
Lightning Devil Fruit In Marvel!

The Main character "stumbles" upon the Goro Goro No Mi fruit and eats it granting him the Abilities to Create, Control and Transform into Lightning at his Will right as the events of The Age of Ultron are coming to a close with the decisive battle between the Avenger's and Ultron heating up.

Karate_master_b · ภาพยนตร์
22 Chs

Chapter 2 The Phone.

Heading back home I greated my parents and took a quick shower.

The warm water splashing onto my body, relaxing my muscles truly made me feel the sleepiness take over.

Dragging myself from the shower.

Half awake I layed down on my bed and drifted of to sleep, However I was unfortunetly awakened by my mother asking me to eat dinner.

Couldnt refuse her so I had to force myself to get up which I begrudgingly did wishing I could go back to bed and ate the steaming food half asleep without truly savouring what was infront of mè.


The Next day I awoke surprisingly early, The sun was just rising up on the horizon of the hills.

My parents still asleep.

I got changed into some casual clothes I grabbed my backpack and 2 extra bottles today and filled them with water left a note on the kitchen counter and set of by foot to the mountain.

About an hour later I finnaly reached the foot of the mountain.

Taking out a bottle of water I gulped it down until not a drop remained and begun walking up the trail.

And another hour and a half later I finnaly reached the trailpoint we had stopped at yesterday.

And as expected my phone lay on the ground unperturbed.

Sighing, I leaned down to grab it, The sun at the time fully risen shining down upon my face and covering my entire body.

The smell of the fresh oxygen produced by the trees adding a bit of a crispness to the air.

Looking at the view I noticed quite a few people on the streets in the distance, but I didn't think about it to much.

Drinking another bottle of water, I truly didnt understand how I had planned in doing this entire trail with two bottles of water.

I thought to myself that it was good idea to listen to Elisabeth this time.

I began walking back down the trail with a dead phone and more than half the water in the bag gone Wondering if I should bother attending University today as I would propably be really late anyways.

Legs sore from yesterday and sweat on my forehead and slightly feeling out of breath I walked back, the heat from the blazing sun warming up my entire body tempreture, heading downhill on the winding path of the trail.

Looking at the city in the distant through the tress I couldn't help but notice fireworks in the city.

My vantage point was much lower so I couldnt exactly make out what was going on, based on the far of noises however it seemed like deep bangs and occasional shouts.

Since I was far I really couldn't make out what types of shouts they were.

Excited, scared shocked, I didn't know.

I didn't think much about it anyways as I was gonna find out what happened soon enough.

Walking step by step, my feet confidently landing firmly on the ground, I didn't feel it hitting rocky trail.

As a matter of fact it felt like it hit nothing.

A feeling lightweightness overtook my body as I felt it dropping.

My adrenaline began pumping as i didnt know what I was falling into.

My mind a mess of jumbled thoughts.

The stone walls forming a cylinder around me quickly passing by my eyes like a blur.

I moved my body to look at the ground only to see it closely approaching.

In a sense of hyper activity my fingers reached for the slightly roughed out stone and soil walls around me.

My finger digging into them as my descent slowed down however that didnt last.

As I got closer to the ground it became clear that this was a underground cave opening I had just fallen through

As I realised that I saw the walls I was gripping onto dissappear and I began a short freefall before I hit the ground with a loud crunch.


I couldn't help but shouting as the shock and the jolts of pain coursed through my body.

Looking at my legs that looked deformed, My heart dropped in an instant.

The many dreams I had envisioned for the future vanished at that moment aswell.

I couldn't but feel my heart shattering.

All that effort my parent put on me all of those sacrifices, sleepless nights, would be fruitless because of a freak accident like this.

How would Elisabeth react, I thought to myself as the adrenaline was slowly wearing of and the full brunt of the pain was creeping up on me.

Wouldn't I became a burden to her?

That would be worse that death to me.

I would become a burden on everbody around me.

I thought to myself as I felt hopeless at this moment.

I felt my throat drying up aswell so I reached for my backpack to open the zip only to find my fingers as a bloody mess, Nails shatered skin ruptured, boneshards mixed with the blood flowing.

I felt my heart quicken as I looked at my fingers.

A dread overtaking me as I felt my mind go numb.

A sense of powerlessnes came after dread overpowering me, I layed onto the rough ground staring up into the blue sky through the hole.

"Wouldnt death be better than surviving?" I muttered to myself staring at the clouds in the sky slowly moving.

 And the occasional bird that would fly overhead.

Suddenly the sound of footsteps appeared.


It kept getting closer to me.

At the current moment I could not even car if it was a predatory animal, I just felt numb.

I truly felt the currently dying would be better than living.

"A life has to survive, or else what other purpose does it even have once it dies, turned into energy only to be used by others?" A deep and soothing voice reached my ears at that moment.

Am I cooking or nah?

Karate_master_bcreators' thoughts