
Life of the Cultivator in the DC Comics Universe

The story of the most ordinary Cultivator and his reincarnation as Damien Wayne in the DC Comics universe. I don't speak English, this is my fanfic in Russian. Google translations.

Alex_Pendragon666 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
4 Chs

Chapter 2. Awakening

I realized myself quite recently, being in pitch darkness. The veil overshadowed my mind — no matter how hard I tried, I could not think normally: Who am I? Where am I?... I can't count how many times these questions have been spinning in my head.

I didn't feel my body at all, let alone the ability to see and hear, which is logical. After all, the physical shell has not even begun to form yet. It was probably one of the most terrible experiences in all my previous lives.

After an indefinite amount of time, I began to realize myself: the haze in my eyes receded, and I gradually remembered who I was, recalled both my past lives, rethought all the mistakes of the past, wrong actions and actions.

It was as if enlightenment descended on me, I began to learn from all my past mistakes, becoming more perfect. The mental fatigue that had not left me throughout my life in the cultivator's world was disappearing. Although it seemed insignificant to me during my lifetime, it turns out not — it was as if I had thrown off the stones from my mind that were pressing on me.


And now I'm here—really in the womb of my new mother. I don't know exactly how much time has passed since the moment I realized myself. It was unbearable to be in the dark without a body. But thanks to the fact that I have achieved sudden enlightenment, I have new things to do: to sort out and, as if, relive all my memories from birth in past lives is not such an easy thing, even for me.

In the world of Cultivators, there were only ten stages of cultivation, divided into ranks from one to nine, in each stage there are sub-ranks from one to three: lower, middle and peak.

"The death stage." Being at the first or third ranks of these stages, the cultivator receives an increase in all senses beyond his limit: taste, smell, touch, hearing, vision - all this is achieved to an amazing level.

At the fourth or sixth ranks, the practitioner receives purification from impurities in the body and in the soul. A force comparable to a storm allows you to break stones and bend metal with your bare hands, develop amazing speed; develops immunity to most deadly diseases, viruses, infections and poisons.

At the seventh to ninth rank, the life of a Cultivator increases to five hundred years. The natural regeneration of the body reaches its limit, the Cultivator also receives an almost eidetic memory and an amazing speed of thinking; acquires the protection of consciousness from telepathy and other similar techniques or abilities. There is the power to read thoughts, telekinesis, the ability to feel any emotions.

The second stage is called "Reborn". At this level, from the first to the third rank, the Cultivator overcomes the mortal shackles that do not allow him to improve internal energy, it is then that the Practitioner truly enters the world of cultivation.

At the fourth to sixth ranks, the ability to use supernatural techniques, the use of basic element skills and the awakening of hidden gifts or bloodline in full force are revealed. If there is one, of course.

At the seventh or ninth ranks, the Cultivator must choose the path he will follow — the path of soul cultivation or the path of body cultivation. Some people can improve both ways, but few people even in this case choose this path because of the difficulties that await in the process of mastering.

Also at this rank, regardless of which course was chosen, the body will already be almost impossible to damage with ordinary mortal weapons: the hardness of the body and skin reaches a terrifying level, life increases to a thousand years.

The third stage is called "Sublime". At this level, the Cultivator reaches a sufficient density of Energy-Qi to form its core. What is it? The core is a storage and filter of Energy-Qi, without it, the absorption of Qi is impossible. This will immediately lead to a fatal outcome.

The fact is that a body or soul without a core in further development is not able to endure all the amount of energy that is required for progress.

This can lead to an explosion not only of the Cultivator's body, but also of his soul. At this stage, up to the first-ninth ranks, there is a slight increase in physical and spiritual strength, depending on which path was chosen — the cultivation of the body or soul. That is exactly what will be most strengthened.

Basically, this stage is the development and stabilization of the core and the strengthening of the past abilities of the mortal stage, and not other factors. Life reaches two thousand years.

The fourth stage is called "Heavenly Warrior". From the first to the third rank, the Cultivator reaches a qualitative leap: whether it is physical or spiritual strength, and it does not even matter what phase the Cultivator is. Up to a certain stage, the difference will not be so obvious in two ways: the ability to regenerate limbs, organs and mental wounds, immunity to all mortal diseases, an even greater increase in all senses, the ability to see Energy-Qi and the true essence of almost everything, speed, strength — now everything below this stage is nothing more than ants who are not able to harm the Practitioner in any way.

From the fourth to the sixth rank, a Cultivator gains the ability to fly in the sky, breathe in places where it would seem impossible. The divine power is able to destroy mountains with a single blow of the hand. The practitioner receives a spiritual weapon (although in the future, if the path of the body was chosen, it will be very difficult to develop the spirit, even if you consume Divine treasures).

The cultivator receives the power of the domain, each one is individual and has unique abilities.

At the seventh-ninth ranks, the strength increases up to the level that they are able to destroy cities and armies of cultivators of the lower stages with only one technique, and use a variety of powerful techniques. So, in the presence of a bloodline, it evolves, using all its potential and power. But even if it's not there, who says you can't get it? After all, it is at this rank that the Practitioner gets access to the possible acceptance of the legacy of Cultivators, with each new stage, all past forces are repeatedly strengthened, life reaches five thousand years.

It makes no sense to even talk about the other stages now, I definitely won't reach them soon. After all, unfortunately, in this life I have no knowledge where to find a lot of legendary treasures for faster cultivation without consequences.

That's what I'm getting at. While I was in an enlightened state, I realized that the laws of this universe are completely different from the previous ones in my previous universe. Not to mention the number of Qi Energies exceeding in diversity, to my deep surprise, every similar Element of Qi from a past life that I experienced here had a mind. I immediately stopped exploring them when I felt their attentive gaze on my soul.

In the past world, this was impossible, they could not have any intelligence, they were only Elements-Qi, and nothing more.

This means that cultivating here will not be an easy matter at all. I don't want to become a part of these "intelligent" Elements-Qi, and if I use one of them, that's exactly what will happen. I don't want to become some kind of slave or even worse, an avatar of Energy-Qi.

I felt that there were other, unreasonable and previously unknown to me Energies-Qi. But who says that if I try to absorb them, for example, I won't explode? I have no idea what kind of influence they will have on me, and whether I am able to cultivate them at all.

There were many Elements in the Cultivator's world-Qi.





Qi of Darkness.








There were also many subspecies

All the Qi listed above. For example:

The qi of chaos is the Qi of Precious Metals.

The qi of darkness is the Qi of the Shadow.

The qi of life is the Qi of nature.

Etc. Although they originated from one of the Primordial Elements-Qi, this does not mean that they have the same type of Energy-Qi, they are completely different and have little in common with the primordial energy, except for the very fact of their birth from them.

Every Cultivator from birth has an affinity for one of the Elements-Qi. Some are born with several - they are called geniuses, and the other half of ordinary Cultivators are born with only one, like me, for example.

But thanks to the bloodline of the golden Primordial Dragon, and its affinity for all Elements-Qi, and after accepting his legacy, I received affinity for all primordial elements and their subspecies.

But, unfortunately, after reincarnation, I lost proximity to all the elements that I had in my previous life.

Also, the bloodline I gained had many abilities. For example, one of them is adaptation to new Energies–Qi. If you are exposed for a long time to the influence of previously unknown Energy-Qi or purposefully absorb it, then in the end, through hellish pain, you can get an affinity for it.

This ability can be used regardless of whether the bloodline is awakened or not. She is always active.

It's good that I was prudent and prepared my escape route.

Due to the fact that I lived in a turbulent world of Cultivation, I prepared in advance for my possible death. A long time ago, in the mortal Realm, I performed a ritual in advance with the help of the "Samsara" technique, which would allow me to preserve all my memories and the potential for development on the path of perfection in the next life. Although I would still have to sacrifice all my strength, starting a new life with a clean slate.

Because of the knowledge of many secret places, I was able to get this technique and almost all the ingredients I needed. And the funny thing is that for the final touch, you will need a strong soul with a lot of Energy–Qi to finally activate the technique, obviously not your own, of course. The souls of enemies will also do. So at least the soul of Chao Phuong was good for something. It's not for nothing that I used a suicidal technique to make his rotten soul a victim. He will not see the next reincarnation now. As they say: what you sow, you will reap.

A truly amazing, but at the same time sinister technique automatically attracts the nearest strong soul of the enemy to its networks for its activation. No matter how strong the victim is, she will not be able to offer any resistance. If only Chao Phuong could have known what suicide would cost him, he wouldn't have dared to even look in my direction then. I couldn't stop smiling mentally for a long time.


It's been a long time. My mother, judging by the sensations, was now somewhere in the fifth month of pregnancy.

After I moved away from the state of Enlightenment, from boredom and indecision to Cultivate unfamiliar Qi Energies, I began to probe them. I understood that sooner or later I would have to do it anyway. Moreover, there is no better time for this than at this stage of a new life. After all, the earlier a Cultivator begins the path of Cultivation, the better his foundation and the speed of progress in the future will be. Even if I start so early, I will be able to adapt to one of these Energies-Qi faster and gain affinity. If it works and I survive...

I used my Divine Perception to find the most suitable Energy-Qi. Some attracted, while others, on the contrary, pushed away from themselves. While the long search lasted, I was thinking very different thoughts.

I was extremely lucky in being able to keep my bloodline of the primordial Golden Dragon. Perhaps this happened due to reincarnation or as a consequence of a ritual.

Somehow in this life I became a hybrid of a Human and a Dragon. The ritual worked even better than planned. In my previous life, after accepting the legacy of the golden Primordial Dragon, I stopped being human with every cell of my being.

I have acquired a lot of pros and cons. For example, for Cultivation after reincarnation into a Dragon, I had to consume a huge amount of all kinds of treasures. Even when compared to other owners of divine legacies, if I didn't have the knowledge of my past life of many secret places where amazing treasures were stored, I wouldn't be able to advance in Rank like this. Not to mention another stage.

But now I felt that I was a full-fledged representative of both races. In the past world, there were figures with hybrid bloodlines in legends, most of them became legends of their eras. It is a pity that little information has been preserved since then, except for a few confirmed stories I found in ancient manuscripts.

To be honest, I was shocked when I explored my soul, realizing that I was a Hybrid.


The sixth month of pregnancy.

Due to reincarnation and for some unknown reason, I was still able to use "Divine Perception". Although it was not even a crumb of his former power, but it was enough to find a suitable source of Energy-Qi.

"Divine perception" includes several ways of application.

For example, a way to detect the presence of other people, often by sensing their Energy-Qi. And if the user of the ability is experienced enough, then he will be able to feel their very souls at unimaginable distances. With this ability, little will be able to hide.

The second method of application is the ability to literally analyze almost everything – be it techniques, heavenly plants, Divine treasures, legendary metals, thereby comprehending their very essence on an incredibly deep level.

Thanks to the Energy-Qi of Precious Metals, comprehending the very essence of matter with some techniques that I invented, I could start creating celestial metals and minerals myself. Later I was also able to learn how to recreate gold and other jewels. Which was much easier than comprehending the essence of the matter of the cosmic Dark Metal.

After this discovery, I got another title of "God of Wealth". A little tasteless in my opinion.

It is worth saying that "Divine Perception" is exclusively an ability of the "Primordial Golden Dragon" bloodline, which opens only after reaching the "True God" stage. But apparently the consequences of the ritual are much more than I originally thought... but it's nothing. The main thing is that they are harmless.


Seventh month of pregnancy.

Finally... After what seemed like an eternity, I found her! The energy-Qi that attracted me with all the cells of my existence! Judging by the sensations, she was harmless and unreasonable. As soon as I touched her with my "Divine Perception", I was overwhelmed by a pain I had never seen before, along with which my soul was pulled out of my body.

For me, it was as if a whole infinity had passed in the torments of hell. In a slow agony that burned the whole soul... only after an indefinite time, I adapted to an unknown Energy-qi and got affinities to it.

After this insane torture tormenting the soul finally left me, I realized myself in some multicolored outer space, where there was nothing but emptiness.

The soul was in my human form, floating back and forth in a relaxed way through the dimensional space connected to my new universe.

In complete silence, I put my thoughts in order. I acted very rashly, it could have cost a lot. Thank the abnormal luck, I have already been carried away for the umpteenth time. I doubted whether the adaptation would work. Alas, I could not make sure of her efficiency due to the scarcity of my Power Rank in the "Divine Perception".

It was risky... but as they say: those who don't take risks don't drink champagne.

After a while, I decided that it was time for Cultivation. But the question is: what kind of Cultivation technique should I use? After all, each skill was created for a certain Element-Qi, will my cultivation techniques work with this new Qi.

First, let's try the basic technique of the "Primordial Golden Dragon" that I cultivated in the past. Due to its unique Dragon bloodline and its adaptation to affinity for all Elements-Qi, the technique was able to adapt itself to an unknown Qi.

It is also perfectly suited for Cultivating the dual path of body and soul, which he decided to follow again in this universe.

Sitting in the lotus position, I relaxed. All thoughts disappeared from my head, I began to absorb the multicolored Energy-Qi around me according to the technique of the technique. When she got into the soul, I somehow felt an energetic tourniquet that connected me to this dimension. At the same moment, I was thrown out of there back into the mortal human body in the womb.

When I woke up in my body, the first thing I did was to consider with the help of "Divine Perception". The energetic harness that became my conductor of new Energy-Qi from this dimension. It looked like a thick rope of crystal twisted rope. I felt that this connection could not be broken. The dimension has become an inseparable part of my soul. I wonder if I can get there again at will? Although... now is not the time for such thoughts.

I started Cultivating again. The lotus position is not mandatory, it rather takes into account the fact of the comfort of the Practitioner. Absorbing the Energy-Qi into myself through the connection, I began to move and distribute Qi in a certain way throughout the physical shell and soul according to the technique of the technique. It was difficult to describe the complexity of the technique in simple words. The feelings that a Practitioner experiences during Cultivation cannot be understood – they need to be experienced by himself. It's not as easy as it might seem to someone at first glance.

I felt the energy flowing like a river through the connection, washing over my whole being. There were no more echoes of that mental pain due to adaptation.

Five days have passed...

Qi caused a little pain to the soul and body, but I didn't feel that way either, so it seemed like nothing to me.

Each high-quality technique gives certain abilities when the Rank increases. For example, unlike the same abilities that all Cultivators receive, even if they perfect a third-rate technique by entering a new Rank or stage.

A week has passed...

With every passing moment in Cultivation, I experienced every cell changing in my body and soul. The amazing thing was that the Energy-Qi was some kind of hybrid Qi of all the primordial elements.

It's funny, hybrid Energy is Qi for a hybrid, it turns out some kind of tautology.

Two weeks have passed...

At some point there was a surge of Energy-Qi, words cannot convey all the pleasure that I experienced at the same time. Finally... I have started my path in Cultivation!

Having entered the first rank of the "Mortal Stage", I felt how all my senses, taste, smell, touch, hearing, vision improved. I am immensely glad, because that very key moment in my new life has come.

I could hear my mother's gentle voice and see my tiny but incredibly strong body in total darkness.

Her beautiful loving voice sang for me, in this life I finally had a dear and close person. I won't be lonely anymore... I... I will definitely take care of her, and I won't let anyone hurt her.

I think I've become too sentimental. Maybe, as a result of Enlightenment, I seemed to mentally rejuvenate... Anything is possible, now I'm not sure of anything. It's probably even better this way.

Thanks to the Cultivation technique and the age of initiation, I got a firmer and better foundation than other Cultivators.

I have decided that I will cultivate only to the peak of the "Mortal Stage" in order to stabilize the strength and not damage the foundation. A quick rise in Rank is not always a good thing. I realized this a long time ago when I was able to kill other Practitioners at the stage above myself literally in batches.

My knowledge is not limited to Cultivation techniques. An impressive amount of diverse and deep knowledge in many areas will help and have helped me improve myself and strength more than once.


The ninth month of pregnancy.

For the umpteenth time, there was an outburst of Energy-Qi... And finally I have reached the ninth Rank of the "Mortal Stage"! If it were known in the past world that an unborn nine-month-old baby had reached the ninth Rank... it's scary to imagine what they would do to me.

I also cleaned up my human genes from all the minuses. For example, why do I need hereditary psychological diseases and many other unnecessary things.

It's a good thing that I don't rely solely on the basic cultivation technique of the "Primordial Golden Dragon". As most practitioners did, focusing only on their basic techniques, and ignoring other problems that did not disappear by themselves.

Any basic Cultivation technique will not automatically solve all the problems just because of the elevation of rank. Eh, many did not understand this or neglected it... No wonder there were so many psychos among the Cultivators after all.

As a result, I am the perfect representative of humanity on all counts:

- excellent physical shape;

- accelerated metabolism with endurance developed to the limit;

- strong immunity to all terrestrial diseases, viruses, infections;

- accelerated regeneration and high body strength;

- high pain threshold;

- delayed aging;

- reflexes and speed developed to the maximum.

Thanks to the abilities of the "Mortal Stage", these indicators have doubled. It's a pity that for some reason my dragon side still remains unawakened, so there are no changes here.

I also noticed that due to the emissions during the breakthroughs, a large amount of Qi still remained and accumulated in my mother's body. In order not to waste the good, I began to carefully help her body absorb the rest of the Energy-Qi and cleanse her genes from defects and dirt. But the effect will be less, due to the fact that I can't do too much myself without her participation.

The final result will be somewhere after my birth. Physical strength, health and longevity will increase. The whole physical body will become stronger, the muscles will transform into pink fibers. Finally, the green muck and other impurities that I noticed in the mother's genes and body disappeared. For this method, I used a special purification technique.

However, the Cultivation technique is not a panacea, in some places you need to use other, more subtle ways and skills. Fortunately, I had a lot of proven knowledge.

This green stuff was also seen in my genes. At least not in such large quantities as my mother's. I suppose the gene of insanity is its consequence.


The water broke. Looks like it's time for me to be born. The expectation is very exciting.

I turned around and made myself as comfortable as possible to leave this place as soon as possible.

In this world, I decided that I would definitely live this life without any regrets!

I hope this is a more or less acceptable translation. as if you want to support the author 4441114427106503 every penny will help a lot (not necessarily) "thank you.

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