
Life Stealing System: I Became Immortal After Reincarnating!

[Winner of WPC August Contest] ---------------------- Darius had died a miserable death, being betrayed by his closest friends. His final thoughts were ones of regret, as he could only dream of a much better life than the one he had gone through. However, it seemed the universe wasn't done with him as he transmigrated to another world, because of some unknown God named Lilia. It was only after finding the dead body of a monster that he realized that maybe his second chance at life wasn't going to be as simple as he had imagined. [You have stolen Life Essence.] [Steal more Life Essence to become Immortal.]

JALLEN · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Chapter 10 - I can become stronger?

As Darius continued to observe the little goblins in front of him who were doing god knows what, Darius started to discreetly approach them.

While approaching them, he made sure that he made as little noise as possible, however, some of his steps still made some.

Nonetheless, the goblins seem to notice it as they hadn't even turned their heads or made some noise, they were still all focused on their task.

Darius who had gotten closer was now whether or not attacking all of them at the same time or trying to fight one at a time.

'Let's see what he's going to do?' thought Ashe, looking at Darius who was not even ten steps away from the goblins.

She was interested in seeing his thought process and how he would fight against it.

Ashe couldn't help but wonder if he was going to perform as well as earlier, she doubted it, but she still held some hope for him.

Darius who had debated inside his mind whether or not to attack them at the same time, decided that he would do so.

There were many reasons for that, but the one which was the most important was that Ashe was watching over him and would save him if he were to be in real danger.

That's why Darius didn't feel that much pressure and simply wanted to fight a higher number of opponents at the same time.

Having lost enough time looking at them, Darius decided that it was time for him to intervene and go after them.

He ran out from behind the tree and used his speed to make sure that at least one of the goblins would die with his first strike.

He wanted to kill at least one of them so that the fight would be technically a lot easier as he would only have to deal with two goblins instead of three.

Using his speed, just like he had planned beforehand, he arrived close to one of the goblins who was still completely oblivious to Darius's presence.

This gave the time to Darius to make sure that his strike would kill one of them.

Moving back his small knife, he slashed forward wanting to sever the goblin's head from its body, and that's exactly what happened.

As the head of the goblin touched the ground, a beeping sound resounded inside his mind and a small interface appeared in front of him.


However, Darius didn't have time to read any of those as there were still two goblins in front of him which were now facing him.

Both of them had either a small knife or a small dagger in their hands as Aiden wasn't able to distinguish them, they were simply too small for him to get a good look at them.

Looking at the two of them, Darius didn't wait before acting once again as he made a move toward one of the goblins wanting to see what its reaction would be.

The goblin that he had attacked moved backward, not wanting to get hit.

However, the one who hadn't been attacked seemed to take that chance as he approached Darius instantly not letting him a single moment to relax or wait between his strikes.

'Well, maybe they aren't that dumb,' thought Darius as he hadn't expected such a thing out of a goblin.

Ashe who was on a tree close by smiled a little when seeing that Darius had finally understood something which would follow him for the rest of his Awakened life.

'You'll see, monsters act even more like humans than we do,' she thought, having already such things in her life.

Darius who hadn't such a thing took a step, thinking about what he could do next.

Then, he remembered something which he would often do back on Earth when he was in trouble with one of his assassination targets.

It was what he called his special move as he was pretty much the only one who did such a thing.

However, the reason why he was the only one who had done such a thing was quite simple, he was the one who had created it.

'Yeah, that should do it,' thought Darius, talking to himself.

Then, he held his knife in an uncommon way, he held it as if he was about to stab someone in the back. The blade of the dagger was toward the ground, he held the knife as if it was a dagger basically.

After changing his grip, he immediately launched an attack toward one of the goblins which once again backed away while the other one moved forward to attack Darius.

However, what the goblin didn't expect was that the dagger which was in Darius's left hand was now in his right as if knowing that such a thing would happen.

Well, Darius had known that the goblins would act in such which was why he used his trick against them.

He may not seem like some majestic trick, but sometimes small details like what hand someone holds his weapon can turn a fight around completely.

And the perfect was right now as the goblin who had moved closer to Darius had been stabbed directly in the forehead.

As the goblin's body fell on the ground, it started disappearing just like the other one who had lost his head at the start of the fight.

A beeping sound once again resounded inside Darius's mind, and the interface once again appeared in front of him.


However, he didn't have time for any of this as he needed to kill the last goblin which was in front of him.

Being in a one versus one against a goblin wasn't hard at all for Darius as he was now used to the types of attacks they would be pulling off.

Having adapted to their fighting style, Darius made quick work of the last goblin who also disappeared right in front of his eyes.

A beeping sound once again resounded inside his mind and the interface once again appeared in front of him.


[You have stolen Life Essence from a goblin's body.]

[Do you wish to use it to live longer or to get stronger?]

'To get stronger? That wasn't an option earlier,' thought Darius, realizing that maybe something had changed.

How do you think that he will be able to get stronger?


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