
Lord of Identities

When Soha the Human Sovereign perishes, his soul fractures into three fragments, dispersing into the River Of Reincarnation. Reborn in different bodies without any memories, they discover a startling reality: Dragons aren't dragons, Demons aren't demons, and Devils aren't devils. Watch as these new beings, a new race known as Possessors, challenge the established rules of existence. As they mold the world in the way they want, They compete against each other for the title of – The Lord of Identities. .... Previous Name: Possessed Identity The power system is complex; just a glimpse: Everybody, including all background characters, has their own unique abilities. There are multiple races in this world, each with a unique cultivation path and power system. People are even more so. Extremely so. The more you read, the more you should understand.

FamishedGod · แฟนตาซี
48 Chs

Soul Devouring

walking for a while through the crowded streets of Barta, Rakshasa soon reached a store with a dim atmosphere and gothic designs

opening the door, there were only three other people inside the store, a middle aged demon male and two twin 10 year old or so Boys

the boys were currently playing with some toys they found, and hearing the noice of the door opening, all three heads turned and the middle aged man flashed a smile while walking towards the door and helping in opening it

and Rakshasa walked in, even as a male, the middle aged man could see that this guy was really handsome,

but not caring about it, he said "Dear customer, what might you need from this humble store?"

Rakshasa mused for a moment before replying,

"I only need thirty ordinary Souls"

"That will be three hundred silver coins, Sir" the middle aged man replied stoicly.

and Rakshasa asked with a bit of doubt and embarrassment."uhmm, I am currently having a financial crises, can you give it to me, I assure you I will pay you back by the evening"

and as he expected, the shop owner's face darkened, but he didn't decline yet, and asked

"How can I trust you?"

300 silver was quite a bit of sum for mortals, it was equivalent to 300 gold coins, how can he waste it? this was big business they were talking about.

so, Rakshasa quickly replied "I am the servant of Lord Land Demon Mann" while also showing a slave seal on his left wrist

of course, this slave seal was now just for show, the one that this seal binded had already died, the current soul inside was completely unbound, as for the body, it too was completely different, he could remove it anytime he wanted, but he kept it there for convenience sake

and seeing this, the shop owner relaxed, and said "Thats fine, but I want you to take an oath by the name of your master and slave seal"

Rakshasa nodded and said "I swear by the name of Great Mann, that I will pay your money by the evening" and the slave seal flashed yellow before it went dim.

Now the shop owner, who was clearly, much more amecable than earlier, smiled and gave him three black small pearls

and said "make sure you keep your words"

and Rakshasa took the things before leaving the shop and reaching an empty alleyway, before he sat calmly and thought "I have to pay his money by the evening, no matter what"

he can't let others know of his slave status being nil, yet.

and the guy even knew his master's name now, as it was written clearly in the seal.

clearing that out of his mind, he looked at one of the small black pearls in his hand, each one contained 10 souls inside.

and looking at it and clearing his guilty conscience, by thinking "these souls are already dead, and even if I didn't eat it, someone else will" then immediately rejecting that notion again, he thought "I don't have to find excuses, You guys are not anyone that I love, nor are you someone special to me, and you can also help me in my ambitions, why should I care more?"

and swallowed a pearl directly, and immediately, he could feel his stomach becoming full, but he beared with it and took out a single soul from the second pearl, and swallowed it again

first Soul Devouring session was what truly put a limit on one's soul to how much soula you can eat a day, and he wanted as much as he could,

so bearing with pain similar to a burning his own soul, he continued eating souls, one by one,

soon he reached a total of 18 and knew instinctively, that if he ate one more, he will die

but just as he was about to stop eating, the golden jade mark on his forehead flashed a pure gold...