
Life’s Pareto Equilibrium - Between the Choppy Waves & Serene Field.

Special dedication “To the warriors of faith and survivor of the battle. Salute to the fallen heroes who pave the way ahead. You will be in our hearts forever.” Synopsis Growing up in a family where values and tradition runs deep, I often find the nature as my window of connection to the world outside where the waves and sea heals my sorrow, the stars and moon serve as my faithful companion to seek comfort and inspiration, the sun the life that never stop smiling to share my joy and the wind, my friend that never fail to whispers words of wisdom when I need it most in the quietness, the intuition that forms my beliefs when presented with cross roads in life. Learning to manoeuvre the game of chess was never my cup of tea but I watch and learn only to play it when survival is at stake like how the olden days of ancient dynasty works. Matters of the heart never gets in the way, love to me is sacred in its nature until someone can unlock it permanently. Between the choppy waves and vast serene field, can Ray find that space of comfort where he calls it Life's Pareto Equilibrium, balancing that with family values, fame and business stake - how can one strike a balance and win it all. C1: Growing up C2: The melody that fills the air C3: Even when it hurts to play C4: Home Sweet Home C5: When you found me C6: The dance that seal the past C7: Sweet melody on an Afternoon Tea C8: Learning the ropes and networking C9: When the heart doesn’t feel well C10: Entrepreneurship C11: Agreements from before C12: A silent deal C13: Let not the heart waver C14: When family support matters C15: Running Away from Hurt C16: Searching for an answer C17: Lantern from thé heart - Mid Autumn Festival C18: Afraid to Feel C19: Keeping Focussed C20: Love has no discrimination C21: Willingly Yours C22: Letting thé feelings run C23: Forbidden Chapter C24: Thé cold Aftermath C25: Never Again C26: Thé Red Rose and the White Peony C27: Thé retreat and Isolation C28: Drowned in sorrow C29: Let me help you C30: Stirring at the heart’s confusion 24.10.20

NorthStar · สมจริง
35 Chs

I made this for us

"What about your personal life Ray, you seems to be featured in many magazine lately, there were rumours occasionally that you do date some of the celebrities but none seem to be true somehow, any hint for us?"

"Haha... I'm quite a private person myself so no not much to say, I'm focus on growing our business and contributing back to the community for now" Ray answered

After the interview wrapped up, Ray hurried back to his art cafe. "Done?" One of the staff yelled out. "Yup!"

"Okay little boy is waiting in your room! You are late!"

"Uncle Ray!! I've been waiting! it's been an hour! "Okay okay I'm sorry come on let me carry you for a bit Xin Xin oh dear you are getting heavier!" Ray called out as the little boy ran towards him hugging Ray

"Okay let me take you home now" Ray said

"But Uncle Ray, you promise me we will go buy some toys today." The little boy looked at Ray with the pitiful eyes and pouty mouth

"Alright....let's hop by the mall next door then" Ray pinched his noise lightly as he said that

Ray had arrange for them to visit the nearby mall and he wanted to drop by one of his fashion outlet to check on the feedback on his latest launch as well.

"Happy??" He asked the little boy as they left the toy shop with a bag of goodies. Greeted by a big grin "Yes! thank you uncle Ray! Can't wait to show everyone!"

"Okay little Xin, uncle Ray now have to visit my other shop upstairs I need you to come along and be a good boy, for a short while we will stop by and then head home okay?"

"Okay!" Little Xin replied cheerfully as his eyes were fixated at the bag of goodies.

As they entered the shop the staff were surprised to see Ray and they were all excited, infact the customers were all delighted and some wanted his autograph as well. Careful to ensure little Xin is taken care of, he had the staff to bring him to the back at the nursery area while he attends to the customers. Only after he settled down he went to the back to look for little Xin whom was busy playing with his new toys.

"Okay shall we little Xin?" He was pampered by all the staff offering him candies, biscuits etc and they were all over the cute boy. As Ray was carrying little Xin out he heard a familiar voice outside .....

"No let's go... there are other nicer designs else where" the familiar voice said

"But I like this one it's a famous one that was just launched, look at the rose and the star here isn't it nice?" A girl's voice call out.

Ray froze, he stopped and paused at the next respond by the familiar voice "I'm sure you can get better ones outside let's go"

At that, one of the staff said " oh this is our latest collection infact our designer happen to be ... "oh here he is"

The moment struck when Ray came out holding little Xin.

"Hi, I'm Ray he extended his hand out to the girl"

"Oh my! Baby look the designer is here!" The girl held out as she shook his hand and the girl walked over to turn the other gentlemen on the phone around. Everything stopped at that point.

Two two gentlemen stopped as they look at each other, time froze as those eyes starred deeply before Ray broke them away. Seeing Yi Ren after so long and that familiar eyes brought back emotions he never will revisit.

"Baby we should buy two of these for us to wear i really like the rose collection" the lady was putting her hands around Yi Ren's waist showing her sweet smile, oblivious to the awkward moment the two gentlemen was adjusting to. Ray stared at the arms around Yi Ren's waist while Yi Ren stared back at the little boy with Ray.

"No, come on let's go.....don't think it suits my taste" Yi Ren whispered to the girl

"But it's nice..." the girl retorted

"Help your self, hope you enjoy shopping, excuse me I have an urgent appointment to leave for" Ray hurried out with little Xin leaving the two customers there.

"Uncle Ray why are your eyes wet?" As Ray dropped little Xin off at Er Ge's place.

"Really??? Ah must be the naughty dust" Ray dried the side of his eyes before entering the house and handing Little Xin over to the nanny. "Bye little xin!"

Ray drove off from Er Ge's place and as he drove he could feel the little tears dropping down. His heart felt pain, he never knew these feelings still exist even till now. Hearing back those words "you can find better design elsewhere"; "the taste doesn't fit me" those words came very harsh to him as compared to when he first set this design out into his sketch books years back.

"What are you drawing early in the morning" ..... as Yi Ren pulled Ray back onto the bed after a night filled with passion....5 years back the last night they had together.

"What i feel at this moment .... a rose...." Ray said in between the kisses

"Wow! For me??.." Yi Ren teased as he feasted on to Ray in the morning as he couldn't find him in bed earlier.

"Ah... Yi Ren slow down" as Yi Ren mark deep kisses all over his neck making Ray moan

"I can't, I miss you already...still not getting enough of you from yesterday night ..." Yi Ren planted the kisses all the way down from his neck to his abdomen... "why a rose?" He asked in between

There was a long silence before Ray said "it represents I love you"

Yi Ren stopped and move up to look into Ray's eyes. I love this boy so much Yi Ren said in his silent heart.

"Do you?" He asked before finding Ray's lips again and moving his hands downwards holding Ray's length to stroke it up and down and making Ray surrender to him again in the morning. "Yes, ahhhh! Yi Ren!...I do I do ahh I love you"

"I love you too Ray, you saying that makes me feel so much at this stage"

Yi Ren move in to take Ray fully pushing his hard length inside and bended Ray to all fours . Ray felt so vulnerable just surrendering his heart and his body to Yi Ren. And as they rock back and forth, Yi Ren made Ray moan his heart out until they collapsed into each other's arm again as the morning took them through.

"Yi Ren... ahhh that's not right, asking me to confess in such situation." Ray said shyly as he tried to catch his breath calming down "I won't hear it otherwise" Yi Ren said and smile proudly as he folded Ray into his embrace.

"I love you Yi Ren, someday when I get there I'll design this for us to wear." Ray said as he stretched over the table to show him the little rose drawing that he drew

"Mnnn, can't wait my love" Yi Ren crushed his lips into Ray's again taking him in sucking the energy out and the paper drawing fell from Ray's hand as they both were passionately filling up their morning kisses.

Ray hated replaying those moments that he thought he would have got over with. One part he was happy Yi Ren moved on, but deep inside, one part he was devastated, hurt and not able to let go. Just reflecting the words he heard from Yi Ren's mouth and him with another person, he felt totally paralysed. His emotion erupted after years of burying them and thinking he'd be okay. The stoned heart that had decided not to open up became fragile overnight at the trigger of that encounter, he crushed as the sobs were let out, his heart felt an immensely pain, one that he can't understand, worst than any of the hurts he had felt before.

"I made this for us..." he cried behind the wheels "it was for us....." he said in between the sobs.

Thinking back the times how he had let his heart fall completely, he knew he would be completely vulnerable if one day Yi Ren breaks it. That day he never thought would have happen, even though they've decided to part ways unwillingly. He realised time just stood still and preserved his emotions and froze it. Tonight, those emotions melted .....it still exist, still there - speechless and stoned at what just happened.

Ray was utterly paralysed beyond what his feelings could take on, the sudden stab in the heart open up the fragile side of him, one which he hated to show. Distraught, broken and torn, Ray wanted to just run and hide from the cruelty that had just engulfed him.