
Lord of Identities

When Soha the Human Sovereign perishes, his soul fractures into three fragments, dispersing into the River Of Reincarnation. Reborn in different bodies without any memories, they discover a startling reality: Dragons aren't dragons, Demons aren't demons, and Devils aren't devils. Watch as these new beings, a new race known as Possessors, challenge the established rules of existence. As they mold the world in the way they want, They compete against each other for the title of – The Lord of Identities. .... Previous Name: Possessed Identity The power system is complex; just a glimpse: Everybody, including all background characters, has their own unique abilities. There are multiple races in this world, each with a unique cultivation path and power system. People are even more so. Extremely so. The more you read, the more you should understand.

FamishedGod · แฟนตาซี
48 Chs


The moment the jade mark flashed and calmed, his pain calmed, his mind calmed, his soul calmed along with it...


everything seemed to become clearer, his soul was now so calm calculative and meticulous, No other mortal, even cultivators of lower ranks, could hope to ever achieve this state.

but not thinking of anything much after the third second, he ran, ran to that soul store as fast as he could,


he didn't know what state he was in, but he knew, this was a tremendous opportunity

so he ran with all his might and reached the soul store soon enough and barged in without delay, and the same middle aged shop owner turned toward him with a frown

and seeing him, he asked "What happened?" stoicly.

and to that, Rakshasa replied "give me 100, NO, 200 more souls, it's for the Lord Land Demon, I will pay you back within a week completely, I swear on my slave seal and Great master"

Frowning, The shop Owner said, Still quite calm

"I only have 130 remaining, and that will be 13 gold coins, are you sure you can pay me back?"

he swore again.

and the shop owner handed him 13 soul pearls, it was straightforward and simple

if he wasn't a servant of a cultivator, he would have had to face schemes and robbery attempts, but he was a servent, atleast in other's eyes

so, collecting the pearls, Rakshasa left the shop calmly, and after some distance, ran again,

soon reaching the empty alley,

reaching here he sat in the lotus position and stared at a soul pearl and without thinking much, opening his mouth, which shone a slight gold in its depth,

he ate it whole

but the axpected pain didn't come, and fearing the state to end, he bravely ate the rest of the soul pearls, and just as he ate the last one,

the golden shine in the depths of his soul, finally dimmed, and he went out of the 'Calm State'

but that was not enough time, the pain that wasn't yet over, completely assaulted him again,

but surprisingly, due to it only lasting for 2 seconds, he survived...

...Barely, even though he fell unconscious, he was still alive.

but after this life or death situation, and in his first soul Devouring session, He had ate a total of 160 souls, a number that now represented his daily soul limit, a number so high, a talent so high, it was unprecedented,

the previous highest had only been 39.

and with 160 daily, his whole path might have changed, of course he still needed a cultivation technique and path to reach even rank 1 in cultivation, but as for strength equal to that

He just needed to eat souls for a while....