
Life of a God in the Multiverse

This is an Autobiography of a God, from the moment he died, up to the point he reins supreme over the entire Multiverse. Follow Soren as he tells us about his life, and how sightseeing in the different worlds would cause him troubles befitting a God. Disclaimer!: I do NOT own any franchise that I may use in this Fan Fiction, and it is purely for entertainment, and mental relief for fantasy. All work goes to their proper creators... Please support the Official release! Disclaimer 2: The cover image is not my picture, it's just a representation of what I assume the main character Soren would look like, I will take it down if you show proof that you own the picture and wish me to take it down

God_King_Soren · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
71 Chs

Chapter 64: Becoming a Teacher

(A/N: More of you said no for the rewrite for last chapter, so I'm leaving it as is, and there is no changing it now, enjoy this chapter, as I tried to make the comedic relief more along the lines of Assassination Classroom's standards)

Soren quickly made his way through the town only using his presence sensing, as it was quite simple to find a being housing massive amounts of antimatter in his cells, to the point of these cells slowly corroding his body, and if not in check, would be powerful enough to blow up the world, like the test rat that blew up the moon. As Soren got closer to the main campus, he noticed that he was sticking out, as he never changed out of his martial uniform, and it was currently drawing the attention of surrounding bystanders, as well as some of the students that were heading towards the campus.

'I guess I need fitting clothes, since I'm no longer in the dojo': soren

Soren's plan for coming here was to start recruitment for his Evil Pieces chess set, but they couldn't really be called that anymore, as during the experimental trials, Soren ran his profound energy through one of the pieces, and it had undergone a shocking transformation, as the original blood read color of the pieces, became a crystal clear color, in which you could see a multitude of colors that seemed to form an entire universe inside, and Soren wanted to start recruitments, but he needed people with courage and conviction, and not some random snot nosed brat who couldn't even work up the courage to jump off a cliff into water on his own. Soren then walked into a deserted part of the neighborhood, where he snapped his fingers, and his martial uniform disappeared, and in its place, a red suit took its place.

[Just my color, hehe]: soren

Soren marveled at the suit, as it made him look like an important business man, as his red blazer was left unbuttoned over a black dress shirt, with a red tie around his neck, while a pair of red dress pants, and black dress shoes were seen below his waist, as a black leather belt with a solid gold belt buckle was visible to those who saw him, while Soren also had gold cufflinks around his wrists, with a simple image of a dragon engraved in them. Soren then began to make his way up the mountain side stationed behind the main school building, as nobody noticed he was ever even there, even with his flashy suit. Soren's goal was to get in as a teacher, but just having a teachers license wouldn't do, so he needed to make use of his skills as a trained assassin nin, so after sneaking his way up the mountain side, and got passed the special traps that seemed to be made by amateurs that were littered around the campus, Soren could now see an age old building with a group of students lined up as they swung green plastic knives with government branding in white paint, on the blades, while two people watched, or rather, a single man, and a big yellow octopus looking creature watched as the group of high schoolers trained.

[I guess it's time to make my introduction… But I want them to know that I'm helpful, but I want that octopus to know I'm a threat]: soren

After scoping the area, Soren began walking up casually behind Korosensei, with his hands in his pocket, as neither the students immersed in training, nor did Korosensei notice as Soren arrived behind the target, as Soren slowly raised his hand up as it was shaped like a knife, towards Korosensei's octopus-like head, before using his other hand to wrap around him from the front, before he spoke, letting everyone know that he was there for the first time.

[You should really keep your guard up… If I had one of those knives, I'm sure I would have killed you]: soren

Soren then touched the base of Korosensei's neck, or what Soren thought would be his neck, as the man standing next to Korosensei quickly backed away to assess the situation, leaving Korosensei shocked at the sight, as his eyes turned into small white quivering circles. Soren then quickly released Korosensei, as he then watched him disappear at the speed of Mach 20, but to Soren, it looked like he was doing a slow jog, as he thought to himself.

'This is sad… And he's supposed to hold a Divine Crystal?... Also, Ava, I thought only reincarnators housed Divine Crystals, as it's a piece of power from the Gods who created these worlds': soren

<{This is true, only reincarnators have these Crystals, but I sense a special kind of crystal inside of this Korosensei that is similar, yet different to the Crystals you are looking for}>

'Oh?... And what kind of crystal is it?': soren

<{These are the Crystals of the World… Each world has a Crystal that runs the world, as each world is made from a God's power, and the more worlds a God has created, the weaker they are, unless they create a fait or a religion worshiping them in those worlds, which would send power back to them, though not as much as they used to create the world}>

'I see… So if we say a God has a total of 100 power, and creates 99 worlds, he would be left with only 1 power, but if he were to create religions for himself, he would start getting power back at a slower speed?': soren

<{In a way, yes, but imagine that 100 power, and multiply it by 10 zillion… But Gods can also put more power into a world to create more powerful beings, such as worlds like Dragonball, which used a total of 1/10th of the God who created the world's power power, but he also created a religion, and goes by the name Dragon God Zalama, bringing him his power back to 100% over the course of billions of years, and it increases and makes him stronger than he was when he created the world}>

'Seems like quite the investment… Anyway, I think it's time to introduce myself to these guys': soren

Soren snapped out of his conversation with Ava that didn't last more than a second for those spectating his current position.

[Who are you… If you know about our situation, then why let him go?]: ???

Soren then turned his attention towards the man from earlier, known as Agent Karasuma, as all the students stopped their practice, as they began looking towards Soren in awe, as Soren was the only one who was able to sneak up on Korosensei without his knowledge, and it was true, if he did have an Anti-Sensei knife, he would have been able to kill him.

[Who am I?... I am many things… Assassin, Ninja, Arrogant, All powerful, and most importantly, I am a teacher… I teach martial arts as well as the way of killing, but I also know History like the back of my hand… So when I heard that you were teaching high school flunkies how to be assassins, I made myself present, and that earlier display was just my audition… I don't plan to kill that octopus, as it's these kids' job to take him out… If I were to go after him, it would be too easy]: soren

When Everyone heard Soren's introduction, they felt that some of it was quite arrogant, but like he said, he was arrogant, but when Korosensei heard Soren say taking him out would be easy, he felt flustered, as it was a possibility, and in the future, he would always have to keep his guard up if Soren lied about not wanting to kill him.

[I see… So you're not after the money?... You know, with cash like that, one wouldn't ever have to work again, and neither would their children, or their children's children]: karasuma

When Korosensei heard this, he felt like chewing Karasuma out, as if by chance this new guy was indeed telling the truth, and wasn't after his life, then talk of money would surely put Soren on his back.

[Money?... Nah, I got plenty of it, and if I ever needed anymore, all I'd have to do is go cash in some gold bars]: soren

When everyone heard Soren's words, they felt envy, while some wondered how Soren could be so rich, but a few possibilities popped into their heads upon remembering his introduction, as assassination brings in big bucks, while Korosensei thought of all the money Soren might be willing to share with him so he could splurge on his teaching funds, and immediately after deciding to try and befriend Soren, Korosensei appeared out of what appeared to be thin air, as he spoke.

[We're glad to have you on the team!... Please, let me know if you need anything, I'll fly all over the world to get it… *Under his breath* For a small fee of course]: korosensei

Upon seeing their chance to strike while Korosensei was being greedy, all the kids tried stabbing and shooting Korosensei, but all the attacks missed, leaving room for Soren to correct them right before Karasuma could try and correct their forms.

[Hey you! Put your foot forward, and bring your elbow lower so you can put more force into striking… You! Place your knife more towards your center, and focus on predicting his speed, then make your attack… And you! Aim higher, and wait for the octopus to fall back for escape before shooting]: soren

As Soren continued to give orders to the kids, they immediately began following Soren's command, as it seemed to be working, as Korosensei was starting to lose his balance, while a small boy with blue hair almost touched Korosensei's body with the anti-sensei knife. Karasuma saw all of this as he gave a shocked look at the sheer power of proper coordination given by a strategic master.

[A-Alright, kids… That's enough for gym class!!... B-Back to class!!]: korosensei

After seeing that none of the students were listening to him, Korosensei hit his max speed as he zoomed out of the enclosing circle that spelled out his doom.

'Why doesn't he just tell them he is teaching them to fulfill a promise, rather than tell them they need to kill him to save the world… In all reality, he could kill himself, but I guess he really just wants to see these kids graduate, before dying in style': soren

With this thought, Soren was now welcomed as one of the teachers for class 3E, and he would be teaching them History along with assassination. Soren then spent then next week teaching the students History, as well as Assassination techniques taught to him by Minato when he first went to the Naruto world, and during that time, his students got to know more about him, while Korosensei also stayed in a close proximity to learn a bit about his "best buddy" so there was more to use when begging for money.

[Come on, Soren!... It's just 20,000 Yen! T-That's pocket change, right!?]: korosensei

Soren was walking down the hall as Korosensei was holding onto his leg with one of his tentacles, while Soren just tried to ignore him.

[*Sigh*... What do you even need it for?... Don't you get paid?]: soren

When Soren stopped and asked this question, Korosensei let go of Soren's leg, as sat up and began holding his tentacle legs with one hand, while drawing circles into the floorboards with another as he spoke.

[Yeah, but… Karma-kun stole my wallet, and now I have no money]: korosensei

[*Sigh*... Fine, but maybe not keep your money in the teachers lounge?... I see that thing in there all the time, and I have to keep Professor Bitch from taking what's inside… You know, if you treated your money like you treated your life when these kids try to assassinate you, you might actually start to build up a small fortune]: soren

[Y-You're right… So… Will you help me?]: korosensei

Korosensei then looked up as he spoke in a childish tone begging like a dog does for food, making Soren sigh, before he dung into his pocket and pulled out a fat wad of 1,000 Yen bills, before licking his finger and pulling 20 bills out, and handed them off to Korosensei with a single sentence.

[If I find out you bought any porn with this money, I'll resend my promise of not ending your life personally, and take my money back 500,000 times fold, with that 10 billion reward]: soren

When Soren spoke, Korosensei felt that there were no lies in his words, and inwardly gulped, as stashed the cash into his teachers uniform, before blasting off at mach 20, thinking Soren would never be able to catch him.

'*Sigh*... I wonder how I should approach telling the students that I'm a god looking for a single member to join my team as a fellow god… Would they even believe me?': soren

Soren then began to play back all the scenarios that could happen when he outs himself, as well as the reaction from Korosensei, but decided to leave that for later, as Soren was going to help teach these kids until march 16th next year. Soren then spent time teaching his students for the upcoming midterm exam, as he wanted to see them flourish and gain a sense of confidence, as that too will boost their success of killing Korosensei.

[Alright, students!... Today is the midterm, we as teachers have prepared you with all you may need to know, so go out there, and show those students and teachers from the main campus, that class 3E is nothing to scoff at!]: korosensei

Korosensei seemed to raise the spirits within those kids, as their faces gleamed with confidence, as all the teachers assigned to teach these students on the path to flunking, how to assassinate the teacher teaching them. Soren stood next to Karasuma, while the lady known as Professor Bitch, by the students, was currently hugging up against Soren's arm, trying to attract him due to his looks, as well as his money, but Soren just ignored all her advances. Sure, she had a stunning figure, and sure, Soren would fuck her brains out if given the chance, but she would only allow that if money was involved, or if sex with him would benefit her in some way. Professor Bitch was in layman's terms, a Bitch. A women who was as much of a Gold Digger, as gold digging gets, but her skills in this type of field had made her have a perfect track record of assassinations used by sexual seducing, meaning that even though she was stunningly beautiful, her pussy was a open as the grand canyon, and there is a lot that she's experienced, so much, then even Soren might have to admit he couldn't satisfy her properly, as their experiences were vastly different. Korosensei then dismissed the class, as they began tracking down the mountain, dodging all the traps laid previously for Korosensei, before making it to the main campus, where they were assigned their rooms for testing.

[Do you think they will pass?]: professor bitch

[I do… I have full confidence in my students to ace this test… I made sure to cram everything, even Naruto just so they could pass this test, and I could win my bet against that principal]: korosensei

When Soren heard about Korosensei's teaching methods, he let out a chuckle, as it involved Naruto, making Soren inwardly laugh at the thought of Korosensei watching him or Nikita perform some jutsu, and then this thought led to Soren getting a little depressed at the fact that he let his wife get kidnapped, and then brought forth the thought of how to get her back, while royally screwing over the one who took her.

'You're not going to win… I'll get her back, and I'll make you lick my boots': soren

Soren cursed the former god known as Lucifer, before he snapped back into the conversation, as Karasuma tried to attack Korosensei, but his attack was dodged, as Korosensei's yellow head had green horizontal stripes appear on his face, meaning he was feeling cocky.