
Finding Out.

How can someone be lied to there whole life and not know about it. Oh hi sorry my name is Pepper Rose and you wanna know the funny thing I'm allergic to peppers lmao sorry off topic your probably wondering what I was talking about well I'll tell you but first let's start from the beginning I guess... well i live on a remote island controlled by a Queen and her son his name is Connor Boone and no one knows the queens name she actually has never even been seen before but there terrible people they kill and control us and take our money that we have earned and they made a new rule last year "Any child not working shall be put into slavery for the queen and pince" yes the most terrible thing ever but thankfully everyone found work except the kid under the age of 11 everyone under the age of 11 got taken away parents killed fr dishonesty children in hiding afraid of what might happen to them and there families me and Emily (my best friend) get to work together I'm her parents bakery she cleans I bake...as everyday went by more people would try leaving and never being able to make it every time people were caught they would magically disappear unlike them we could still see the people who couldn't get jobs but the people who would try to escape were NEVER seen again but as the days went on everyone stopped caring about their people and only them and their families but I didnt have a family my mom went missing when I was a baby my dad went to work for the queen and never returned so I was only 3 when I met Emily her family took me in and kept me along as I didnt cause trouble which never really happened I was always getting Emily in trouble but one day it got serious we went into sunflower woods yes I has a nice name but not a good legacy people have gone missing in that forest but me and Emily didn't believe in such foolish tales so we went forth into the woods which we soon found out was or mistake ...