

The next day Jimin woke up sore from the training with Shira he had a hard time getting out of bed, but he forced himself up after a while. He went into his bathroom Brushing his teeth and showering like usual. After He went into his closet putting on a Black sweater, along with a black suit jacket, with his channel necklace, with white pants, and Black dress shoes, these were all clothes he had designed recently so they were not being sold at Glory Clothing yet.

After he finished dressing, he walked over to his glasses putting them on before heading outside hopping in the backseat of his car, telling the driver to head to the hospital he figured he should visit Daniel since he was his close friend. Once he got there, he looked at Daniel for a while talking to him telling him all the things that happened in the three months that he was gone, after he finished talking to Daniel, he stared at him for a while before finally leaving and heading to school.

When He walked in class, he had noticed that Logan was hanging around Zoe a lot which was weird to him, but he also knew he didn't dictate who people hung around, after looking at them for a brief second, he went to his seat. After a while of sitting there he decided he was going to sleep he may be the head of a branch of the most famous clothing branch and the successor, but he wasn't going to be that person in school especially if it was that boring all the time he thought as he put his head down.

While he was resting, he heard arguing so he looked up to see Zack and Logan about to come to blows. He smirked evilly "This will be good." He said quietly to himself while slightly chuckling. Suddenly as things were about to get serious Zoe budded in pulling Logans arm into her chest saying "Logan, Stop it. Let's go to the cafeteria. Don't be mean to logan." This caught Jimin off guard when he heard Zoe say this "He must be doing something. there is no way she actually cares about this guy." Jimin thinks to himself.

After school was over Jimin instructed his driver to head to Jin's job so he could get to the bottom of everything none of this made sense to him, when he walked in, he didn't see Jin but he saw his boss. "Where is Jin Sir." He asked the man politely. "No clue he hasn't been to work for days." Jimin bowed respectfully "Thank you." he said as he walked out of the store. He got in the back of his car. "Head to Jin's home." he instructed his driver who nodded in response, He walked to Jin and Daniels door and knocked but no answer.

He was annoyed now he was tired of looking for Jin where the hell was, he did he vanish out of thin air. He quickly got in his car "Head to Jin's mothers house." he says as he gives the driver the directions. When he got there, he saw Crystal slap Jin he walked over to them "Jin what the hell is going on where have you been. And Crystal why the hell are you here?" She looked scared of Jimin at first before regaining her composure "I'm telling your friend what a piece of trash he is." Jimin looked at her puzzled "Ok? But why is he trash?"
