

"Mm" Ino woke up refreshed she touched the side to check on Sora but found out it was empty.

"He left?" Ino felt sad

"Who left?" Sora came with just a towel on "Just to let you know you're a very heavy sleeper, I washed you and you didn't even wake up"

Ino blushed and hid her body with the blanket.

Sora smiled at her gesture and Ino eventually released the blanket and sighed.

"Ino?" Ino walked closer to Sora and hugged him.

"Too fast?" She hid her face onto his bare chest.

"I don't think it matters anymore" Sora hugged Ino and sniffed the scent of body.

"I think so too" Ino then let go "I'm gonna get killed, well what do you want for breakfast" Ino decided to just deal with her parents later.

"You" Sora took her lips and the tangled their tongues.

Ino eventually stopped "I'm off the menu for today, maybe next time" Ino then saw that her clothes were neatly arranged on the table but her bra was ripped off.

"About that, since it's still early morning I'm gonna carry you on my back, I also have a feeling you're still sore down there"

"Are you really sure you're my first?"

"I am" Sora smiled and hugged Ino.

The two eventually got dressed and ate or so they thought


As the the sun still had to rise up a couple could be seen with the guy carrying a girl.

"You know I could just walk since there's only a handful of people"

"I just want to carry you" Sora smiled at Ino and tightened his hold.

"Or you just want to feel my breasts again" Ino pressed her chest onto Sora's back.

"I just want to let you know I could take you and do it over there down the alley" Sora teased Ino.

"I dare you" Ino played with Sora.

"Well if you say so"

"You aren't going to do it are you?" Sora walked over to tease Ino but also wanted to do it "You really aren't gonna do it are you Sora?"

Sora just smiled at Ino which made Ino a bit nervous and somehow excited at the same time but before Sora could reach the alley.


Both of them heard a large cries which made them stop in their tracks.

"How could I forget about these two" Ino said as she felt like they cock blocked her.

"Oh you know them?" Sora knew who they were but acted that he didn't, eventually they just watched as The Duo arrived by walking with their two fingers on one arm upside down.

"It's very nice to see a young man waking up early in the morning! But I haven't seen you around here may I know who you're carrying?" Guy said as he was suspicious of Sora and he looked like he was kidnapping someone.

"Guy-sensei it's me" Ino showed her face to both Guy and Lee.

"Oh Ino? You're awake this early? I see my Youth has infected everyone!" Lee said as she gave Ino and Sora his signature pose.

"I see" Guy looked at Sora and concluded they might have done it as he had seen a lot of people and knew from experience that most of them had gone away to a love hotel and were now just returning home.

"This is the power of YOUTH!"

"Guy-sensei" Ino face palmed as he saw Guy fired up.

"Don't worry Ino! Your secret is safe with me I support you and your quest to enjoy your Youth! but May I know who he is? He looks like an excellent candidate to join me and Lee here"

"I'm Sora and as Youthful as I am I'll have to pass"

"That's a shame well see you around! Come on Lee we still have 99 more laps around Konoha!" Guy then continued his exercise along with Lee as they continued shouting Youth.

"Lee that was a Youthful man, the man we should all aim to be"

"How so Guy-sensei?"

"When you're older you'll understand now!" Guy Immediately ran with his two fingers shouting Youth!

"Guy-sensei!" Lee shouted and followed in Guy's steps.

"That was rather enjoyable" Sora said as he continued carrying Ino.

"Make a turn to the left" Ino said as they were nearing her house. "Dad should be still working since the Chunin exams will be held here"

[ New Info Obtained! ]

[ 1. Save Fū during the exams! ]

"So these Chunin exams, when will they start?"

"About a month or two?"

"Have you already taken them?"

"Of course I'm going to still take them, do you want to watch me win?" Ino said as she playfully bit his neck.

"If you take first place on the exams I'll do anything you want me to do"


"Mm, Anything"

"Ok! Don't forget your promise! My house is just further up ahead." Sora nodded and continued carrying Ino eventually they arrived "The lights are still off Dad hasn't arrived yet and mom is still asleep"

As Ino was about to get down both Sora and Ino heard a person cough.

"Both of you inside" The Man told Ino and Sora to which they nodded.


"So where did the two of you go" Inoichi interviewed the two as they were on the table facing each other.

"In my estate" Sora replied unfazed as he held Ino's hands signalling her that he'd take care of it.

"What were you two doing there."

"Recreational Activities" Ino reddened at Sora's answers.

"What type of Recreational Activities." At this point Inoichi's looked even more serious than before.

"Sex" Sora answered Inoichi bluntly

"Sora!" Ino stood up and was about to talk but he saw her father wave her off.

"You're pretty honest" Inoichi still looked stern.

"What would lying to you give me? You're bound to learn later on especially and maybe accidentally when you see her stomach enlargen"

"Sora! Boy!" Ino and Inoichi said at the same time and slammed the table as they didn't expect him to be really this blunt

Sora also stood up and patted Ino's head to make her calm and Ino eventually sat down again. Inoichi was surprised as Ino was even more docile to Sora compared to him.

"Do you know who I am young man?"

"You're her father"


"That's all there is, should I be afraid of you? You know this isn't the way you should treat your future son" Sora smiled at Inoichi not minding the gaze he threw at him.

Inoichi nodded and understood this man was fearless. "Can you protect my daughter?" Ino's ears perked up as she thought it would lead to something worse.

"Of course even in my sleep I would" Sora smiled.

"Prove it then" Inoichi stood up and Sora followed Him to the courtyard.


"What's your dream Sora?" Inoichi acknowledged Sora as a man but being his Son was another thing.

"Harem" Sora said as he stood meters away from Inoichi face to face.

"My my, well this is fun" Ino's mother arrived and sat beside Ino who was watching from the house.

"Mom! Can you tell Dad to stop?" Ino asked her mother.

"No, this was bound to happen eventually, and I must say you nabbed quite a boy"

"But he's a Civilian!"

"He isn't a civilian and your father knows it, why else would he test him?" As Soon as Ino's mother said it Ino looked at the place where Inoichi and Sora was and was surprised at what was happening.

"I must say appearances can be deceiving" Inoichi said as Sora dodged his Kunai's and Shurikens easily

"Inoichi-san I hope you forgive me" As soon as Sora said that a barrier appeared and enclosed them in a space not allowing any of them to get out.

"So you know Fuinjutsu? Where do you really come from?" Inoichi was alarmed at the same time as he thought Sora was a spy or some sort.

"I'm just from one of those reclusive clans in the mountains, and I'm only here to enjoy my new life with Ino"

'Now how do I scare him'

Inoichi watched as Sora had the high ground and was standing at the tree he waited for him to attack or do a jutsu as he thought he only knew basic ones.

'Ah fuck this I don't even know how to use the hand signs I'm just going to shout it out!' Sora thought.

{ Fire style : Great Fire Annihilation! }

Inoichi was alarmed as he felt a huge amount of Chakra condensing onto Sora and immediately surrendered just as Sora was about to release it

"Stop! You win!"


"You owe me an explanation!" Ino said as she went near Sora

"Relax Ino, I'll tell you" Sora said as he sat down.

"I'll talk to you later then" Inoichi knew Sora was a reasonable man and would answer his questions so he would save his questions for later.

"Be careful Ino!" Ino's mother said as she left with Inoichi.

"Are you really a Shinobi?"

"No, but I do know some clan jutsu and I trained for years"

"Then when I elbowed you did it really hurt?"


"Then was it all just to"

Sora immediately took Ino's lips

And pushed her down on the wood floor.


"I hate you" Ino tried to look away but couldn't resist and pressed her lips onto Sora's.

"Your room?"

"Later, Dad still has some questions" Ino took one last kiss and pushed Sora as both of them went to find Inoichi
