
<First Mission>

<still from koizumi>

after breakfast ramen

I immediately went to school called taxi.

I don't really care about late to school.

but if I'm late to eat ramen it absolutely not!


afternoon, the school was finished.

from school, I will immediately go find a ramen stall that I haven't visited yet...

after a few hours, I finally found a ramen shop.

I see the clock digital on my smartphone, there is still 50 minutes left for the last train.

I decided to eat ramen first here ...

but after I tasted ramen here ... it was normal ... I was a little disappointed because this ramen was below the Standard.

compared to this ramen and ramen this morning I ate, the gap is very big!

maybe the owner of this place is still new or learn...

I eat ramen while reading novels until I forget the time.


When I see the clock on my smartphone, I'm here for more than 1 hour!

Ahh! I'm late for the last train!

I check the money in my wallet, and it turns out it's not enough to take a taxi ...

what should ido ...

Mom and dad are not at home because of their work...


in the end I had to wait until 20.30 for the night train.

so I ordered 1 more portion of ramen here while waiting ...

I eat it slowly, so I can sit down and read the novel here while waiting at 8 o'clock at night.



finally ... Koizumi, she can't stand it

the owner of the ramen stall keep staring at her because she stayed very long...

she apologized with her face slightly red and went straight out the ramen shop.

after she came out

she headed to the station with hurry.

(I don't want to miss the train again.)

but... when she walking on the road, she was blocked by 3 people with hair dyed and strange hairstyles ...

"Ojou-chan ... want to play with us?"

"no thank you." Koizumi politely refused and walked past them.

but they blocked Koizumi again

"Come on, why not? huh?"

"I'm sorry, I'm in hurry"

one of them held koizumi's left hand.

"just a come a minute, its not that long right bro?"

"please let go of me or I report to the police?!"

koizumi took out her smartphone

and when she will call the police,


another guy took her smartphone quickly.

Koizumi didn't have time to react!

"Oops, sorry Ojou-chan ... if Ojou-chan wants to play with us brother, we promise that we won't bother anymore"

"I said let me go!"

"bro hold on another one"

"OK bro"

one of them stuffed Koizumi's mouth and the other two held his hands together.

when the three of them will bring koizumi to dark alley.

there is a voice man calling them from behind.

"oi wait!"


<Your «BASIC MARTIAL ART» has Reached Level Max!>

<Reward 1+ Agility 1+ Strength>

<Achievement: the first basic technique that you masterfully!>

<Reward 50SP>

Kei who was wanted to go home after training his basic martial arts heard a notification from the system.

what?! I haven't even practiced even one day!

is really, really broken!

[well, i mastering the footwork technique too!]


Kei practiced his footwork techniques by running up and down the mountain.


<Footwork Technique has reached Level Max!>

<Reward 1+ Agility 1+ Vitality>

[ha ... haa ... haa... finally ... max]

with heavy breathing Kei is lying on the ground. he doesn't have the energy to do anything.

he was so exhausted that he fell asleep immediately...


soon night arrived ...

[hoaam... i overslept huh...]

Kei looked around and it was pitch dark ...


Kei did not want to stay there long and immediately ran away out of from mountain.


when kei arrived in a quiet alley, suddenly the system rang.


<Mission Triggered!>

-Save Koizumi-san!

Reward: {How to make Ramen Level Max!}


Koizumi? who is that...

when Kei wanted to ask who Koizumi was, Kei heard a girl voice.

[Please let go of me!]

Kei went straight to the location where the voice has.


when he arrived at the location, Kei saw the girl he had seen this morning in a ramen stall and would be taken to a dark and narrow alley!

[oii wait!]

after hearing Kei's voice, they stopped and looked at him.

Kei approached them.

Koizumi saw Kei approaching him in surprise. (Senpai's Ramen Expert?)

"mind your business you asshole"

"calm down bro... that girl is my friend"


"Can you please release her?"

"bro beat that kid"

"sure, he's kid anyway.."

"i politely ask you all to release her, but you guys want play rough, come!"

when kei practices hitting on one of the trees on a mountain, the tree is didn't even shake... (Author&System: ???)

Kei isn't coward... it's just that he doesn't want he accidentally kill someone... (Author&System: how you can kill someone when you hit the tree didn't shake slightly??!!)

"You little sh*t"

the man was angry and he rushed at kei.

Kei on the other side, waiting for him to come without moving.

Koizumi thought Kei was scared and could not move.

Koizumi wanted to shout at Kei but, her mouth was gagged by a handkerchief.

Koizumi saw that the attacker is already in front kei face with his fist.

Koizumi closed her eyes in fear ...



screamed was heard...

Tears flowed from Koizumi's eyes ...

(because of me ... senpai he ...)

Koizumi wondered what had happened ... and she opened her eyes little by little ...

when she saw what happened...

she stunned.

there was one person lying and it wasn't Kei, but the one who attacked Kei.

from she seen from his face he was unconscious.

"yo..it still not late yet? how do you release my friend or i will beat you all like your friend?"

"Don't get cocky you!"

Bro, let's beat him together!"

they released Koizumi and attacked Kei at the same time.

"Tsk... you guys is so stubborn!"

before they arrive ...

kei has advanced first and arrived in front of them.

Kei holds their head and


Kei make their head hit each other's!

and they were both unconscious together.

"uhh that must be hurt" comment kei.

Koizumi who saw that speechless


Koi stood still after it did nothing ...

koizumi wants say thank to him

"umm ano ... thank you for helping me..."

but Kei didn't answer her.

[Ano ...? anoo ...?]

the second time he responded.

[Ah huh?]

"Thank you for helping me" Koizumi bowed to Kei and thanked him.

"Ah yes no problem... are you okay?"

"Yes thanks you i'm okay... May I know your name?"

"my name is Kei"

"Kei-senpai ..."


"Ah my name is Koizumi, once again thank you for saving me"

"yes it doesn't matter anyway... next time don't wander at night alright?"

"yes senpai ..."

"That uniform ... are you from Hokari School?"

"How come Senpai knows ...?"

"Ah, I happened to school there too... I'm class 3B"

"that means Senpai is my senpai ...?"

"It seems like that ... i go first, be careful on the way your home"

koizumi didn't answer kei, she looked at her smartphone

"It's already past 9 o'clock! the last train is already left!"

"..." Kei who had already walking past her stopping when he hearing that...

