
Lookism [Masterpiece]

A guy gets reincarnated into Lookism as Daniel Park, come and read how he will throw hands with anyone cause he isn't the pussy the protagonist was. An Au Lookism fanfiction, so some minor things might be different but the essence is that. the protagonist will change the plot for sure so you can even suggest something. Don't expect the Mc to be always serious! he wants to enjoy his life. tags: No: Smut, yuri, yaoi, weak mc, simp, system. Yes: Action, fast growth to overpowered, romance? Yes but realistic! Good read.

Kqro · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
42 Chs

Chapter 17: Crystal

As promised here the extra Chapter, please subscribe to my Patreon if you want to support me 🫡

Patreon: Kqro's works

Good read!


"The harder you fall, the heavier your heart; the heavier your heart, the stronger you climb; the stronger you climb, the higher your pedestal."

- Criss Jami


(Lill Daniel Pov:)

It's currently late evening, nearly night, the sky was becoming dark while the sun was escaping from my view, i was currently looking at a poster attacked on a pole, this poster was an add from my school, they were inviting people at the festival.

Now thinking about it, i still haven't talked with Duke.. i struggled my shoulders, i have dealt with Vin already, so he will not bully Duke anymore or imma clap him again.

It's crazy that I've reincarnated before gta 6.."Haha.." i laughed with little sadness, i really miss my sister and family, yeah we sometimes had some arguments but it's life, and deep down i deeply care for them, but now I'm here and i have no way to come back.

Hehe.. my friends gonna be sad as fuck hahah, especially that ben 10 nerd Momo, who knows what he is doing now, he was the one with the most knowledge about fiction all over our friend group but his memory was trash "hahah".

Talking about memory.. thanks to these boons i remember perfectly the parts that i read about the ptj lore, but i almost know nothing of manager kim or questism, who know what stats i have.

Fuck! There's mana drain too.. i need to deal with the north, i will send jinho....

Sike! I'm not doing the classic villain mistake, i will go there myself and go all out, no room for arrogance, i want to see what happens when i kill a system user.

I'm currently walking towards the shop where the canon fat Daniel worked, since tomorrow it's the festival, this means that Duke will be there ad probably Jinho too since the two are friends.

Yes friends, i don't know how, but it happened, oh! Yeah, there will be Crystal too, i want to meet her and mess with her, who knows, she might call Gun!

A smile appeared on my face, we can fight sooner! "Gahahah!" With excitement i ran towards the shop.


I came and see the duo drinking while chatting with each other, i looked at Duke and my brows raise, he lost weight! Not much but i can see the difference, he is less ugly too.

Incredible how this world works, you just need to train and you will become more handsome, the two noticed me and Jinho waved: "Yo!" I smiled and dapped this nigga up, i don't know how, but this mf learned some black habits.

"What's up man." He said and i dapped the dazed Duke too while sitting down and taking some chips from Jinho: "Nothing bro, just wanted to chill around, i see that you're with Duke, exited for tomorrow?" I talked while filling my mouth of chips, i love them.

Jinho nodded while hiding the chips away, bastard! He looked at Duke and said: "Yeah, we were talking about wich song he wanted to rap." This made the rapper scratch his head in embarrassed, i smiled and said: "That's cool, when you will become famous let me meet some models!" I said while laughing, i was joking about the models obviously.

Duke looked at me surprised and slowly nodded, Jinho elbowed him lightly while making a head movement thus waking him up: "Yes! I will!" I shook my head, he still needs to work on his mentality.

"I see that you've begun to train, well done." I complimented him while Jinho raised his chest with pride, I'm sure he helped, Duke looked surprised since no one noticed it but i was able to since I'm cool as fuck.

"Yeah, I've been training with the help of Jinho, he has been really helpful." Like i thought, i looked at Jinho who was scratching his nose arrogantly, he is becoming even more cocky the more time passes, yeah i should send him to someone strong, so he will learn his lesson.

I looked at Duke and said: "Good, so you can train with us too, you will need a good appearance if you want to rise even higher on the rapper industry, and some strength is necessary too, let's not talking about the trill of fighting." I said with stars on my eyes, it's always like this when i talk about fighting.

Duke begins to sweat while Jinho is looking at him with a look of pity, Duke fate is already sealed, I looked up down the road and see Crystal coming towards the shop, i smile and get up.

"Guys i have something to do, see you tomorrow." I walk away while waving at them, the two nodded and continued their conversation, while i make my way towards Daddy's precious Daughter.

I lower my presence and enter inside the shop after her, she was walking around when she stopped and raised her hand to take a packet of chips, i grinned and took them before her, surprising her.

She looked at me with my grinning face and said: "I was taking them." She frowned in annoyance, i struggled and responded: "Too slow, now they are mine." Her frown depened while i walked away.

She decided to ignore me and reach for another packet, and guess what happened? Hehe, i grabbed that too, she glared at me, her face being filled with veins, i swear i saw her taking the 'help me daddy mahoraga' pose.

She took a deep breath and looked at me: "What do you want? Are you hitting at me?" She asked while getting on a fighting stance, i shook my head and make the classic ptj Korean funny face: "Hell nahh you ugly as fuck!" This stunned her while i turned and walked away.

She looked around asking herself if this was a prank, i sincerely feel sorry for her, i just want to piss off Gun but i need her help for that, i will ask for forgiveness another time.

She then calmed down and reached for the last packet of chips and i just grabbed them again, her eyes become red in rage, she took a boxing stance and threw a straight towards my smiling face.

What happened after? Nothing i just dodged, leaving an after image behind, the image head got blown leaving the fading body, she looked around in surprise not expecting this level of speed, then a voice came behind her on her ear: "Dooon't move, before i clap that." Her body trembled and she immediately sprinted outside towards the parked car.

I laughed loudly while walking out, i looked over and saw her talking to a man dressed in black with sweat all over her face, the man was tall, with black hair and dark glasses on, his body was emanating an impressive aura.

I smiled crazily while looking at the man i have been waiting for all of this time, no Diddi.



I had fun writing this chapter, as you can see I've been trying to improve the dialogues and descriptions, tell me what you think!!

If we reach 250 stones before monday i will drop another extra Chapter!!!


End of the chapter

Author Out!

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