
Lord Of Ancient Magic

Eran was an ordinary man living in the modern earth, one day he transported to another world and noticed that he had given a good system and power. It seems that every kind of ancient knowldege can be used as magic and the knowledge that he have from earth counts as Ancient Knowledge and Magic.

Krizantem · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Plans For Prisoner - Chapter 11

Natevir, Big Man, and Disgusting Woman stopped at the same time, looking at the dead body of Dark Abomination, then Eran. Natevir, this time, gulped and commented.

"He is not an adept-level mage, he is a mage at the level of an expert." We are in big trouble. "

As he said these words, Disgusting Woman and Big Man started running towards the forest, not caring about anything or the battle at all.

A mage capable of destroying Dark Abomination using only a curse spell, at the very least, a mage at the level of "Expert Level", has no power against a man at this level at all.

If they tried to fight against this man, they would be dead without understanding how they died.

Eran looked at Arimo and asked.

"Is catching them alive worth anything ?"

Arimo came to himself and shook his head.

Eran nodded and then looked at the Big Man and the Disgusting Woman as he whispered.

"Curse – Fire Shackles (In Latin)"

"Curse – Fire Shackles (In Latin)"

After Eran finished his whisper, the Big Man and the Disgusted Woman dropped on the ground. A chain made of fire completely shackled them, and within seconds later, they burned to the crisp.

These two did not even have the chance to scream at all.

Eran turned his head and looked at Netavir as he spoke.

"One movement from you and you will be encountering a death that is more painful than how these two died."

Natevir froze. He could not say anything or move at all. Not because of a spell. He was scared shitless. The distance between him and the mysterious enemy mage was about twenty meters, and the distance between himself and Lorno, the Big Man, and Eria, the Disgusting Woman (Real Names), was only five meters.

He could smell their bodies; it smelt like burned meat, which is what they are right now.

He did not doubt that if by any chance he moved or did something, worse things than what his friends had encountered would happen to him.

He did not want this. Being killed is one thing, being tortured to death is another.

Eran looked at the three young mages and started speaking.

"You said that you do not need these dark mages alive, so it should be no problem if I take this dark mage for myself, right ?"

Lia and Alimer looked at each other and were about to say something, but Arimo started speaking first.

"Of course, you can take it as your prisoner, but please do not try to experiment on him. Killing dark mages is okay, but doing an experiment on him is no different than being a dark mage, and it would classify you as a dark mage too."

Eran nodded and spoke.

"It would be best if you three young mages did not tell anyone about me when you were going to report to your organization."

Arimo shook his head and answered.

"I am sorry, but it is not possible. When we go back to our organization, they will use spells to find out what happened and how things went as proof we did complete our mission."

Eran took a deep breath and nodded.

"Okay then, you people can go."

As his words ended, three young mages entered the forest, leaving Eran and Netavir alone.

Eran smiled as he looked at Netavir and whispered.

"Sleep (In Latin)"

With his whisper, Netavir dropped to the ground.