
why it's hard to be a kid/student

I don't think parents really know how hard it is to be kid/student you get bullied made fun of . And you have to do homework that they barely teach you .Like when are we actually going to use this in the real world . Like I don't need to these important words like we have things that help learn the words . I have dyslexia and no one believe it even though they know I have it . y'all knew I had it and not until 2 years ago I got put in a class that doesn't help me just makes me get behind in homework. Because I can't do it in that class because I have to learn . I have 8 periods and I have to learn in all of them . Like other kids don't and they get to do their homework and not have to learn in every period . I go to school everyday and it just get more stressful everyday. it hard to so my homework at home when I'm tried from school then I end up asleep not doing my homework when it's do the next day. All I want to do is make my mom proud of me even though she treats my siblings better than me and I am the youngest. I get treated like I'm never going to be something in my life . I have planed out my life in the future I know what college I want to go to what I am going to get my degree in . like it is a pretty good job. I'm trying my best to be good kid but it's hard with everything in school .