
Step 1.1


??? Pov


These humans. They set a trap.

I limped trying to escape while my optic dangled.

I saw Optimus in his flight gear. He was coming for me.

I need to escape- I got shot several times by the kinetic weaponry of the soldiers on my chassis torso right into one of my photonic processors dedicated to my movement ability. A part of my kinesthesia was lost. The movement was slightly altered. I tried to limp by using my right leg mainly.

I was shot once again into my left arm in the area that had held excess ammo for my AstroMag Cannon. It exploded all of my left arm.

"Scrvgjdubbjjhhh!" I screeched. These humans were biologically weak and somewhat stupid compared to some other species I had seen. Logic dictates that. The same way I have seen worse than them. But they were too adaptable. Feeling unbridled fear that was directed at me. Trying to quench it by killing me. The paradoxical logic of emotions itself.

The survivability of cockroaches and the fighting prowess of millions of insects working together to kill an elephant. They made me feel an illogical emotion that I hadn't felt for decades, Terror.

No… I didn't feel terror, That would go against logic itself. I could feel the fact that I was making mistakes because of so many unknown variables to consider. My damaged photonic calculators were making it sufficiently more complex to make correct calculations. I had wrongly substituted my mistakes as terror.

By the minds of humans and the might of an autobot. I should've had more processing power and intelligence. Why did I fall for this trap?

Logic dictates mistakes. I made mistakes. I underestimated them. An eye for an eye feels too… insufficient. I killed millions. My life is not worth millions. It's worth 1. A very valuable 1, but still 1. Logic can be very simple sometimes.

I fired my SlingShock at Optimus. I missed all the shots. He punched through my abdomen.

"Shockwave!!!" Optimus yelled as he put me in a choke hold.

Optimus ripped my optic and core processor out. Damaging my spark in the process.

My mind was going blank. I saw a swirl of impossible colors. Then an eye. Then a hand plucked me out of my metallic chassis placing me... somewhere.

Then, I, Shockwave, Had died. I felt a fleeting sense of interest and amusement as I blanked out to the eternal slumber.


??? Pov


I woke up.

I was… Shockwave/Bruce Wayne/Alexander Cask/Anthony Edwork Stark.

I was basked in a pool of knowledge. I was being crammed full of kills/Abilities/Life experiences of 3 distinct people.

Anthony E. Stark, The Iron Man. An extremely smart billionaire, philanthropist, and playboy.

Bruce Wayne, The Batman. Also an extremely smart billionaire.

And Alexander Cask, A Nobody. He was smart compared to normal humans. But he wasn't as mostrously genius as we… are.

The information assimilated and I had been put into this meat body. I immediately used the techniques Bruce Wayne used to keep himself calm.

Who did this to us? I do not believe anyone will do this just because.

Is there a God? No. Most likely, an alien civilization was initiating travel between universes and an accident occurred. Which displaced our memories into this body... Which does not explain the eye and the hand... I will not believe in a God until it can be scientifically proven that millions of other scenarios are not the explanation for this abnormal phenomenon. Logic is the only thing I will pray to, not some extraterrestrial being with irregular powers.

I repressed all the inefficient emotions that weren't needed for now, Bruce was a help in that area and so many more. I had respect for someone so… efficient? His no-kill rule and ethics still make him extremely inefficient. It also made his… villains? Commit grievous crimes where a lead pellet to the brain would have solved everything.

I could still respect him either way. Nothing I could say will make it better anyway. I didn't have the moral high ground. Never had after I had turned into Shockwave.

Seeing your life being played like a movie was an interesting experience.

I got out of my bed and walked through the small apartment towards my wardrobe. I could smell the garbage and hear gunshots outside my apartment. Brockton Bay was a… shithole like Alexander always said. Didn't make it better that I lived in one of the worse parts of the city.

I chose a gray colored t-shirt with a black jacket. I didn't like jeans, neither did Bruce or Tony, So I wore dark tea green colored pants. Alexander would have said 'That we had no fashion sense'. Tony would have smirked and bought his house and repainted it pink, Bruce would have said that he preferred his business outfits, and I would- no, Will throw out almost everything to make room for my type of fashion. Well, more like the schematic designs I like.

Dark and edgy. As Alex would say.

My favorite colors were purple, black, and pale blue. Typical villain colors. Ironic was the fact that I was one. Logic dictates that small-scale likes and dislikes that do not reprimand my efficiency are passable.

I took all the money I had and then put on my shoes. I got outside and then locked the door. Even though I didn't have much that could be stolen, I didn't want an unsanitized thief leaving a mess in our-… My apartment. Diseases and bad hygiene were very deadly killers for organic lifeforms.

I started walking towards the bay's central library. I needed more information on capes. I needed to start my plans. And for that I needed resources. Resources I didn't have available to me.

It was interesting being human. I felt a lot of things I didn't like, attraction to women (Or 'Goth Dommy Mommies' as Alex would have said), confusion about my purpose for being here, and fear as a side effect of confusion. A lot of emotions that I had thought were inefficient but couldn't completely get rid of. Well, Not yet at the very least. At least logic was a universal feature.

It was a weird fact that I was the main entity who was chosen to be the controller of this body while all the others were assimilated. Tony would have been a better choice.

I will not complain.

I also had a sense of… self-pity. I… I shouldn't feel pitful, I had a plan. I was fine. That was probably an error on my part. The emotion was probably envy or some self-deprecating amusement of my death on my part. Yes, That was more logical.

I thought of this universe. It was a… depressing one. So many villains and so few heroes. And the Endbringers. They were a threat, obviously.

I had no way of killing them, yet.

Powers- How did I gloss over that fact?

I had a trigger event, I had a cape power. It was… hmm, cape powers don't get names, do they? They are given classifications.

Well, I could very well be a Tinker because of my knowledge. But, my power was a Thinker one. It could be described as a 'Supernatural Mind'.

Passively, I had an absurd and illogical amount of processing power, multitasking capability, problem-solving skills, hyper-awareness, etc which is comparable to computers that I had only thought of as almost possible. Even my cybertronian body didn't have that much processing prowess. I do not know how such amounts of processing power a normal human brain possesses, But I will find it out. But the main and most interesting thing was my 'Tinker specialty learning' ability.

I could basically 'copy' tinker specialties. It was not literally copying. More like learning from their powers… It was a glorified form of copying.

"Hey, man! You okay?"

I looked at the man. He was a normal-looking black teenager. Somewhat good looking, But Completely unremarkable. I then realized the fact that I had been staring blankly at the entrance of the library for 5 minutes straight. Staying completely still like a statue. 

"No, I was just lost in thought." I told him the truth.

"Ok, man." He said in a… weird tone. He then started walking away while glancing at me.

My processing power and supernatural intuition acted. I extrapolated, deduced, made corrections, revised, deleted information that was illogical or needed extreme amounts of citations, extrapolated more, and did it all again until I hit a limit.

He was pitying me, He thought I was a schizophrenic. The first day I went out and people were already thinking that I was mentally challenged. Not terrible.

I went inside and walked to the history section and took out all the ones with the most interesting titles.

I then went to an empty computer and booted it up. It was very slow and made me want to eradicate myself. Mostly because I knew I could completely rebuild it into a much better one without anything but the PC and monitor.

I went to the PHWiki and read every page that was useful right now while also reading some pages for the global scene. I still stuck to mostly Brockton Bay.

I then opened a new account on PHO. It was the… Reddit? Of this universe.

It told me to choose a name, I chose Shockwave. It didn't have any hidden meaning. It was the name I was given as a cybertronian and I will keep it. Bruce would have said that it had sentimental value to me. His almost terrifying amount of psychological knowledge made it easier to see the psychological states of things.

I did like the sound of Shockwave. It also didn't give away my powers if I used it as my cape name.

I scrolled through the message boards, most being weird. I also found out that most parahuman-related sites can be accessible straight from PHO. That was a time saver. Most of the threads were useless. Even though I filtered it to only show boards for BB.

Until I came across an interesting one.

♦ Topic: Analysis and list of Armsmaster's TinkerTech

In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay ► Capes

Tinker's Hoarder (Original Poster) (Wiki Warrior)

Posted On Apr 18th 2010:

Ok, we have another new thread for Armsmasters TinkerTech to pick over. Lots of new stuff here, so I'm making a new thread to handle the analysis so the main threads don't get clogged.

Reminder of the guidelines:

This is a technical analysis of Armsmaster only. No speculation of consequences. No debates about shipping. If you want to put forward a tinfoil hat theory at least back it up with something, and posts with content only. Let's not have six pages of reactions and memes.

Hmm, there were a lot of threads on Armsmasters tech but all of them are threadlocked. I guess they created a new one.

I scrolled through the comments finding most of them had been entirely banned. I closed the thread. I kept scrolling but found nothing. I turned the computer off and left the library after reading the books on history. Most of them were the same as Alex's own knowledge of history. There were some interesting facts there.

There wasn't much I could do. So, I did some shopping. After returning to my apartment I just thought.

What should I do? I can't be independent because of resource restrictions. I can't make a laser rifle with a toaster. But I can cannibalize a toaster to get some parts and use a hair dryer, vacuum cleaner, and some body spray to make a chemical propellant weapon. They'll be terrible though.

So I made up my mind. I changed into a purple hoodie, dark gray pants, and white shoes. I looked like a weirdo but at least It contrasted well with my black hair and greenish eyes.

After locking my door I started walking towards my destination. A computer store to get a good computer. I needed to get a job to get my idea of a company running. But before the company, I needed to get some blackmail material. It would be very good for business if I could control my competitors and what better way to get dirt on your competitors than hacking into their systems and getting every single information about them? It would also give me some much-needed funds.

But that starts another problem. I needed to find tinkers for my ability. I could learn a lot from other Tinkers. Seeing powers in use and scanning them could also be very informative. I needed resources for that. I also couldn't make things that would take extensive amounts of maintenance. Logic dictates that it's a waste of resources and very very inefficient.

Side note: About FTL speeds. It's definitely possible. But teleporting is more efficient. I need to get a Space Bridge going. Teleportation powers were rare. I could make a business out of this. It will be especially valuable in Endbringer battles.

I arrived at the hardware store. I looked at the counter. it was a normal human teenager with white skin color. The worse skin color. Black is a better skin color. he was on his primitive communication device, using it for a task that was a waste of time, playing games. I ignored the stupid child's inefficient time use and went to look for parts. looking at every single detail of it and reading everything that was written about it.

After half an hour, I was done.

"I'll take these."

She looked up from her phone and started to scan them all.

I looked around the store. There were a couple of people there. 3 of them were skinheads. The empire's little dogs of recon, war, and everything in between. Almost every cape guide for Brockton Bay for tinkers always said to look out for gang members if you went to buy parts For Their Clarketech endeavors. Of course, they always first recommended to contact the PRT. But I wasn't going to them. I was going to make my own entire empire. An empire made of blood, bodies, blackmail, and brainwashing. Though, The last 2 parts will be normal for my "empire". Of course, I won't name it something as pretentious as The "Azn Bad Boyz" Or The "Empire 88".

It will be my empire of progress. An empire of control to unlock humanity's step towards singularity and Ad Infinitum. A group of common interest for revolution. A... Syndicate.


But first, I need to search for a tinker that can interface with brains or something similar. While I had technology that could interface with machines, It was made for cybertronians. While I can without a doubt outfit my machines for humans, They will need to be miniaturized. For weapons and most utilities, That won't be a problem. Of course, their parts will need to be reconfigured and there will definitely be a loss of destructive capability. But that's normal. The main problem with outfitting my machines for humans would be their brains. While I have some knowledge of biology from the memories Of Bruce Wayne, They weren't the most in-depth. Bruce wasn't as good at biology as he was at mechanical engineering and physics.

While I could very well learn about biology in about... A couple of months. That would take too long. So, Getting a hold of a tinker related to brains or something similar. I could most likely cheat my way to understanding every single thing that this universe's internet can provide. I could also get rid of my emotional weakness with it. If I could.

The only tinker related to brains that I know of right now would be Cranial from Toybox. Toybox was already a treasure trove of tinker specialties to link to. If I can get control of the group and then get new specialties whenever a tinker comes by... I can even splinter the group into different countries with Dodge's dimension tech which would essentially be a tinker safe haven which would mean more recruits or just tinkers on the run which would in turn give me more specialties to work with-

"Sir!" The stupid human- Erm, Girl yelled. I stared at her, She was clearly showing anger for my behavior. The behavior which was leading to a plan of action that was more important than her entire ancestral knowledge and skills combined. I would willingly give her and her entire family as an offering for even one of Toybox's tinker specialties. 

"My apologies, I was lost in thought if it would have been a better idea to get a DragonTech 5000 series processor than the 6000 series. While the 6000 is better I would have only needed the 5000 series for my graphic des-"

"Okay, Just pay attention." She said in an annoyed tone not understanding that a historical event was unfolding before her.

"Yes." I replied.

"Ok sir, That'll be-"

A bastardized dog made of metal crashed through the store. Eviscerating a leg of one of the customers. Everyone including the cashier ran away screaming while Hookwolf ran while howling towards a protectorate hero in an outfit made of essentially American flags who was holding a grenade launcher.

I took my bag with all the parts and all the money that the cash register had. Then I went to the shelf holding some other parts and took everything that I could fit in my two extra... borrowed bags. 

I didn't think I would stumble upon a fight between the protectorate and the empire, But they did give me a great opportunity. With all of these extra components and money, I can try to make monetary gains in the stock market. I can most likely get a small VI created to completely and utterly analyze the stock market and become a shadow god in it.

I started walking towards my apartment. Avoiding all the people and especially the capes. I don't want my borrowed components for the betterment of the human race to get taken away by the self-proclaimed protectors of this city. 

Getting a powerful AI created early will be very helpful. Then I can try to get my company started.



Shockwave Pov


The Hookwolf Vs Protectorate battle was getting huge amounts of views, Not that surprising considering this time the protectorate managed to drive him away before he could kill more than a hundred humans. It only took Miss Militia to shoot 5 rockets per second and heavily damaged Hookwolf with only one of his hands.

The humans of Brocton Bay were especially pleased to see their resident "Kaiser's Little Faggot Cumdump" getting "Penetrated By Her Explosive Flying Dildos So Hard That He Couldn't Walk Straight." Not my words. Those were the words of some human named XxxVoid_CowboyxxX. Who was shortly banned for his less-than-civil language. His creativity was... Fascinating. I cannot figure out how a man can believe that Alexandria was the love child of Scion and Vikare with no proof while also denying the fact that Case 53 weren't sleeper agents of China even with all the proof that exists.

Truly, The line between genius and mental illness is very thin.

The stockmarket VI aptly named "Chrysus" was already created, initialized, and working. Of course, This wasn't the fully formed "Chrysus", This was just a piece of the true AI "Chrysus". The AI that will handle everything related to economics and business. He will bring gold for me and will strike my enemy's economy like a crisis.

Now, I just need to dig for the atrocities of the rich humans that live here and then I can try to contact Toybox for their services. And then so many things to do for progress and logic. I can feel my minds excitement for the operation where I can feel pure unfiltered logic. But, Let's keep that at the back of my supercomputer disguised as a very salty pink mush... I think I felt some sort of... Anxiety? or was that anxiety because of my innate biological fear of mutilation? A thing to keep an eye on before the brain replacement surgery. One objective at a time. One step at a time. 

Until all steps are accomplished and I have complete control of humanity.


A/N: So, Did you like it? If so, leave a review.

This is actually a test to see if anyone likes this. If so, I will continue. But, don't expect any weekly updates. Expect 2 chap every month. I am also thinking about putting a Celestial Forge fanfic draft out.

Also, Shockwave and everyone in the wormverse WILL be OCC. Because I can't perfectly write characters I haven't created or characters who are actually normal human beings. I also suck at writing dialogue and emotional scenes. So, don't expect normal quality stuff. Expect bottom-tier harem anime bullshit and you'll actually feel satisfied with this fic.

Also also, Shockwave is not depressed, he's just feeling empty. And comment if you didn't like the PRT tests. Because I don't know how they do what. I won't read most of your whining though.

ALSO Also also, No, This will not be a harem. There probably will be a love interest though. (Keyword: PROBABLY)

Random Thoughts: So, as I was writing this chap I thought about parents. Specifically, the fact that the All Spark is Shockwave's father. Who impregnates random baddies (Machine Stuff) and then runs away cuz he isn't dealing with child support. So, The all spark canonically

leaves to go get milk and is a massive horn dog.

Don't ask me how I came to this conclusion.

Requests: Please give me tech ideas. Because I am not very smart. Anything you can find. I'll even take propulsion systems for fuck sakes. Also, any type of fiction is open. From anime to books. So yeah, help me

And goodbye

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me! Like it ? Add to library!

CatatonicDroplet_Ecreators' thoughts