

Only 15 years old, she goes through heart break, betrayal, Car accident, loss, identity crisis, abuse, loneliness and the worst pain. She still picks herself up and pushes through, the things she thought were luxury came back to her. Friends, Love and supporters but, Can she find the secrets that are hidden, What lies behind those flower covered walls and paintings, who is she? can she love? are her friends true? and when will it end? when will she have peace? She struggles to find the answer.

Esther_Ruba · สมัยใหม่
44 Chs

Chapter 39- ‘What if I don’t have time for you?’

What will be his reaction can only be found when it actually happens, in human relationships no one know the results until he or she actually witness's it and again it will differ according to who witnesses it.

Fear is an amazing thing, it will make you avoid challenges and helpful stuff, it will make you hide whether you like or dislike something, it will make you be someone who you aren't, it will make you hide but, on the other hand it will also keep you away from dangerous stuff, you are afraid of pain so, you do your best to avoid it and its blissful but, when you are afraid of people judging you- abnormal, you hide yourself and become that imaginary perfect self and it's not blissful, this was what Lorrin was starting to do though, John might already know many stuff about Lorrin's life, Lorrin was afraid to speak it up cause she was afraid how would react to her, she was going through shit but, looking at John she was doing her best to calm herself down and pull herself together faster with the help of the love she had for him, she hid every pain as much as possible in front of John, she was afraid to tell him, she knew what she was doing was wrong but, no it didn't give her courage to open up- the fear masked her.

Lorrin pulled out the complicated stuff from her mind, it was tough for her to come up with a conclusion because , what conclusion will a mentally exhausted person with prejudice come up with, she was pushing it farther from her, to deal with it later and this avoidance would cost her a lot she knew it, it was not like she didn't know it, she knew but, for the present she found this choice better than anything else, she didn't feel like facing her fears for now, she would do her best to live the way she liked right now and put the stuff up for later troubles,

For her now the bigger problem was- what is her relationship with her mother. Lorrin was yet to come up with a plan to deal with the current situation, how to get into the damn house, and who will take her there, there was no way she could just walk in to the house like its normal, from the time she moved to this apartment till now she only went there when she was summoned, so, how the hell will she be able to get summoned, the reasons she was called to the mansions was, suspicions, important guest that would be Sam, any formal event; the only event that was now coming was her brothers birthday but, the catch was she was never invited to one of her brothers birthdays and didn't know any plans that her brother had for his birthday and she needed to know the plan, she couldn't ask him directly, nor will her parents tell her, the only people who came to her mind, who she could ask without her family getting suspicious was, her brothers friends.

Lorden's friends, there was no way those damn friends would have a great view about her, rumors are amazing things, good things never spread as fast as bad stuff, the reason, people find it no fun, spitting shit about other people for fun, gossipers gossip because they know their life is a shit so, they just wanna find shitty stories make them shittier to make themselves feel good about their shitty lives, they have no spice in their lives so, they balance it out by spicing up the stories and making other person feel like trash, looking into them they are the most pitiful yet pathetic people found on earth, her brother was one of those pitiful yet pathetic person, for some reason he always envied her, the reason was unknown, he had everything he wanted even before he spoke out, so what was making him pitiful that he became pathetic was a question to Lorrin, there was no way this pathetic person had not spread shit about her to his friends so removing information or even approaching them without being humiliated was the unanswered question, she needed to find a way; this much of shit during a math class was messing her brain she had no idea where the hell her thoughts and the alchemy was taking her,

'Excuse me.' (Glasses girl)

'Oh, okay' (Lorrin)

In her class this particular girl was weird, she was the same girl who bumped into her before, the glasses one, Lorrin had never seen her before but, for some reason since the time this girl bumped into her Lorrin was seeing her more than ever and this was kinda pissing her off,

'Here is your math book' (glasses girl)

'Thanks, but why do you have it? Didn't the class president have it?' (Lorrin)*confused*

'She gave me this.' (Glasses girl)*fidgeting*

'Why? That is what I am asking.' (Lorrin)

'That.. Just helping her.' (Glasses girl)*sweating*

'Oh, hmm, okay'(Lorrin)*still confused*

Though, Lorrin wanted to further question her as the helping the girl was providing the class president was questionable, was passing only one book any help? Obviously not, so Lorrin just gave up, the more she asks the more the girl would lie, Lorrin knew this type of liars well, they had already decided on lying so, no matter how much you ask they will not flatter from their decision and will lie, so, questioning them was stupid, Lorrin just hoped that she wouldn't need to see this girl again for at least the rest of the time, Lorrin just left the class with Andrew and went to the library and once again, the girl sat next to Lorrin, Lorrin was getting pissed but, ignored, for some reason she was seeing this girl a bit too much, the whole time this girl just sat next to Lorrin without uttering a word to her and opened her mouth only when Lorrin was about to leave,

'Hi, this is Chloe, do you have some time to talk, I wanted to speak to you about certain stuff, I know you are busy and this might be inconvenience to you and might not be a very good thing to talk to you and might not be worth your time but, I have been meaning to talk to you so, hmmm it would be really good if you could spare some time for me, are you free can you spare me sometime and can we talk?' (glasses girl)*fidgeting*

'What if I don't have time for you?' (Lorrin)*annoyed*

'That would be okay, but you know I really want to talk to you so, it would be...' (Chloe)*nervous*

'That would be okay, right?' (Lorrin)*rude*

'Yes, but, you know..' (Chloe)*nervous*

'I don't have time for you, you said it's okay so, I will leave.' (Lorrin)*ignores*

Leaving the girl hung Lorrin starts to walk away but,