
Life of the Royalties

Aonaran Aureolus Savellano is the hidden princess of the kingdom Sezchin. She is living her life with a bliss. With her spoiled brat attitude, a lot of people hate her but no one dares to mess up with her. Not until that guy came back, her childhood sweetheart. Destroyed all her plans and messed up with her. At the same time, her fiance, a prince from the kingdom of Salturesa also arrive on their country, pretending as one of her bodyguards. Problems after problems, Aonaran's has been messed up and totally not peaceful anymore.

Indolent_Baby · วัยรุ่น
17 Chs

Chapter 9: Dream

Chapter 9: Dream

"So? How does it feel living with your enemies?" She asked which made me frown.

"Hell." She chuckled and gulped her wine again and grab another glass.

I shook my head as I stare at her. I'm not done drinking my first glass yet but there she is, drunk at least six glasses of wine already!

"Must be frustrating to see them every day." She said with sympathy but her eyes says different. She's laughing at me!

This woman!

"Guess how many times we fight in one day?"

"Every time you see each other?" She answered, unsure.

"Yeah! Just seeing his face makes my blood boil! Do you know that since father is busy again, he watches my every move! At the dining, he'll force me to eat veggies! The nerve!" My face grimaces remembering the taste of broccoli.

I gulped my wine.

"He is like second Riana! Even Butler Ryu is enjoying my suffering!" She chuckled again and offered me another glass of wine.

"You let him control you? Girl, shouldn't you learn from your mistake before?" She reminded me and glance at the moon.

"Look, he is shining brighter now than before. While you? You stayed the same that's why he thought he can still control you." I frowned and feel annoyed at what she said because I know it was true.

All these years, I have never improved at all. No achievements. No work. No friends.

And then, I suddenly remember something.

"Well, are you willing to be my patient?" She spits her wine out and glared at me.

"Aonaran! Are you cursing me? I'm willing but I don't want to always get ill!" I chuckled and give her my handkerchief.

She grabbed it and wipe her lips.

I look at the five idiots who are enjoying the party- maybe four? James is hiding at the corner of the balcony, where me and Syl at.

Syl followed my gaze and snorted.

"He's really like a kid."

Girls are surrounding the four of them. Lloyd is entertaining them by holding two girls in their waist while the other two, Von and Biejay are entertaining them too by letting them feed them. But Domenicus is just seating there like a king and doesn't mind the girls around him.

Maybe he felt my stares so he look in the way that made me avert my gaze.

I snorted and focus on Syl.

We talked about random things until we decided to go home.

I glance at the five boys once again before leaving. I saw James followed me, I don't know if he informed the other four idiots or not but I don't care.

I'll leave whenever I want, no need to inform them.

"Young Miss, Lady Aonasyl." Butler Ryu greeted us.

"Are you coming with or not?" She pointed out an approaching car which was most likely to be her driver.

"No." She answered.

"Butler Warren! It's been a long time since we saw each other!" I frowned and look at her weirdly.

Didn't they see each other like the past two weeks? 

"Yes, Lady Aonasyl." Butler Warren answered simply.

"I have a gift for you. I'll give it when I'll visit Aonaran later."

"Thank you, Lady. Your hair got longer than the last time." My eyes squinted and look at Syl's hair.

Is it?

Why does it look the same to me?

"You noticed it?! Wow! Old Ryu, your eyes are the best!" I sneered and open the door at the backseat and sit.

How come that the eyesight of an old man is greater than mine?

I scoffed and look at them through the mirror. I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw them look at each other and then laugh and clap their hands together.

They are making fun of me again!

I glared at my driver when he laugh. He cleared his throat when he look at the rearview mirror and saw me glaring at him.

"Young Miss, how's the party? Did you enjoy it?" I sighed and look away.

"They are still annoying." He smiled.

"Then, you must stay away from them if they make you annoyed." He suggested that made me laugh.

Butler Warren looks at us weirdly, wondering why we are happy.

"What is so funny, Young Miss? Mind sharing?" He look at me cheerfully but I pretend I did not hear anything and looked outside.

He stares at me for a few minutes before looking back and looking at the driver.

I even heard him asked the driver what we talked about but he just laugh and ignored him too.

I smirk before closing my eyes and sleeping.

I think it lasted for thirty minutes when I felt the car stop moving and someone opened my door. I'm half awake when someone pokes my cheeks and shakes my shoulder.

Assuming that it's Butler Warren I groaned and slap his hands.

"Old Warren, do you believe that I'll cut your hands? Let me sleep more!" I reprimanded him and curled up like a kid.

I could hear someone murmuring, laughing, and some like a light flashing on my face.   

"Isn't she cute?"

"Ahm! Ahm!"

"Give me that picture!"

"Send it to me then you all delete it."

After that, I feel that someone lifted me but I'm really too sleepy and tired of dealing with people.

When I woke up, I'm already in my bed. The room is scarily dark but comforting.

I got up and open the lampshade on my bedside table and stood up.

I look at the time and it's almost dinner.

I did not think too much about who carried me since Butler Warren is with me, no one untrustworthy can touch or even go near me. 

"Butler Warren, is Old Riana back?" I asked lazily and sat back on my bed.

The door opened and Butler Warren entered.

"Not yet. I heard she'll come back tomorrow since she's staying with the Madam." I shivered after hearing the word Madam.

My face grimace and I look at Butler Warren. "Why do I feel like Mother is planning something again?" He chuckled and sat beside me.

He stroked my cheeks gently. "Aonaran, your parents are doing those things for you. You might not understand them right now but someday, you will understand them. No parents want to hurt their child." I sighed softly and nodded.

"Old Warren, do you think I can reach that stage? Do you think I won't end up disappointing them?" He chuckled softly and shook his head.

"You'll be great." I smiled at him.

"Ok, I'll just take a bath." He nodded before he stood up and bowed his head before going out.

I went to my wardrobe and pick my pajamas.

If Old Riana is here, she would ask me to wear a sexy nightie and refrain me to wear pajamas. Usually, I only take a bath after taking dinner but since I sleep

I grab my towel and went to the bathroom and take a bath.

I was there for almost thirty minutes, the water is so warm and comforting that I almost didn't want to get up.

But when I get up, I almost tripped but luckily I was able to hold on to the sink but when I move again my hand slipped which made me hurt my hand.

I whimpered in pain and bit my lower lip, not letting any sound go out and causing another panic in the mansion.

After that, I went to my wardrobe and change clothes but while changing I heard some noise coming from my room.

"Butler Warren? Can you help me clasped my bra? I hurt my hand." My brows furrowed when I hear a loud sound like a crashing glass.

"Are you ok, Old Warren?" I worriedly asked as I put my bathrobe in hurry.

"Don't move! Wait for me, I'm coming!" I run towards the door but I heard a loud cough.

"I'm ok. I'm coming." I frowned when his voice is different.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Don't look at me when I enter, ok?" I find it weird, but I said yes and waited for him to come.

I seat on my sofa inside my wardrobe.

Actually, my wardrobe is divided into two. One side is full of clothes, shoes, and jewelry. While in front of it is the long sofa and only three single seats.

This usually happens. I am really clumsy that Butler Warren or Old Riana need to help me with changing clothes.

To be honest, I can't do anything without hurting myself or putting myself in trouble. In short, I'm really a klutz. The five idiots usually call me queen of klutz before and even said that maybe my second name is a klutz

Luckily, for the past few years, I'm slowly removing the klutz besides my name.

"Old Warren? What's taking you so long?" I asked but no one answered which made me suspicious.

I stood up from my sofa and decided to open the door. But before I could even open it, Butler Warren came in causing the door to slap my face hard.

"Aww! Butler Warren!"  I shouted in pain.

I could see the concern on his face but in a split second when he saw my face that is gradually turning red, he laugh loudly which made me even more annoyed.

Hearing the commission inside. The five idiot bodyguards hurried in without even knocking.

My eyes widened in shock when I saw them.

I'm doomed.

"What happened?!" James.

"Where's the kidnapper?!" Lloyd.

"Tell me! I can kick him!" Von.

"I can call the police?" Biejay.

But when their eyes fell on me their eyes widened, unable to believe what they saw, and began to shout loudly.

I frowned and stared at them coldly.