

"Where I am?" When I open my eyelid, I was laying on the bed. I can clearly remember I was at the seashore trying to hold on to myself and I don't remember after that. I look around the room and everything was white in color, the wall, and the ceiling. On my wrist, there was the IV set attached and my head and most of my body parts were bandaged.

 "Are you awake? How are you feeling now?" A young man wearing a white coat was looking at me. He was checking my condition and writing a report. 

"I am good" I responded in the lowest voice. My body was feeling heavy pain and in my heart, something seems to wave roughly. 

"You have been sleeping for four days" the doctor smiled.

"What?" I thought I was just sleeping for a moment but that doesn't seem the case. So, I lost my consciousness after breaking the stones and I have been sleeping for four days. 

"Yes, you were found in a critical situation. If your friend didn't bring you here on time, you would have already been taken by the Grim Reaper"

"Thank you for treating me doctor and which friend took me here?" I didn't have any friends in the academy so, who was the person who saved me I thought. 

"Ah, he was here until yesterday but since due to business he left"

"Thank you doctor and can I know his name?"

"Sorry, I don't know his name but he was wearing a black horn mask"

I was stunned hearing the description of a person. Did he save me, Seth? Did I ignore the death flag from him? I was getting happy but I realize, it's too early to celebrate. Seth, who doesn't spare any enemy can't be this generous to save me without any intention. He is a cunning snake and I am a naive rat, this is how our relations are described in the novel but it won't be anymore. Many things have already changed from the original novel. John who was useless has raised his rank. Seth and Diana who were supposed to connect after the fresher party has already been connected. And the alliance of the Demon clan which was supposed to be seen after a year is already showing up now. The plots are all getting messy. 

"Rest well, you will be able to walk in few days" the doctor went out after done with my vital check-up. 

At first, I check my heart condition. The ball of the fire and water are trying to overtake each other and it's was looking unrest. After meditating for a hours I finally manage to make a balance between them but my heart was still in pain, "I need to find the solution as soon as possible".

After thinking a while, Even though Seth is a problem for me At least I should properly say thank you to him for saving my life I thought and went back to sleep. 

After a few days, I can finally walk out freely. While I was roaming around the Academy most of the eyes were looking toward me, and they were smiling. The glance and smile weren't like mockery before. With the incident of the fresher party, my impression with others was improved but still many think it was my fault for not telling them earlier. Geez, these people are troublesome but we can't change people's regard about something in a single day. And the commotion about the fresher party was the main topic in everyone's mouth in the Academy. 

I went to attend the class like before and Seth was there sitting on his desk. He was surrounded by everyone in the class and mostly by female students. Diana and Ariana were getting annoyed.

Though I want to thank him but looking at the current situation, it is not the right time for me to enter. There was no one for a while to teach us and soon we got a two-week break.

On the break, I went to meet Salmond. When he saw me, he hugged me and start nagging me. 

"How can you do such risky work?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I know everything and everyone is talking bout it" Salmond frowned his eyebrow. 

"Haha let's not talk about it. So, did you find anything about the situation?" I told him to search about the sudden attack and the circumstance when he came to visit me in the hospital.

Salmond takes a big sigh and takes out the old map. He placed it on the table and showing the red mark. 

"You see the red mark? These are placed Demon Clan has launched an attack on that day. Not only the island, the academy was holding party but at the border sides and some inner places of empire. They are clearly showing us, they have broken the peace parliament between the Humans and Demons."

"What about the Instructor Brad?"

"He is the main culprit for this situation. No one knows his real residence and where he came from. He seems to use a fake ID to roam and research about the empire"

"I see" the red mark on the map is mostly north sides and east sides. Also, there were seen large sums of monsters, and plenty of people were killed. Well, the sudden changes in a situation don't make any sense. 

"Is there any action empire is going to take?" 

Salmond looked over me and he studies me for a bit " Yes, there is a higher-up order. We are soon dispatching toward the north sides. There are fewer monsters than on the east side. Also on the east side, there is something unusual things happened"

"What happened?"

"A new dungeon was discovered and the monster inside is undetectable" he circles the east side pointing to the main spot where the dungeon is. 

"Undetectable?" I asked him more about the monster in the dungeon since there were no such things in the novel. It's an unwritten part. 

"Yes, a team from the White Rose Clan went in but no one has come out. So, the monster inside is still unidentified but it was strong enough to wipe down the elite group of the White Rose Clan. And it's already been more than a week."

I thought for a while and decide to went with Salmond. Since I still need to improve my star level, strengths, and ability. This will be good training for me to grow, "when are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow, at 5 am"

"I will also join with you"

Salmond laughed "I knew you would say this. I already made preparations for you"

I was surprised to hear his response, "You know me" I laughed with him.

The very next day, we started our journey toward the Northside. Around thirty heroes of Wolf Soldier were marching with us. It was a long way and whenever night falls, everyone makes camp and takes rest. And again next early morning, the journey continues. We finally reached the village on the east side after four-night and five days. The place was deserted. There was not even a single living soul can be found. Everything was burned down and broken down. It was looking like a hunted place.

We searched the whole village in a hope of any clue but it was all gone in vain. We decide to take a rest in the village and see if anything happens. I was with the Wolf Soldier, in the middle of the crowd and suddenly I notice someone running in the wood. I quickly run after it and after chasing for a long time I finally found them. Two children were running and hiding from us. They seem to be younger than ten years old. They were filled with wounds and cuts. They were shivering and crying more when I move closer to them. 

"Hold on kid. I am not a bad guy" I try to talk with them in a soft voice and smiling warmly. 

"No, you are also like them"


They didn't speak a word in fear and I tried every way to move closer but it was useless. Finally, I offer them candy, they look over the candy from far away doubting the toxin things are mixed on it. I unwrapped it and start licking. I showed them how I am alright after having candy. A little boy who looked older than others come over to me slowly and take the candy. And soon the younger one joined. 

"I told you I am not a bad person" I smiled at them.

"Who are you then?"

"I am from the capital city"

After hearing this, both of them suddenly start crying hugging over me. 

"It's alright now"

I patted both of their head, caring about them. After they finally calm down I ask them about the village. 

"Some people from the east arrived and in the midnight monster start coming out from them" again they start crying. 

I thought it's not good to continue asking them about the whole incident and how they are only survivable. They seem to be scared even talking about it. "I should let them have some time," I thought and took them with me back to base for their treatment. 
