
Chapter Thirteen: New Friendships Strain Old Ones

Slughorn had never seemed as disappointed as he did at that moment.

The way the pudgy professor stared at Cordelia made her feel almost as remorseful as she let on.

Almost, because Slughorn's comical expression was far too peculiar to make Cordelia feel as solemn as she let on. Tom, however, was serious enough for the two of them with the tight frown on his lips and his arms crossed before his chest portraying the perfect image of seriousness.

"Tell me, Miss Black, how many times has a Slytherin witch been head girl?"

If it weren't for the glass of Elfic Wine clutched in his palm Cordelia would have perhaps considered not being so difficult with her head of house, but a drunk Slughorn was simply too amusing an opportunity to pass up, and the brunette couldn't help but ignore the look Tom sent her in favour of riling up the almost-tipsy professor.

"A handful, professor."


The way Slughorn yelled out the number had Tom flinching from his perch against the cupboard.

"There have only been three Slytherin head girls before this year! And I will not have some revenge fit ruin your chance of being the fourth successful one. Do you understand, Miss Black?"

"Of course, professor."

It had been half an hour since Tom and Cordelia entered Slughorn's office to discuss Agusta's accusations against her, but throughout that time Tom hadn't bothered to speak even once, choosing to simply stand outside of Slughorn's line of sight as he mouthed words for Cordelia to speak.

The accused witch hadn't bothered to listen to most of his advice, that, however, didn't pardon his sudden decision to speak for her.

"I will see to it that Cordelia doesn't make such a mistake again."

If Slughorn didn't seem so utterly delighted at Tom's words Cordelia would have considered contradicting her associate, but with the professor staring at her like Christmas had come early, the Slytherin witch had no choice but to give in and nod along with Tom.

"Tom, m'boy, of course, you will! Now I understand that this affair was rightfully placed but that doesn't excuse Miss Black's behaviour, so I expect one week's of detention from you."

Cordelia didn't bother with any words, simply nodding once again and allowing Tom to smooth things over.

"I will see to it that she attends her punishment accordingly, professor."

With nothing else left to say Slughorn finally seemed to lighten up as his stern frown turned into his signature grin.

The rest of their meeting was spent discussing matters concerning the Slug Club and its new additions for the new year. As a couple of minutes progressed into almost an hour of conversation Tom found himself finally taking a seat beside Cordelia as they sweet-talked the professor across from them.

Slughorn wasn't very hard to please; you just had to be a pureblood Slytherin with a promising future to get into his good books, but if you really wanted to have the pudgy professor wrapped around your finger you just had to feign interest in what he had to say.

To look so completely compelled with his words that Horace Slughorn could fool himself into thinking he had won you over; that he was your new hero and mentor. The person you would speak about during interviews with the Daily Prophet.

It was then that you would actually be off the hook without any repercussions. For Slughorn would rather fool himself into thinking his pupils were saints than to see them for what they really were: snakes camouflaging in a sea of red.

"Oh Merlin, would you look at the time!"

Slughorn sounded awfully smug as he exclaimed the words as if he was proud to have held a conversation with the head boy and girl for so long. Knowing him, Horace probably was.

"You two best hurry off now."

Cordelia left her seat even before Slughron could finish his words, and was halfway through the door when Tom began to bid the professor goodbye. By the time Tom actually left Slughorn's office, she had already made her way down the corridor. Cordelia could already hear the lecture she was in for once she got back to the heads dorms.

The Dark Lord would let out an annoyed sigh as soon as they were both in the small common room and then go off about her recklessness and how she owed him for his assistance, even if Tom was the one who had insisted on accompanying her.

Their friendship of sorts had been like that ever since their morning conversation a week ago: with Tom following Cordelia around and acting like she couldn't even walk to class without him while Cordelia found ways to draw a reaction out of him during their time together.

She wouldn't admit it if anyone ever asked, but Cordelia couldn't help but feel thankful for their sudden closeness and had even come to enjoy Tom's company.

The students of Hogwarts had quickly caught onto the lack of hostility between the duo, and while most seemed thankful for the sudden truce between their head boy and girl Cordelia couldn't help but catch onto the whispered rumours and eccentric gossip that followed the duo wherever they went.

If she was being honest, the blue-eyed brunette would have been surprised if there wasn't any gossip. After all, if one took the duo's history into account they couldn't help but wonder whether the sudden truce was another publicity stunt like the Tournament, a courting, or an actual friendship.

The latter seemed like the least popular answer amongst Hogwarts' students, all except Theodore and Druella who, as always, were quick to catch on.

It was unfortunate that Cordelia never actually got the time to discuss matters with the duo. What with the awkward conversations amongst their friend group over the past week neither of them was keen on bringing up a controversial topic like Tom Riddle.

It was why Cordelia chose to ignore any discussions of the past hour and her absence from Potions as she ran into her friends a little ways away from Slughorn's office.

Unfortunately, the group was sans Orion, who had been acting like a mediator of sorts between his sister and her friends over the past week.

"Cordelia, how've you been?"

Cordelia. The lack of her usual nickname was just another indicator of their strained friendships, but the brunette couldn't help but take what she could get and reply to Rodolphus in kind.

"Surprisingly good, what about you?"

Cordelia had been prepared for the usual dismissive reply about classes and how busy they were with the NEWTs coming up, perhaps that was why she couldn't help the smile that stretched across her face as Rodolphus began an extensive rant of the Quidditch team and how strenuous it was to be Slytherin's captain.

"And Orion, that little bugger, he's taken to chasing the Snitch with no regard for the game! I had to save him from Ignatius's Bludger one too many times."

"Should I talk to him?"

The familiar snort accompanied by an arm around her shoulder widened Cordelia's smile as heard the phrase she had become accustomed to ever since their third year.

"Lia, you couldn't talk to Quidditch even if your life depended on it."

Cordelia shook her head at the response but chose to save the friendly arguments for a later date as the group of seventh-year Slytherins made their way to Dumbledore's classroom.

Things weren't nearly as good as they used to be, with Ignatius, Aurora and Phyllis ignoring her like the plague while the other three attempted to ease things over, albeit hesitantly. Cordelia knew that Rodolphus's casualness was yet another way to lighten the mood, but since not too long ago Rodolphus had taken to ignoring her, Cordelia couldn't help but think of their interaction as progress.

Cordelia had to show up to one of the Slytherin Quidditch team's practices and attempt to talk shop with Rodolphus to ease her way back into his heart, but the hours spent battering Abarax and Tom for information on the sport was worth it when the Lestrange heir finally caved and took to insulting Cordelia's intelligence in his usual bittersweet way.

Cordelia had never felt as happy to hear a quick rundown of their team's strategy for this year's Quidditch season than she had that day during her walk around the pitch with Rodolphus. The memory made Cordelia lean further into her friend's side as he led her towards the back of the Transfiguration classroom.

Her happiness, however, was short-lived as a certain Riddle interjected any conversation to duo could have had during that lesson.


Tom seemed almost cynical as he addressed Rodolphus, a feat that had the latter quickly walking away from the head girl and boy even as Cordelia attempted to protest.

"Why are you forcing yourself?"

For a person who never had any friends, Tom was surprisingly well versed with the ups and downs of friendships and provided Cordelia with sound advice every time she needed it. Perhaps that was why he had caught on even before Cordelia could say anything.

"It's progress, and you're ruining it."

Tom sighed at her words as if Cordelia was a naive child who couldn't see the truth before her. However, thankfully, he chose not to comment and change the topic.

"You know what I would rather make progress with? Our NEWTs."

It was Cordelia's turn to sigh as she took the empty seat beside him and directed her attention towards the professor at the front of the room.

"Don't remind me."

As Dumbledore began lecturing the class of seventh years Cordelia felt herself subconsciously compartilizing, just as Tom had taught her over the past week, and let all thoughts of her fellow Slytherins leave her brain in favour of listening to what Dumbledore had to say.

If only she had spared a glance or two to her side, perhaps Cordelia would have seen the malicious smirk on Tom's face as he watched his plan for the future fall into place like pieces of a chessboard assembling. As the Dark Lord watched Cordelia let go of her previous hostility and accept him as a friend, he couldn't help but envision the black queen slowly forming on his side of the board; one that faced the empty white space on Dumbledore's side.
