
Life With A Twin Brother

นักเขียน: KawaiiRose56
Contemporary Romance
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What is Life With A Twin Brother

อ่านนิยาย Life With A Twin Brother โดย ผู้เขียน KawaiiRose56 ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel.Having a twin is complicated, especially a twin who seems to have it all. Adler and Adian are both set to go to college this year during the first semester back in 2017. Like any other young adults th...


Having a twin is complicated, especially a twin who seems to have it all. Adler and Adian are both set to go to college this year during the first semester back in 2017. Like any other young adults they both experience drama, lust, fighting, partying and much more...But that slowly changes as they both come across their old classmate Kayla, with her being in the picture Adler and Adian both try to secretly express their love for her but she only has one option to do whats best for her. Grand Central University is a college for people who want to follow their dreams and become something in life, but it's not easy as everyone has their moments with trying to be popular, peer pressuring, gossiping, drugs, and finding love... NOTE: [WARNING Novel contains language, truama, mature themes r18+, inappropriate behaviors, violence, and substances ] [This novel is still in development

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JUAL OBAT HAMMER OF THOR 081211112232 > PESAN ANTAR > COD HAMMER OF THOR ASLI PEMESANAN CALL / WA. 0812 1111 2232 Untuk Pemesanan Wilayah KOTA BEKASI Bisa Ketemuan Langsung / Pesan Antar Gratis / COD / Bayar Di Tempat Via GOJEK / GRAB / Datang Ke Toko. HAMMER OF THOR DI BEKASI hammer ini dapat juga mengatasi berbagai keluhan lain yang biasanya di alami oleh paria pria yaitu misalnya alat kelamin yang kecil, lembek, dan kurang panjang, tidak mampu membuat pasangan orgasme, yang artinya gagal dalam mencapai titik klimaxs yang sangat di idamkan para kaum wanita di saat melakukan hubungan seksual, buktikan keampuhan produk ini dan temukan cara untuk membesarkan alat vital pria dengan cepat dan alhasil permanen !! “Hammer Of Thor Di Bekasi” Thor’s hammer Merupakan Suplement Herbal Untuk Mengatasi Masalah Seksual Pada Pria Serta Menjadikan Penis Menjadi Besar Dan Panjang Sekaligus Kuat Tahan Lama. “Hammer Of Thor Bekasi” termasuk cara untuk mengatasi masalah pria dewasa dalam seksualitas hubungan intim yaitu sebagai obat kuat dan obat pembesar penis,Obat HAMMER OF THOR aman dari efek samping yang berlebihan, karena komposisi dari bahan herbal yang mempunyai khasiat dan manfaat sbb. Khasiat Dan Manfaat Hammer Of Thor 1. Sebagai Obat Kuat Alami. 2. Membantu Mengatasi Enjakulasi Dini. 3. Memperlancar Sirkulasi Ke Alat Vital. 4. Menambah Tegang, Kuat, Keras Saat Ereksi. 5. Mendapatkan Orgasme Yang Lebih Nikmat. 6. Menambah Jumlah Dan Gerak Sperma. 7. Meningkatkan Stamina Tubuh. Meningkatkan Kadar Oksigen Darah 8. Didalam Alat Vital. 9. Memperlancar Aliran Darah. Menjaga Suhu Tubuh Untuk Mendukung Perkembangan Fungsi-Fungsi Seksual Yang Normal. Cepat Memulihkan Kondisi Tubuh Setelah Melakukan Aktifitas Sexsual. Obat Pembesar Penis Pria Herbal. Hammer Of Thor Di Bekasi thor’s hammer Aman Dan Terpercaya, Obat Kuat Herbal Asli Di Percaya Mampu Menyembuhkan Ejakulasi Dini, Menambah Ereksi Kuat Dan Mampu Menambah Ukuran Alat Vital Menjadi Lebih Besar Dan Panjang, Buktikan Khasiatnya Sekarang Juga, Obat kuat dan obat pembesar kontol HARGA 1 BOTOL 450.000 PROMO BELI 2 BONUS 1 HARGA 900.000 BEKASI BARAT Bintara | Bintara Jaya | Jakasampurna | Kota Baru | Kranji | Caman | Kalimalang | Kota Baru BEKASI SELATAN  Jakamulya | Jakasetia | Kayuringin Jaya | Margajaya | Pekayon BEKASI TIMUR Aren Jaya | Bekasi Jaya | Duren Jaya | Margahayu BEKASI UTARA Harapan Baru | Harapan Jaya | Kaliabang Tengah | Marga Mulya | Perwira | Teluk Pucung  Jatiasih | Jatikramat | Jatiluhur | Jatimekar | Jatirasa | Jatisari  Jatisampura | Jatikarya | Jatiraden | Jatirangga | Jatiranggon | Jatisampurna  MEDAN SATRIA Harapan Mulya | Kali Baru | Medan satria | Pejuang MUSTIKA JAYA  Cimuning | Mustika Jaya | Mustikasari | Pedurenan  PONDOK GEDE Jatibening | Jatibening Baru | Jaticempaka | Jatimakmur | Jatiwaringin PONDOK MELATI jatimelati | jatimurni | jatirahayu | jatiwarna RAWALUMBU  Bojong menteng | Bojong rawalumbu | pengasinan | sepanjang jaya CIKARANG BARAT  cikedokan | danauindah | gandamekar | gandasari | jatiwangi | kalijaya | mekarwangi | sukadanau | talaga asih | telaga murni | telanjung CIKARANG PUSAT cicau | hegarmukti | jayamukti | pasir ranji | pasir tanjung | sukamahi CIKARANG SELATAN  ciantra | cibatu | pasir sari | sukadami | sukaresmi | sukasejati | serang CIKARANG TIMUR  Cipayung | hegarmanah | jatibaru | jatireja | karangsari | lebansari | sertajaya | tanjung baru  CIKARANG UTARA cikarang kota | harjamekar | karangasih | karangbaru | karangharja | Mekarmukti | pasirgombong | simpangan | TAnjung sari | waluya | wangunharja CIBARUSAH cibarusah jaya | cibarusah kota | ridogalih | ridomanah | sindangmulya | sirnajati | wibawamulya CIBITUNG BABELAN SETU TAMBUN SELATAN TAMBUN UTARA SERANG BARU TOKO SENGLI OBAT FOREDI HERBAL Alamat : Pas Perempatan Lampu Merah Kemang Pratama Raya, Depan Sekolahan Marsudirini, Jl. Raya Siliwangi, RT.08/RW.01, Bojong Rawalumbu, Rawalumbu, Kota Bekasi Timur Jawa Barat 17116, Indonesia

Mas_Puyer · ย้อนยุค
1 Chs

Miss Amora's Obsession

"Mommy?" I was taken aback when Mommy suddenly let go of my hand. We were walking towards her friend, Amora, but they called her Miss Amora. She looked so beautiful and pretty, just like Mommy. They seemed to be the same age. I looked at her because I thought she would come with me. I couldn't help but wonder why she didn't accompany me inside. "Go on, baby. It's fine. Mommy will be back," I just looked at her. I didn't know what she meant. "Go on, my child, I need to do something first. Come to your Tita for now," she said. I saw her feet slowly stepping backward, so I panicked and was about to run towards her, but then... I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, stopping me from what I was about to do. I looked back and up, seeing Miss Amora's bodyguard with a poker face touching my shoulder. I looked at where Miss Amora was, and she was already looking at me. I looked at my mother again. I saw her. Crying... I knew she was forced to do this, I wanted to shout. But it was too late when she left without saying anything about what work she had to do. I'm not used to being without her. She taught me to be shy in someone's house and to be a good girl. Why did she leave me? Will she come back like Papa promised? Won't she abandon me here? But then... the guy holding my shoulder turned me towards Miss Amora. Miss Amora was approaching me, she's really tall and always smiling whenever I look at her. "Are you alright?" she asked softly, wiping the tears forming in my eyes. I only nodded because I was shy around her. I didn't know how to speak much. "It's okay, France. I'm here for you, I'm going to take care of you from now on...." I didn't understand what she meant at that time, but I just nodded again and hugged her, even though I didn't know her. I only knew her because Mom always mentioned her to me. I thought my life could be so bright like this as she promised... I thought things would be better after this... But after all... My 'I thought' changed when I got to know her.... I regret it all and wished I had run away with my mother.

Flor_0522 · LGBT+

L'Alpha: revendiquant la fille de son ennemi

## CONTENU MATURE! ## “Pourquoi as-tu des cicatrices?” Tout à coup, Iris changea de sujet, alors qu'elle regardait Cane dans les yeux. Elle tenait toujours ses manches. “Ton père me les a données,” répondit Cane. Il pensait que Iris ne se souviendrait pas de cette conversation au réveil. “Ça a dû être tellement douloureux.” “C’est le cas.” “Les cicatrices vont-elles guérir?” “Je ne pense pas.” La nuit vous rend en effet vulnérable et vous laisse dire quelque chose que vous n'admettriez jamais quand il fait jour. L’obscurité adoucit votre cœur. “C'est dommage. Tu as une âme chaleureuse.” Iris fronça légèrement les sourcils. “Je n'ai plus d'âme.” Il avait vendu son âme pour la liberté de son peuple. Il ne restait plus rien de lui maintenant. “Si, tu en as une, mais tu souffres tellement.” Iris cligna des yeux. “Ta bête souffre. Tu as tellement de cicatrices.” “Les seules cicatrices que j'ai sont sur mon visage.” Iris secoua doucement la tête. “Je ne parle pas de ton visage. Je parle de ton âme. C'est dommage, tu souffres tellement… ce que mon père et mon frère t'ont fait doit être douloureux…” Et après cela, Iris ferma les yeux et s'endormit. ====================== Elle est la fille d'un alpha qui a tué sa famille, rayé sa meute et a aussi fait de son peuple des esclaves. Maintenant, après dix ans de traitement en tant qu'esclave, il a réussi à se venger et vit une vie que personne n'aurait jamais pu imaginer. Une vie proche de l'enfer. Et dix ans plus tard, l'Alpha Cane parvient à prendre le dessus et à tuer l'alpha qui a rendu la vie de son peuple pire que la mort. Il était temps pour lui de faire payer aux enfants de l'alpha ce que leur père avait fait. Seulement… Iris était chétive et elle était très différente de son père.

i_want_to_sleep · แฟนตาซี
910 Chs
Latest Update
จำนวน 1


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No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating