
Life in cultured world make me wonder, Is this good ?

becoming something that you desire is good in many way, because you can feel them in first person. While enjoying life is either hard or easy as people speak despite they have many reason to tell you how to do it, No, life doesn't work that way. in this "Cultured" World where everything you see and Anything you feel is Questionable yet morally speaking is not. As long is enjoyable and "Fapable" is all good. =================== Hello, This novel using a translator because my first language is not English so in this description of the novel i tried using my minimum Vocabulary that pop up out of my vein. Yeah, you already guess it. This Fanfic i will share the "Cultured video" not the "Number". Maybe some of you asking what happened to other fanfic , This site limiting my update on that fanfic because some uncultured people get offended by "loli". I dont mind at all, after all everything in this novel is imagination of a reader trying to make a story. so yeah, I will try not to approach a loli (a literal child not that petite type girl) one, but don't judge me because of some "Cultured Video" tag that is weirdly fuck up , i just taking their character despite i already have a milkshake on them (Stroking genital with compassion and love). Anyway, Thank you for reading also, the schedule is not consistent because my work schedule and university make my update was slow. Either way, if you looking some "Daily dose of video recommendation" Come on in, I will share it with you. if you looking for story, i'm so sorry for inconsistency of plot or some not build up character or shitty mc. because writing novel is a hobby not my passion at all. so thank you for your attention Ps. This novel contain NTR, Because you know some of this cultured Video has many NTR included either good NTR or bad NTR(Either is Plot or Art).Im taking their Female Character as story building also alter their background reason(Or should i say Cultured Video Plot)without changing their personality in their original Cultured Video. As vanilla enjoyer like i am, I honestly wish that some of you cultured people who didnt Enjoy or despise NTR. Skip this novel, I mean it. Anyway if you looking some kind a Sauce for Cultured Video, Check Author Thought. ill leave the sauce there. As master Oogway says, If there is a hole there is a goal. If the daughter cant be breached the mother you shall reach.

Shaywalloppp · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

Special Student

At the gate of the Academy, where there was a welcoming board for new students, stood several members of the student council watching over the new students.

Not far away was the sound of a loud motorcycle and someone shouting.

"NENE!" Nene did a Stoppie right in front of the academy entrance and fortunately this motorcycle didn't leave any ruts along the road.

The two of us became an interesting spectacle for the students here and even the teachers, I got off and balanced my body, I was riding a roller coaster without brakes, this was the first time I felt fear, I had to get used to it.

"Nene, go home. I don't want you to get a ticket with my favorite motorcycle, remember go straight home" Nene gave a Marine-style salute, I gave my helmet and Nene did another Burnout then did a Wheelie and pulled the motorcycle gas hard, Nene disappeared with a shout.

"Wohoohoo" I covered my face, I was worried about her getting a ticket. I got a ticket no problem because I have a license for all vehicles even racing vehicle licenses.

I turned around and saw everyone here still gaping at this incident, I bowed to everyone here.

"I apologize for the noise we made, I beg you all not to imitate it" I stood up again and started to walk into the spacious academy.

<Admitting Mistake>

[Singing Skill, Take?]

[Asset, Take?]

[Special cell phone, Take?]

[Onmyouji's Special Skill, Take?]

Onmyouji? I'll take that, I was then intercepted by a student council member.

"Stop, what's your name?" I took a full look at this girl, blonde hair and a sexy body for her age.

"Soga Tatsuo, Greetings" This girl suddenly gave me a look like she was mocking me.

"Where are your eyes looking? You pervert" I gave a small gasp and wrinkled my forehead, I'm literally looking into your eyes miss.

"I don't know what you want to assume about me, please watch your language" I then walked to the class signboard, then I was confronted again.

"We meet again" she the girl before, So this is my senior, judging from her badge she is my senior 1 year above.

"Greetings senpai, how can I help you?" then she put her hand on her waist.

"Become a member of my club" I looked at her flatly, my first day of school was already troubled by a racing biker, secondly I was labeled a pervert by a council student, now I was invited by a strange senior, could it get any worse?

"No thank you" I then looked at this board and I was in class C, out of the 3 classes available I was the last one.

"Then I won't give up asking you to join my club" I then tracked my class with Shinsu and then looked at this Senpai with a smile.

"no" I disappeared from her sight, she was surprised and looked for me while I was already walking up the stairs to the 3rd floor where my class is. I saw some other students who were looking at me, there were some punks and others.

The most striking thing is that some of the guys here somehow have their eyes covered by their front hair but it's ridiculous that they can see clearly.

I saw a Familiar who was chatting with another girl, Rinka goes here apparently, Rinka turned her head and looked at me wide-eyed.

"Hi, you go to the same school apparently" Rinka came over to me and hugged me immediately, her body was now as high as my neck, I had trouble kissing her later.

"Soga, I didn't expect you get here" I was shocked, the first time I was called Soga, I smiled and stroked Rinka's hair.

"I didn't know you went here either" Rinka released her hug and smiled at me.

"Which class are you in?" I pointed towards class C, Rinka sighed and patted my hand, I sensed a problem with this class.

"A class full of some problematic student and you and two other men are in that class" I knew it, Onmyouji's ability is very useful for future visions.

"Thanks for the useful information, I'm guessing you're in Class A which is full of outstanding students, right?" Rinka nodded at my guess, me and Rinka excused ourselves because soon the lesson would begin.

I entered my class and saw all my friends, the majority of whom were women and only 3 men including myself, and we happened to be sitting next to each other.

I was lucky to be seated in the middle of five rows of benches, with 8 students in each row and 35 students in total. The five benches behind us were empty due to the even distribution of students.

I sat in my chair to wait for my homeroom teacher who had not yet arrived, I saw all my classmates chatting with their gangs and friends, some were busy playing cell phones or doing whatever they liked.

My other male friends were chatting with their childhood friends and one was busy playing on his cell phone, a first school experience.

A red-haired teacher entered our class, we saluted and sat back down.

"Good morning, my name is Mrs. Hanamori. I will be your homeroom teacher for the next 3 years, so please cooperate" We saluted and she began to take our attendance one by one.

"Soga Tatsuo, are you really a pervert?" I sighed, it seems like that council girl wants to make trouble with me, I stood up and bowed my body.

"I'm sorry if you heard that false news, Mrs. Hanamori. I hope you can listen less to rumors that disgrace my reputation" Hanamori nodded and I was made fun of secretly by some Gyaru here.

"Then I can rest easy, try to reduce that habit and improve your studies" the passive aggressive that came out of Hanamori's mouth made me question, did I enter wrong academy ?

"I will try to exceed your expectations" I then sat down again and saw a few glances in my direction, I raised my shoulders and listened to Hanamori's explanation about the education here that emphasizes practice over material.

The purpose of this academy is to improve the quality of students to the maximum with basic to semi-professional education, then Hanamori looked at me who was looking at the window because I felt there was an illumination where the lunch break was a decisive event for one's view.

"Soga, are you listening to what I'm saying" I turned to Hanamori who was explaining the abilities of the students to be developed.

"Yes Mrs. Hanamori I am listening" Hanamori then came over to me and handed me a paper, this was the student ability assessment paper which turned out to be me.

"Then write here your skills" I wrote down all my skills except Onmyouji, Shinsu, and hypnosis.

Hanamori looked at this paper wide-eyed especially my education skill which is a lot because I am literally proficient in theory in my education skill.

"umm, after the lesson is over meet me in the teacher's room" I nodded and there goes my schedule to walk around Adachi, Then Mrs. Hanamori's lesson is over, enter the teacher with big boobs with her yellow hair.

"My name is Ms. Miria, I don't like students being lazy or not paying attention. I will punish you if you violate" Cruel yet professional, I watched her teach calculus.

I don't write at all because I understand everything unless there is an assignment or homework then I start writing.

"You! Why aren't you taking notes?" Miria looked at me, I took my book and started writing quickly the formula in a short and easier to understand formula.

"If you're so smart why don't you finish this formula" I stood up and did the problems on the blackboard in the universal way, then my faster and more efficient way, then developed this formula to the university level then to the professor level.

I then put down the chalk and looked at Miria who was wide-eyed and my friends who had zero clue what is in the board right now.

"Can I sit down?" Then Miria then saw my name on the list, she then nodded.

I sat back down and put my notebook in my bag, Ms. Miria explained my formula again which was very simple because I included an explanation there.

Then the lunch break came, the bell rang and I sighed with the problem that had just arisen, I couldn't help but accept the fact that.

"Hello, is there a Soga Tatsuo in here" I sighed again, that Senior still hadn't given up on teasing me.

My classmates immediately pointed at me who was trying to run away with my lunch.

"hey wait" I immediately disappeared from here and went to the academy's backyard where I was closer to nature.

I opened my lunch box, and the smell of this food was so good that some stray cats approached me. I fed them and I also ate with them.

I heard someone approaching us, a girl with a flat stare saw me eating with these cats and we literally stopped eating to see this girl, this girl sat near us and tried to call the cats.

The cats had priorities, chewing my food first so they didn't care about the girl's call, I quickly finished my delicious meal.

The cats finished eating and licking their bodies, and some came over to me to pet me. I petted them gently and they meowed sweetly.

The girl was just watching and she didn't say a word, it was awkward. I looked at this girl who looked back at me.

"Miss, would you like to touch the cats" The girl was silent as she wanted to touch the cats, one cat approached her and sniffed her body, the girl offered her hand and the cat started to stroke her body.

I nodded and I picked up a fallen leaf, playing music for this moment, the soft music of this leaf flute.

Some cats wagged their tails in time with my music, this girl closed her eyes and listened to my music wholeheartedly.

The bell rang, I got up and waved my hand to the cats, this girl saw me leaving and tried to chase me who was already running fast to class.

When I got to class, I saw that my desk was full of a lot of letters, I read them and they were all invitation letters to join the club signed Yuri, Oh so senpai's name is Yuri.

The description of the club's vision and mission is very ambiguous with the propaganda of profit and "Fun" what fun? what kind of fun was she talking about?

I folded all these letters and put them in my desk drawer, then a new teacher came in with a cute face and blue hair.

"Hello, my name is Ms. Risako. I'm here teaching sociology" I listened to Risako's material until it was finished then she inexplicably looked at me.

"Your name is Soga Tatsuo, right?" I nodded and Risako gave me a letter, I read it and saw the contents of this letter that said I had to become a student council.

"Thank you" Risako walked out of the classroom and the lesson was literally over, I picked up my bag and could hear familiar footsteps, I hurriedly ran away.

"TATSUO" I already went to the teacher's room before Yuri Senpai ambushed me again, When in front of the teacher's room, I knocked on this door and opened it.

"Excuse me" I saw all the teachers here who were all women, there was not one man at all. Hanamori waved, and I entered and closed the door tightly, I approached Hanamori.

"Tatsuo, you can seriously do all this education?" Hanamori seemed to doubt my skills, I want to show off but I don't want to be a teacher's pet. You know how much I hate being a teacher's pet right?

"I'm serious Ms. Hanamori" Hanamori put the paper back and Miria approached us.

"I'm sure, he answered a formula during my lesson and did things that even I didn't expect" Why Miria said that like it was out of context, all the teachers were looking at us seriously.

"What does that mean?" Hanamori looked at me who was just smiling at this.

"He answered the hardest formula with universal formula solving quickly, changed his formula solving to efficient and simple then improved his formula to college and Professor level, I'm at a loss for words, this kid is a genius but why is he ranked at the bottom with the most mediocre grade" Miria gave me sarcasm, I was looked at by various teachers simultaneously. I just smiled looking at them all.

"Tatsuo, try to work on this" Hanamori handed over a biology problem sheet, I then walked to the blackboard, writing all the formulations, assumptions and speculations that could solve this problem in detail.

"Stop, Stop" I stopped my writing, then looked at this teacher.

"Yes, teacher?" The teacher came over to me and checked my formula on the blackboard.

"You invented a cure for breast cancer?" Huh? Oh right, I unknowingly created a breast cancer cure and a breast treatment method, am I horny? Not a chance. Restrain, do not let immoral temptation take over me.

"You should already be a doctor for this, why are you bothering with school?" this teacher got straight to the point without even thinking about my opinion first, I shrugged my shoulders and handed this problem to Hanamori.

I erased all my formulas and rewrote what I had erased before back to the way it was, I then went back to Hanamori.

"Alright, I'll choose you to be my class president" I paused and bowed then excused myself from the teacher's room.

"Looks like Hanamori has an endless bonus in next exam" All the teachers laughed at Miria's comment, Hanamori panicked and covered her embarrassed face.

I came out of this building and was immediately ambushed by Yuri, I avoided her quickly and we played chase here.

"What's your problem Senpai?" I ran casually, Yuri also chased me right behind me.

"Join my club" I don't like being forced but now that I think about it, we're like little kids running around this fountain too, we're a spectacle for the other students.

I stopped and Senpai Yuri bumped my back, she fell with her butt landing first I sat beside the fountain and sighed.

"What club?" Senpai Yuri got up and dusted herself off.

"The eroge club" There was a moment of silence here, I got up and bowed my body.

"No thanks" I left and called my Ducati, my Ducati came automatically, I put on my helmet and sped up my bike faster.

Eroge, Eroge? A sexual game? o my god, spare me.

ehem, im sorry for the late update again. The schedule on my side was gigantic. exam and work tour who happened yesterday, now i off for 2 week update again. man i can't rest but the payment worth of the time. so i wil update the source of the character in here.

In convinience store manager was from Konbini Shoujou Z episode 4, is good series with somehow unnecessary law that fuck a shoplifter is justice, from the ugly bastard in this cultured anime.

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts