
Chapter 9: a sound

... When we got to our English class, unlike my classes from before, the teacher was nowhere to be found.

Jaxon and I speculated that due to the lunch break that has yet to end he is probably in the teacher's lounge, or something so we decided to wait outside the door.

After a couple of minutes, the bell rang and students were lined up outside the classroom.

We remained lined up outside for a while until a custodian who was walking by had noticed us and let us in.

Once we had gotten in and turned the lights on we found our class role on a podium and our names on sticky notes on the desks.

The other students and I assumed that those were supposed to be our assigned seats; then we all sat down accordingly.

After around thirty minutes of waiting for our teacher, Mr. Barnet had arrived

Or who we thought was Mr.Barnet

The person who had entered the room was not a man but a woman.

The woman looked like a old granny.

She's short and has big green eyes with light gray hair, but a youthful looking face.

As soon as she walked in she demanded attention

Before introducing herself or even giving us a simple greeting she took the class role and everyone's phones.

She put our phones in a box then put them in a cabinet

For the rest of the class, we were to write two lines one hundred and fifty times



We continued in this way until the end of the class. As we were about to leave the woman collected the lines and gave us back our devices.

Then she left

She never told us her name

we never saw her again after that

On the way back to the house I stopped in a few stores just to get myself acquainted with what is nearby. Most were those tourist traps that are majorly overpriced and don't have much to offer.

As I got a little closer to my house and away from the beach I found some places that looked promising for food and other necessity. Just as I was about to leave the area I saw a store that caught my eye.

Soul Language

I decided to go in wondering what on earth do they sell in a place called Soul Language Once I opened the door and looked around I was pleasantly surprised

This place is a music store

I walked around the store and saw just about every kind of music

They even sell foreign music such as K-pop, J-pop, and Latin music among others.

I picked up a couple of different CDs and went for the checkout.

There was no one at the counter and I didn't see anyone in the store either.

As I was about to go put the music back and hear an elderly man call out to me

" Did you want those? I'll ring you up"

As I got closer to the man he said " I'm sorry about the wait we are a bit understaffed at the moment. With school having just started up again I have lost a few employees "

As he rang up the CDs I had a thought " well sir, " I said " If your understaffed do you by chance need any help in the store? "

" I could use some help, " he said under his breath almost to himself " what's your name?

"Kai, " I said,

"My name is Charles, but everyone calls me Charlie," he told me " how old are you ?"

" Seventeen, " I told him

" any work experience? " he asked

" I used to work in a bookstore," I told him " I was there for ten months"

" I'll try you out, " he said " when can you start? "

" Thank you for having me Mr.Charlie," I said back

That was the start of my time at Soul Language
