
Chapter 10: Where the Bear

Casey frowned at the severe-looking blonde woman in the blazer dress. "Have we met before? You look sorta familiar."

"My name is Miranda Dallas."

"Yeah..." Didn't ring a bell.

"I'm Mr. Tremaine's executive assistant."

Casey snapped her fingers. "Right! That's it. Yep, knew I'd seen you."

"And I know exactly what you are."

Hearing the accusatory tone, Casey jerked back a little. "Yeah? And what am I?"

"An employee."

"Oh." Casey tapped her chin. "Sorta thought you were about to say something more insulting..."

"I don't think you quite understand what i'm saying, Ms. Shock."

"You're saying I work for the guy. No duh."

Miranda Dallas closed the distance, put in some time and proximity of her own--only it wasn't nearly as romantic as when Grayson had done it. Her business casual slingbacks tapped like a barrage of exclamation points as she advanced.

Casey backed up a step.
