
Beyonder gathering

"Does anyone have matured Manhal Fish's eyeball?" One of the people sitting spoke.

After a few moments of silence, he heard "200 pounds"

Probably sequence nine ingredient. If I remember correctly then sequence nine should be around 150 pounds for ingredients for sequence eight 300 each, for sequence seven 600 each, and for sequence six it's 2000 pounds each. Beyond that, he could not remember.

Hector then heard a few more transactions of similar nature. He didn't dare to ask for the Unwinged angel formula. Eye of Wisdom would know which pathway it belongs and it would create unnecessary problems for him.

There is a great stigma about the abyss pathway because of churches and their propaganda and brainwashing of their people. So what that you lose your conscience. Guilt is not one's moral compass.

It is an inhibitor of doing what needs to be done. To punish guilt and educate those who walk the path that Hector judges incorrect.

While churches would keep people in blissful ignorance Hector would rather spread dreadful truths. Of course, he would not spread the knowledge that would corrupt people but he would inform the masses just how cruel and mad the world is.

There would be chaos, yes but only from chaos do progress and innovation come.

It may not seems like it but Hector loves people, all of them. Be it a sinner or innocent. He loves the innocent for they can fall so deep into depravity and corruption. He loves sinners because they fell so much and their suffering brings him so much joy.

Innocent are like fruits that grow in the garden. For proper growth, they need care and purpose.

And sinners are like weeds. Killing your garden, robbing them of nutrients. Their very existence is sinful. But getting rid of them is calming, and joyful. Taking them by their neck and tearing them from the ground can calm the soul.

Hector understood that others may not agree with the truth. But is the world. People come together with ideas and views coming together. In time they evolve and change, and if they are lucky they come to the correct truth. His truth.

"I want to sell three weapons" Hector heard someone speak. When he looked over he saw a woman with her face completely covered by a hood.

"First weapon is an engraved rapier. Holders of the weapon will have an authority aura around them causing others to be more likely to believe and obey them. The effect will last for another three years. It's originally a stabbing weapon but it's sharpness is also enough to kill."

The woman stopped talking for a second to let the information that she just said sink in. After which she continued"500 pounds."

Hector was known for prices for weapons with beyonder powers and when he thought about the money he found on the gangsters in East borough he realize that they could not buy it even at the end of their life. No matter how much they would save.

The effects of the weapon sounded good but Hector decided against buying it as carrying a hidden rapier would be troublesome.

"Second weapon is the ceremonial hammer. It was smithed by the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun. It comes with purifying and evil warding effects. It's a strong opponent against Ghosts, Wraiths, Zombies, and other undead creatures. It can also be put in the water for two hours to create holy water, but it will shorten how long the effects on the weapon will last. It will last for another three and a half years." Hector was interested in buying the hammer as he had no means to deal with them yet."600 pounds" She said.

"Third weapon is a silver revolver with oak wood handle and exquisite mechanical structure. It can be easily carried hidden in a holster. It is a hot weapon, made by an outstanding craftsman. It is a rare object and will cost you 10 pounds."

The last item was in comparison to the rest much cheap. But he remembered he had already brought a revolver that was cheaper. It was not as nice but Hector believed that quality should not be that different between them.

"750 pounds for the hammer." Hector hurriedly spoke. He then heard from one of the people present"800 pounds".

"900 pounds" Hector spoke back dead set on the hammer. When the seller heard no more propositions she spoke"Sold."

Then Hector paid the attendant the sum of 900 pounds and received the hammer.

After which bids continued for remaining weapons. But Hector no longer paid attention.

Then there were successes and failures in a few deals that followed. But Hector wasn't tempted to buy any of them.

When transactions started to wane he spoke. "Does anyone have books on mysticism for beginners?"

Hector looked around for anyone to speak. But no one did. Until The Eye of Wisdom spoke"I have few books in my collection. If you will wait for a little bit I will be back."

He then stood up and went through the door to another room. After a few minutes, he returned with four books and put them on the table.

"These books should be what you are looking for. I can sell them to you for 300 pounds."

"Agreed," Hector spoke and paid the attendant another 300 pounds.

When he received them he did not start to look through them but put them next to himself.

Then he listened to the remaining transactions until someone spoke"I heard there is trouble in East borough. Some gang members were found dead. Which on its own would be nothing special but they were found in different gang territories and some people started to speak about gang wars."

Gang wars, Is it because of me? Where did I had left Street rats gangster body? Hopefully, it is unrelated to me. I haven't prepared enough to destroy the Street rats yet. I should ask Kaspars he is also a broker of information so he should know something.

"Gang wars will only bring misery to the people living in the East borough." Eye of Wisdom spoke while shaking his head.

When the gathering came to a conclusion people started to leave, one by one separated by three minutes. When Hector received the signal he stood up and guided by the attendant, left the activity room, and went to the door.

When he exited through the kitchen he saw Kaspars standing there. "So you made it in one piece."

Hector looked him over he could swear that he saw Kaspars slightly tremble.

"I would like to buy a custom-made holster," Hector spoke, ignoring Kaspar's statement.

"Did you already break the last one?" Kaspars asked expectantly as he sold him one only recently.

"No, I need one that can hold more weapons. To be more specific one revolver is on the left side. Hammer on right. And on the back another hammer and dagger. Ideally, holders on the back could be locked and unlocked for easy access to take weapons out. I have brought a useful item." Hector spoke in length so there would be no mistakes. And at the end gave him an explanation to not seams to weird.

"It can be arranged but it will take a few days. Come back in three and if it will be done you can take it and if not I should know more precisely when it will be finished. Of course, you need to pay in advance for some of it as custom-made holsters are harder to make. One pound now and rest we will negotiate later."

When they finished Hector left Braveheart's bar and boarded a carriage and went home.

When he was sitting in the carriage he was playing with his ring and found out that there is a crack in it. But when he passed his finger on it he felt no damage on it.

Interesting. He thought as he waited until he arrived at the villa.
