

Jerome Burns has it all. A wife owns a company and is rich. When Jerome went for a canoe and got washed by a waterfall, all that changed. And now he is lost in the forest in Alaska and all he has is his journal and a few rations in his backpack. Will he survive in the dangerous environment, or will he give it all up to die alone?


So, this is weird. This is my first time writing a journal or so to speak. My friend, Todd, gave me this notebook this morning when he came by my job about things going because it helps me keep my temper down. I have a temper issue, and I had to go to a therapist named Ms. Evans about writing a journal. She said this will help me deal with stress, but I don't buy it. It's just a way of saying take my money when you have a problem with my paycheck. I work at a company called Alaska seafood. I co-manage the foods for storage and make sure everything is smooth. Every time one of my workers messes one up, I get crazy mad at them and suspend them for not working. After that, people started to hate me, saying harsh things about me, calling me fat, and mocking me to lose some. I guess in my mind I deserve everything that they're saying, and they can be right, I am fat, and I do need to think of losing weight. Damn, I knew I shouldn't eat those crabs in the storage room, but I couldn't stop myself from eating them every day. I love crabs since the moment I work here, It's just so damn good. I got mad at them for what they were saying over time, and I just flipped out, flipping all the boxes and foods laying down. Later I told myself to breathe and told everyone to go back and work and I'll take care of the things I mess with. Erika was thoughtful and helped me throw the boxes in the trash and wash all the food juice. She told me to ignore them trying to get in my head. I didn't know why she was kind to me. I treated her like nothing, never spoke to me before until now. I told her thanks and left early today, I had to since she was nice to me and helpful. She waves at me and leaves, leaving me and my toned. Hours passed by and it was dark and the factory closed on the way home.

I open the gate of my house and I hate to brag about it but it's huge. But not big or like a mansion, just a large house full of pawns and brushes around it, nothing fancy really, just a big house. We also have neighbors too, not like a Bel Air type of neighborhood, and we never talked to them, it seems they are always busy or don't want to know. I'm not pulling up a race card, but this is a white neighborhood so there is no one here who fits our type, y' know? I opened the door and saw Emma giving me a face and I looked at her like we were having a staring contest. We never spoke to each other until dinner when she usually said "How was your day?" or "Did you bring any seafood?" but it wasn't normal to talk, like a new tone of "Andre the giant" to me. I told her what was wrong and said nothing except I'm fine and told me that Todd is helping her be fit. After that, We stay silent, put on our pajamas, and went to sleep separately.

This is my first story and I have a lot more to go and I hope whoever is reading like my story and stick around for more.

Aaron_Kiroscreators' thoughts