
The village

Me: Don't you dare to tell them about it ok?

Christopher: aye..aye sir! (He salutes me)

Me: hahh... stop that will ya? Let's go...

We walk inside the forest and I let us stay after a few hours cause I need to draw a map. While I'm at it Chris called me.

Christopher: bud you need to see it! Hey, where did you get that notebook?

Me: magician never tells his secret!.

Christopher: yeeaahhh?...forget about that I really need you to see this.

We saw a village and it's kinda creepy because we saw nothing remain of a civilization. The village is just made of clay hays, around 10-15 houses we can see from above the cliff. We go down slowly to make sure there's no one or something will come out. We saw the clothing of these tribes hanging in front of their house.

Me: what the hell happened in here? There's no one living in here, not even noise of any animal can be heard. Ok...Let's check their houses to see if we can use Chris.

Christopher: .....

Me: Chris?

I saw his pale face that there must be something wrong.

Me: what's the matter, Chris?

Christopher: that's a human right?

We saw a villager inside the hut has been turned into an indescribable living being, his head was decapitated and like like jelly thing, behind his head there was an acid melting slowly, his body was covered in burned marks and his feet was like glass have been frozen. Chris can't stand to the sight he vomits after a few seconds seeing it.

Christopher: blurrhhhh...

Me: what in the world happen to them. (I pick up a stick to poke the dead body).

When I poke the dead body it suddenly moved.

???: guuuhhhkkk.... hhkkaauugg...kkaaii.

Me: WHOOAAHHOLY SHIT !!!!!....he's still alive Chris!...what happened in here gramps?...

???:....hkkauugg.. kaiii...

Christopher: what the hell is he saying, Ken?

Me: maybe... warned us?

???:...hkkauugg.. kaii..

Then he stops moving. Before he died he always pointing at the mountain or something. I don't know what that means or anything he said but he's definitely telling us warned us about it.

Christopher: how is that villager still alive in a body like that? Mannn... it's getting weirder in this island

Me: let's go and get their resources and go back.

Christopher: o-ok...

Me: and also Chris don't tell them about this

Christopher: why? Isn't better to tell them?

Me: just don't...

Then my system suddenly announced.

[System Updating:

The user can use only skills for now. You can't use the minimap and store.

Updating: 1%]

Me: 'you gotta be sh*tting me system!!... my items are still there!! And also some foods!!'

While I'm angry at the system Chris put his hands on my shoulders and said

Christopher: you ok bud you just suddenly...

Me: Nah I just remembered about an as*hole that in time in needed he always get away from it.... sigh.. so did you find anything?

Christopher: yeah... a lot of salt, vinegar, some unknown spices or something and a weird jar.

Me:.... why did get that?

Christopher: uhh... maybe.....hahaha

Me: Chriss?

Christopher: hahaha... maybe I can take it from home and sell it... maybe it is relic!

Me: hahh..( I facepalm) what if it's a cursed object? Hehehe... maybe the tribe will hunt you in your dreams!.

Christopher: I'm an atheist... I don't believe such thing hahaha...

Me: yeah.. yeah... just keep it away from me ok?...

We loot the village as long we can carry.

Arnold: Ohh... there you are.. you did carry a lot of things! Let me help you.

Christopher whose already running out of breath gave it to Arnold.

Aaron: your so strong kid... a body like that...by the way what's your age kid?

Me: mmm? I'm 2 and 4 months? Why is it?

Aaron: Eh?

Arnold: huh? Really? That's...

Christopher: whooaahh... wait for a minute bud two years old? You're kidding me, right?

Me: no it's not!... why? Is it weird?

Karen: no it's not its... have you noticed your body that's not normal you know? (She's the stewardess 1, who's shouted by Aaron)

Christopher: let me get you a picture bud...*click!*

Me: let me see....( I saw my self that my body is not 2 years old but more like 6-8 years old body) WTF!!...'that crazy dryad she did something to my body... I just never noticed when I'm at the airport... what the hell!, I should be asked Ursa about this'

Me: Ohh... well... sh*t happens right? (I shrugged)

Arnold: I heard from the military about it boy... are you mutant? It's just because you have super strength, genius and maybe side effect is your age.

Me: nice theory uncle... but I don't know...' I definitely know who caused this!'...

Christopher: not a dangerous power but that exchange though...

Thank god they didn't see me as a monster or something, what I see in the movie is that they all mutants for them can endanger the ordinary humans.

well here's your chapter... Ohh, by the way, this is my discord. If there are any questions.


kenneth_the_gamercreators' thoughts