
Light in the captive

After hearing about serial murder news one after another Naveah Tylar participated in the case as an undercover cop and observed the brutal dead bodies with her own eyes! she became determined to find the murderer and made a deep friendship with two fellow cops in the meantime! During these disaster moments, she met up with her childhood friend whom she lost 10 years ago. But their reunion Changed the life of her and the people around them! The dark secret behind her friend who is secretly in love with her seems to be unnoticed and How dark are these secrets and obsessions that some people had to put their lives on the line? However, he gets interrupted by a junior investigator who is also in love with Naveah. A huge havoc appeared among them and made her life desolated. "When will I be free from all this? How much more should I observe?" Naveah's eyes looked up to the lifeless cloudy sky. The end is yet to know. (A/N-This novel contains 18+ contents) and the cover photo is created by me!!)

0_ALkei_0 · สมัยใหม่
29 Chs

His weird protection

Zane was standing there with one of his legs on the edge of the roof while carrying Naveah who was about to faint! Zane's black hair twirled in the air while He looked down with his dazzling blue pupils at the king who was running away fast!!

Naveah suddenly spoke up in her weak voice " Where's the rest of my team? There's an unconscious body in the bush and one of the mafia members in the Library!"

"Hush just take a nap in my arms! don't worry about other things now!" zane said while grabbing her head against his chest!"

"I'm fine! It's not something new! don't....treat me like.....a weak...." She fell asleep before finishing her words!

zane smiled at Naveah! Then, his pupils slowly moved up and his blue eyes got lighter while his smile faded away from his face completely! "Sleep peacefully my bird! Leave the rest of the fuckers to me!" the veins of his throat popped out while he stared at the front in the night wind!



Naveah slowly opened her eyes while she felt pain in the back and saw the familiar white ceiling! She slowly moved her head and looked beside her to see zane who was staring at her with a smile!

"How're you feeling right now?" (zane)

"Aughh Tessa?" Naveah tried to get up!

"Easy there! He hit you pretty hard! The doctor said you got a fracture in your spine! You'll have to rest!!"

zane said while helping Navee sit.

"Well what less can you expect from a mafia? What about the others?"(Navee)

"Everyone's fine except for you and There was nobody in the library. They found an unconscious body in the bush that seemed to be the mafia's underling!!" (zane)

"Looks like that one escaped. Shit! Well, it's none of my business anymore! I'm not getting involved in this anymore!" Naveah closed her eyes and suddenly remembered the mafia boss who hesitated to hurt her!

"What about their boss?" Naveah looked at zane.

"He escaped with one injured arm!" zane said while standing up. "I'll bring the water and medicine wait here!"

"This isn't my business anymore but this is bothering me.....why did he stop!...well who cares? He stopped cause he wanted! But why was he shocked? does he know me? yeah right, no way!" Naveah thought to herself.

"What're you thinking about so eagerly?" zane said while sitting beside her.

"What're you gonna do with the hot water?" (Naveah)

"I'll bathe you! take your clothes off!" zane smiled with his eyes closed.

"The hell!! shut up! I'm asking seriously!" (Naveah)

"Did you even take a proper look at your hand?? It's swollen Badly! One more push and all of your bones would've been broken! It needs to be treated!" zane said while offering her a hand.

"Oh, that! fine whatever!" She said while expanding her hand towards Zane.

Zane slowly pulled up her sleeve and Naveah got goosebumps! She looked away thinking," What the hell Naveah you pervert! Why're you getting excited by your friend's touch!! she's a girl!! Naveah you monster!!"

Naveah looked at zane and saw him wiping her hand slowly with focus! He looked so calm, manly and gentle! Seeing him like this Naveah unintentionally said "You're so handsome!"

"Huh...??!" Zane looked at her in shock!

Naveah immediately slapped her own lips! "N-no I mean you're cute! I'm not a Pervert! You were focusing so you looked pretty! I-I just mistakenly said handsome!" Naveah panicked while turning red!

"Huh? Why're you staring at me say something!" (Naveah)

zane suddenly grabbed Naveah and slipped his hand inside her shirt!

"Ackk!!! t-tessa!!?? What're doing? Hey!!" Naveah tried to push him away!

"Stay still" He Whispered in her ear while slowly touching the spine of her back up to down!

"Hngh!!" Naveah covered her mouth!

"Hmm? why're you making a weird sound? I'm only applying for the Medicine!" Zane Whispered again with a smirk on his face.

"W-why're you touching me weirdly??!! And stop whispering in my ear!! You're the one who's being weird!!!" Naveah turned red while pulling Zane's hair.

"Ow! Easy, easy! There you go!" zane got up.

"Wh-what the hell was that????!!!!! I can still feel her touches!! Naveah you've really become a Pervert now!! aargh, I should die!!!" Naveah screamed in her mind while covering herself with the blanket!

zane quickly went to the washroom and closed the door! He splashed water on his face and looked at the mirror with his eyes widened and shiny pupils while smiling "Ahh! this is bad! I'm hard!! She's so adorable I wanna eat her up!! Ahh! but I can't let her see me like this!" zane bit his lips while brushing his hair backwards!

Naveah turned on her phone And Hundreds of texts and calls started popping out, all from nick and Samantha!! Seeing zane entering the room Naveah said "I'll have to go out today! I need to meet Samantha and nick!"

"Are you crazy? You can't even sit straight! the doctor said to rest! Just call them and say whatever you want! But I'm not Letting you leave today!"(zane)

"Then..... can I ask them to come over?" (Navee)

".....what? In my place?" (zane)


"That's gonna be a bit troublesome!" zane mumbled.

"What?"(Navee) "Yeah sure tell them to come over! but ask them to leave quickly. I don't want third wheels among us!" zane said while leaving the room.



"Is that Old bastard crazy?? What's gotten into him!? Sending Naveah to deal with the Mafias!! Is this even a police thing to begin with??" Samantha rumbled right after coming in!!

"Now look at her! What could've happened If That person- who was it again?" Samantha squinted her eyes!

"....Ms Juvia" Nick made a meh face and looked at her!

"Yeah Ms Juvia!! If she didn't go- WHAT MS.JUVIA???!! how? what's she doing there?" Samantha jumped up looking confused as hell!

"How did she know you're there?" Samantha sat down and looked at Naveah!

Hearing these words Naveah suddenly started questioning herself! "I was too busy thinking about the situation that I forgot about this! How did she find me? Only us 10 people knew the location!" Naveah looked at nick and Samantha.