
the download

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app life onlne


my birth name is jacob steven

but ever since i was little, ever since i joined the online world there has been only one name i go by, and the name is Ace.

i spend my time just like the next kid over, i wake up, go to school, come home and game and if im feeling a little risky i might even play on my phone at school, but your not here to hear about the avrage nerdy kid are you?

well i hope not because this is no normal story. This is the story of how i died and got a update


to start this story we have me, as i already told you im ace,

im about 5'7 im 18 years old im your avarge nerd with dirty blond hair and glasses

it takes me about a half hour to get to school, so in that time i usally watched youtube on my walk there, so i pull out my phone and after a bit of scrolling i find a video and tap on it, of corse a ad pops up, and no skip! great so i have to sit through this great.

welcome to the life app

where you can become big and strong

or maybe you would rather work with brain stuff

in this world you can be anything you set your mind on

weather you want become a great blacksmith or a great warrior

the life app is where you can check on your character

you can see your characters hp, money, skills here and even a esamated time of death (and more)

for your e.t.o.d there are 2 sections food / health

section one your character needed to eat this timer will tell you how much longer until your character dies from hunger, increase timer with food

section two, your character has basice need like sleep or you know, not to having a stab wound in the stoach stuff like this can decrease your timer while sleeping and medacine will increase it

make the life you always wanted free today on the appstore.


you know this doesnt look half bad its free so if it is stupid i can just delete it

*click* download starting

so i let that download as i put in my ear bud and walk to school watching my vidoe

thats when
















thats when it hit me, litterally as i look up and it feels like my body is moving in slow mostion as a simi truck colides with my body everything goes black


