
Chapter 9

7:45, The sky had darkened considerably into a navy blue tint, the rythmic sound of heels lightly tapping the tiled floor could be heard filling the dimly lit hall, the woman sitting at the receptionist desk slowly stood up, straining her eyes, in a bid to properly identify the owner of the silhouette walking towards her general direction, she swallowed, sweat beading, dripping down her neck into the collar of her checkered wine shirt, her hands balled into trembling fists which were clenched against her black skirt , with a sigh she flattened her palms against the desk, a trembling palm ran through her blonde wig, breathing out through her lips when the figure walked into the light, allowing her to identify who it was, the lady's features became clear in the light her long dreads were put in a bun piled up at the top of her head, she was dressed in a polkadot black and white shirt, paired with a cream skirt and nude heels ,she paused stopping by the reception desk.

"Ok Kate, goodnight I'm leaving now, what's wrong? your face it's really pale and wait... are those tears! are you ok? "

"Mrs Johnson, finally, thank God it's you I'm fine ma, but with due respect ma, why do you clock off this late, you know I can't leave until everyone else is done and that includes you if you're working overtime"

"I'm really sorry Kate I just had a lot to do"

"please ma, this is the fourth time this week the company closes at 6pm sharp, you stayed working till 8pm yesterday and it's really hard to get a ride here after 7pm , please ma, do you always have to work overtime time everyday? it's not healthy you know"

"yes, yes your right Kate, I'll try to stop please don't cry, don't worry I'll add some bonus to your salary as thanks for all your work"

"ah!! thank you Mrs Johnson, how much bonus"

kate spoke rubbing her palms together grinding slyly

"twenty percent, that's all I can afford to give you alright, come let's go outside together I'll call an Uber for you"

"a whole twenty percent!!"

Kate gasps

"that's more than enough to earn me a vacation for a week at eko hotel and suites"

Kate whispers eyes widening in astonishment

"ma, thank you very much ma God bless you, and you still want to call an Uber for me? you don't need to do all this ma"

"no please, I insist, you've been doing pretty well at your job, and even on those personal errands I send you, you complete them perfectly, you totally deserve it, so accept it"

"ah ok, then, thank you very much Mrs Johnson I will keep on working hard ma"

"no problem pack up let's go, and I'll call the Uber now"

the receptionist packed up her bags, leaving her desk, the two ladies walked side by side heels tapping at a constant rhythm, dressed smartly in matching styles, with contrasting patterns and colors, the two made their way out of the office building, stopping by the security post.

"oga John good evening oo"

"Mrs Johnson working overtime again today?"

"yes ooo anyways I'm going home already"

"that's good my shift will be ending soon too"

"bye bye oga John I will see you on Monday enjoy your weekend"

"yes o, see you on Monday, goodnight madame"

Lolade's POV

I didn't really think I worked overtime that often, it's no wonder my daughter has been giving me the look ever too often.

"my darling, my everything, I'll do all I can, everything in my power to protect you, even if it means I have to sell my soul to achieve that, those monsters, they won't take anyone else from me, never again"

"Kate, an Uber will arrive soon just flash me when it arrives,ok? so I'll know you've taken it I have somewhere to be urgently"

"No problem ma, thank you very much ma"

"you're welcome, take care and I'll see you Monday morning"

The darkness was suffocating, filling the air with a thick sense of oppression, there was the tarred road, stretched far into the night, bordered by forests on each side, there was not a single human in sight, sighing I looked up at the dark blue sky, stars twinkling in the distance, a sharp contrast to the atmosphere around me, I was never one to come to a place like this, my very nature it self wouldn't allow it, but now here I am standing alone in this desolate place. Oh, how far the righteous has fallen, I fell ,I fell and further down I went, descending into the darkness.