
Chapter 01

Narrator's POV

"Oh man, let me tell you," As soon as Lilly stepped her foot in the university she had been passionately venting her college frustrations as she and Loki made their way through the bustling university campus. "This place is like a treasure trove of characters, and on top of that, there's this girl who's currently the star of my annoyance show. You see, officially, she's my friend, but goodness gracious, she has this incredible talent for being incredibly foolish and, well, utterly useless."

Loki chuckled, fully aware of Lilly's knack for storytelling. "Go on," he encouraged, knowing that once Lilly started venting, there was no stopping her.

Lilly leaned in closer, her voice dripping with exasperation. "She is such a mean girl. It's like she has a radar for finding opportunities to serve her own interests. It's almost impressive how dedicated she is to the 'me, myself, and I' cause!"

Loki raised an eyebrow, pretending to be engrossed in her tale while his mind wandered to unsettling feeling creeping into his surroundings.

"Are you even listening to me?" Lilly suddenly asked, snapping him back to the present.

" Of course, Lilly, I've been listening to your tales of college drama with the same dedication as a sloth trying to break the world record for the slowest marathon," Loki replied, feigning interest.

Lilly rolled her eyes, accustomed to Loki's tendency to get lost in his thoughts. " Leave it. I know, since today is your first day of college, you wouldn't understand even a single thing. After spending days inside this college, you will understand me."

As they continued their conversation, Lilly suddenly interrupted herself, her tone shifting dramatically. " Hey, look! She's coming. "

She pointed dramatically down the bustling college corridor, indicating the very subject of her earlier rant.

Loki turned to follow her finger and, he saw a girl entering the scene with all the flair of a runway model strutting her stuff. This girl was on a mission to make an entrance, and she had all the equipment to do it justice.

First, there were those black ankle strap heels that could double as percussion instruments with their clicking sounds. Her legs seemed to stretch on for miles, and the white flowy dress clung to her hourglass figure like it was custom-tailored by a celestial fashion designer. To top it all off, she sported a white pearl necklace that looked like it belonged in the Smithsonian, and a deep red bag that could have been a hidden portal to Narnia.

Loki's heart did a triple axel in his chest when she stopped right in front of him, and then, to make matters more intriguing, a cloud of scent enveloped him.

' Mate '

His inner wolf howled with glee, shouting, in his mind.

The mysterious beauty shifted her sunglasses from her eyes to the top of her head, fluttered her eyelashes, and graced him with a smile that could melt ice caps.

" Hey Lilly, I am really sorry for yesterday's party. I just forgot to drop you at your home safely "

She apologized sincerely to Lilly for some party-related mishap, her sweet voice weaving a seductive spell that left Loki lost in her mesmerizing eyes and bewitched by her scent. However the mysterious beauty seemingly ignored Loki's presence entirely.

" No, problem Monica I asked Tabitha to drop me " Lilly, ever the supportive friend, continued chatting, completely aware of Loki's awe-struck expression.

" Oh but sorry again. " Monica replied to Lilly while taking a glance over Loki from sideways.

" It's ok, here take your notes. " Lilly immediately handed a paperback to Monica and smiled.

" Thank you so much Li, you are such a darling. Let's go to the class now" Monica sighed in relief after getting the notes from her.

" You go, I will come in a minute " Lilly excused and nudged Loki to make him stop from staring at Monica.

Once the paperback notes exchange had occurred, Monica made her exit with the precious notes clutched close to her chest, leaving Lilly to breathe a sigh of relief and Loki to continue staring blankly into space.

" Did you see? She is such a bish " Lilly turned around to see Loki who was filled in joy finding his mate on the first day of college." Oh my gwash Loki stop looking at her ass!!! "

Loki snapped out from his staring gaze on Monica's retracing back. " Lol! I wasn't looking at her ass. Don't make my mind dirty already. "

" Thanks me later " She winked.

" Yeah, yeah but you were so angry with her, so why did you let her go so easily without a cat fight? "

He gave a questioning look and Lilly smirked at him.

" Because she's my friend, and she did all that because of that idiot. "

" What do you mean? She forgot to drop you because of which idiot? "

" Don't you look very much interested about her? "

" What! A few minutes ago you were complaining about not paying attention to your talks and now you... Uff you girls " Loki shook his head.

" Shut up and leave it. Now i don't wanna talk."

Lilly huffed in annoyance and started walking fast ahead of him towards their lecture class.

Loki followed her and matched her racing foot step to reach the class. " It's ok babe. Now I am here so I will pick and drop you personally anywhere and anytime but just don't forget to take me with you whenever and wherever you go on this planet " Loki offered, making her chuckle upon him.

" Sure but don't call me that I hate that babe word."

Both entered the lecture room and sat down on the last row taking the seats near to each other.

Loki couldn't resist the urge to sneak a peek at the front row, where Monica sat with her group of studious friends, their notebooks practically glowing with academic enthusiasm.

Meanwhile, the rest of the students were scattered around like a confused game of musical chairs. Some were standing, some sitting on desks, and others seemed to be engaged in a heated debate over the cafeteria's best burger joint, creating a cacophonous atmosphere reminiscent of a jungle filled with chatty animals.

However, Loki's keen eyes had a knack for spotting the supernatural amidst the mundane. He discreetly noticed a few extraordinary beings hiding in plain sight among the students. It felt like he had stumbled onto the set of a high school supernatural TV show, complete with werewolves, vampires, and witches masquerading as ordinary students. He half-expected someone to whip out a crystal ball out of the blue.

But back to the present, Lilly, his ever-vigilant friend, was clearly not amused by his lingering gaze on Monica. She leaned in closer and hissed, " Stop looking at her! I don't like the attention you're giving! "

Loki's mischievous grin only widened as he teased, " Why, Lilly? Are you jealous, my BFF? " His inner wolf was practically doing cartwheels in his mind, screaming, 'My mate!'

"Jealous and me?" Lilly scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Dude, let me make this crystal clear. You're about to enter a realm where stunning gals with more curves than a rollercoaster are as common as pigeons in the park, especially the ones who are flying solo. You'll be so gobsmacked that your jaw will need a seatbelt! And hey, let's not forget, you might need a few upgrades to even come close to my standards."

" Oh really? "

" Yes and -------"

Before Lilly could finish her sentence, the classroom's atmosphere shifted as Miss Bennet, the teacher, entered the room. It was as if a spotlight had suddenly been turned on, and all the students scrambled to get into their seats.

Following an unspoken script, the front row students, including Monica and her studious friends, greeted Miss Bennet in perfect unison, " Good Morning, Miss Bennet. " Miss Bennet, in return, graced them with a sweet smile that could have rivalled the warmth of the sun.

Addressing the entire class, she said, " Good morning to all of you! " Silence washed over the room, like someone had pressed the mute button on a chaotic sitcom.

With a flourish, Miss Bennet unfolded a piece of paper in her hand and called out, Loki Laufeyson ! " It was as if she had just summoned a character into the story.

Lilly, true to her role as the best friend, nudged Loki, who promptly stood up and replied, " Yes, Madam! " Suddenly, every set of eyes in the room was trained on him, including Monica's, who looked at him with a mix of surprise and confusion. How could she not recognize him? He had transformed from a cheeky schoolboy to a chiseled Adonis since the days when he swiped her precious crown and disappeared into the abyss. He was the one who took the crown made by her in the school days and never returned it. That was the first achievement in her life that out of all the students Miss Kimberly the perfectionist selected the crown made by her but after he lost it she chose another one.

After that she cursed him so hard in her mind that suddenly he disappeared from the school. Lilly told her that his father got a job in another estate.

Whatever, who cares!!

Still, his sudden reappearance was an enigma she couldn't quite decipher. Lilly, her loyal friend, was the one who seemed genuinely intrigued by his return, but Monica couldn't bring herself to share that fascination.

Meanwhile, Miss Bennet beamed with delight at having Loki back in her class. " Would you like to introduce yourself? " she asked him politely, as if he were a long-lost prodigal son.

Loki seized the moment with a charismatic grin, " Yeah! I'm Loki Laufeyson. I transferred from Atlanta University. My hobbies are football, baseball, basketball..."

But before he could finish his introduction, someone in the class couldn't resist making a teasing remark, " Whoah! Too much into balls! "

The room erupted in laughter, with Miss Bennet graciously choosing to ignore the comment. " Welcome to the college in the middle of the session, Loki. You have quite a bit of syllabus to catch up on, so feel free to ask me or consult your friends if you have any. "

Loki nodded politely and took his seat, once again sneaking a furtive glance at Monica, who was back to engrossing herself in the lecture. Her studious front-row companions seemed immune to the chaos that unfolded behind them.

While some students had resorted to sleeping through the class, others engaged in an elaborate game of desk nudging to while away the time. Lilly, in a commendable yet futile effort, attempted to grasp the lecture's content before eventually succumbing to a nap.

As the class finally came to a close, Loki overheard Miss Bennet sternly handing out detentions to the students who had been relentless in making obnoxious remarks throughout the lecture. This was his chance to get closer to his mate.

With a playful poke at Lilly, he quipped, " You can wake up now, sleepyhead! "

As Loki gently teased Lilly about her unintentional nap during the lecture, she playfully retorted, " Okay, okay, I'm not sleeping. " She lifted her head from the desk, giving a dramatic yawn for effect, and casually closed her biology notebook.

Loki, however, wasn't about to let her off the hook so easily. With a grin, he couldn't resist pointing out the obvious, " Don't lie, Lilly. You opened your biology notebook in the middle of a chemistry class, and you were sleeping on top of that. "

Lilly, ever quick with her wit, responded with a mischievous wink, " Well, I wanted to be a little creative by learning biochemistry. " Her playful justification earned a chuckle from Loki, who couldn't help but appreciate her sense of humor.

As the two friends bantered back and forth, Loki noticed that Monica had vanished from his immediate view. Curiosity piqued, he decided to follow Lilly as she headed towards their lockers, intending to grab their books for the next period.

As they reached the row of lockers, Lilly suddenly couldn't contain her excitement. Her eyes widened with glee, and she practically bubbled over with enthusiasm. " OMG, Loki, look at what you got! "

Loki furrowed his brow in bewilderment, his curiosity now fully engaged. " What? " he asked, eager to uncover the mystery that had Lilly practically jumping with anticipation.

With whom would you like to pair up Loki? Lilly or Monica? Comment below fast.

Mridula_05creators' thoughts