room and saw Ivan my personal butler standing there.

"Your highness where were you?."

"I'll answer your question later Ivan but first tell me where is father?". I asked while breathing heavily.

"Your highness please take a little rest first." He said in a normal tone. Of course in this empire no one not even a single person cares about me.

"It's ok, tell me where he is?" I said in a cold tone.

*Smirk* "his majesty is working in his office". Ivan said while smiling. Ivan has been my personal butler since I was four years old. And let's say he also treats me like his son after his son died.

"Ok and prepare my bath I'll come back after having some talk with father."

"Yes, your highness." He said while bowing.

With that I left Ivan and made my way to father's office.

*Sigh*"it would've been great if his majesty had chosen you as his next hire."

Finally I'm in front of my fathers office. I knocked on the door "who is it?" an answer with deep and cold voice could be heard from inside.

"Father, it's me Helios." I said while tried to be as clam as possible.

"Come inside."

"I apologize for interrupting you in your work father."

"Just say what you came here for."

"Father do you know about those goblins which broke into the empire?"

"Yes, and?" He asked while looking at me.

"I mean did you send the solders to to kill them?"

"No, it's not necessary."

"Why?" I looked at him worriedly.

"It doesn't matter they'll leave after devouring some people."

"But father we can't let those people die!" I couldn't believe what my father just said.

"You don't have to worry about this empire it's nothing to you, and what'll happen if a few people died?"

I stayed silent. Because I couldn't believe it he is the emperor of this country, it's his duty to keep this country's people safe.

"But fathe-" he shut me by yelling.

"SILENCE! who gave you the permission to ask me about these?" he said with an angry look.

"Forgive me father, it won't happen again."

"As it should be, *sigh* your mother was as useless as you." My blood started to boil in anger after what he said. But I can't do anything because I'm not strong enough to kill him.

"I shall take my leave now father." I bowed to him and left the room without asking any more question.

"How can he be like this but what actually happened to my mother?".

Well all I know is that my mother died while giving birth to me. Until now nobody told me anything about my mother.

I was when a portait caught my eyes. It was a portait of my mother.

"She really was a beautiful woman."

My father has 10 concubines and my mother were one of them. After my mother died his fifth concubine has been raising me and if there's someone who cares about me then it's her Antares Csilla my step mother. Mother Antares was infertile and she also cared for my mother like her own sister that's why she treat's me like her own child aswell. I was lost in my thoughts when I noticed mother Antares running towards my room and was knocking in .

"Mother Antares what are you doin here?."

She ran to me and hugged me.

"Where were you?, do you know how worried I was." She said while holding me.

"I'm fine don't worry, I need to take a bath."

"Ok, let's go inside."

Then Ivan came from my bathroom.

"Your highness, your bath is ready." Ivan said while smiling at me.

"Yes, and mother please wait for me here."

"Yes dear, take your time."

Then I went inside my bath. Well I guess I only have these three people who cares about me. After I finished bathing myself I went out and saw mother brought my favorite desserts.

"Come here let me dry your hair." She said while I sat on the bed.

"Mother Antares, is it fine if I ask you something?"

"Of course, my dear." She said while drying my hair and Ivan was preparing something for me to eat.

"Mother Antares how did my mother died and what was her name?"

The room got silent for a while. then mother spoke.

"Why do you want to know, my dear?"

"Nobody ever told me about her and you are the only one who knew my mother well."

She stopped rubbing my hair and sat beside me.

"Your old enough to know so I'll tell you". She looked at Ivan then Ivan softly smiled and left the room. them she made me lie down on the bed and she also lied down beside me.

"So, who is she?".