
Lethal Beauty

What would you do if you get reincarnated in the body of a useless second generation rich young master who can't even protect himself and his family assets from his wicked and scheming relatives Chandler lived a regretful life when he was alive. His indifference to life itself was a big flaw, but that's who he is. He being a computer genius ,one of the world's top hacker and being inhuman,cold,cruel and ruthless assassin, famous in the underworld, going by the code name Lucifer. People trembled when they heard his name, calling him the fallen angle, the devil with an angle's face and so on. During the day he wore a facade of a kind and gentle handsome University student and a fearsome hacker and assassin at night. The night time was when he truly lived, when he got to be himself,a bloodthirsty maniac. He was betrayed by the organization he worked for. They set a trap during one of his assignments which resulted in his body being blasted to pieces by an intentional explosion. Now he has returned to life in the body of an innocent boy who is the heir to a multi national cooperate and a wealth of billions. But this boy is also naive and foolish, letting those wretched brach family scum take away his belongings Now that Chandler has taken over Rael's body and life, he shall make a rise so glamorous and powerful, the whole planet shall stand watching as he takes over the whole world and brings his family and business to the peak of supremacy. * * * * * * * * * * * * * PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY BOOK!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Dear readers, I am a fresh writer(14 year old kid) and don’t have any experience in writing a book as this one is my very first. I welcome all comments and please do leave suggestions on how I can improve my writing style and depiction of story. Please subscribe to my book and add it to ur list!!! Thank you

7 Chs

How Am I Still Alive?

Chandler's POV

Pain! pain is all I can think of! It's so painful! My whole body feels like it's being ripped to a thousand pieces! " help me! somebody, help!", I yelled in my mind. I lay there for a long time, trying to endure the pain, trying to feel my limbs, everything is just so painful, my eyelids are so heavy, my body feels like it's made of lead.

After what felt like days, when the pain subsided, I finally opened my eyes," how much time had passed since the incident?" I thought to myself. I looked around and saw a typical hospital room, although it looked like a VIP ward, I was used to it really, having had a rich and privileged upbringing, then the storm of questions hit me suddenly," how did I survive? Didn't I get blasted to pieces? How am I still alive? Who saved me?" then came the most critical question," Why did the elders of the organization kill me?" I recognized the voice that came through the intercom, it was definitely the 13th Elder! I closed my eyes and thought of the incident that killed me, the day I remember so vividly, which had been imprinted in my mind.


I was checking myself in the mirror in my walk in closet. I was wearing a complete black three-piece suit." Damn, I sure am handsome!", I whispered to myself, after spraying on some Cologne, I made my way out of my penthouse and yes I am super rich.

I went down to my private parking lot below the skyscraper at the top of which my penthouse was located. I looked through my cars and finally chose a black Lamborghini Aventador, pulling out of the parking lot I drove onto the highway and made my way to the outskirts of the city, to the forested district.

I drove at a high speed, drifting at curves and turns with driving skills of a racer. I quickly sped through the forest and finally came to a stop at a solitary pole at the side if the road. I stopped in front of it and pressed on the intercom push button on it, I waited as it buzzed for a few seconds and then a mechanical voice spoke, " identity confirmation please?". I then spat out my code name," agent 001."

After a few seconds, the road opened up to make way for an underground passage. I drove for a few miles and finally surfaced back to the ground through the tunnel gate, into a huge facility, it was the organization where I worked, I had lived here for the first 16 years of my life and had worked here as an assassin for 18 years of my life and now I was 22 years old and yes this was a criminal organization that aimed to take over the world, literally.

I parked my car in front of the entrance and walked out. Everyone in sight froze, staring at me with fear as if I was a monster, and yes I truly was a monster, but also at the same time with admiration. I was used to it so it didn't faze me at all, indifference and cruelty ran in every ounce of my blood after all.

I walked in with brisk steps, passing hallway after hallways, the facility truly was huge, as I walked by every person in sight, be it male or female, stared at me. Well, what can I say, I'm just so beautiful.

My face was like a sculpture, skin as fair as snow, sharp jawline, slit eyes like that of a predator, thin lips, high nose. The most unique feature about my face were my eyes which were obsidian black orbs and my long jet black hair that had a shine like no other.

My body was like a God's, toned muscles, eight packs, a drool worthy V-line. Damn, I was a lethal Beauty, pretty but dangerous like the thorns of beautiful roses.

Soon, I walked into a conference room and suddenly stopped in my tracks as my eyes went wide. My heart was trembling and beating like crazy, but it wasn't beating with excitement like usual when I got a new assignment and had to kill a lot of people, no, this was different, it was the feeling of dread, not excitement, dread! my instincts were going crazy, my intuition was constantly warning me of danger that was about to come, not immediately, but soon, and that was what made it worse, I didn't know what it was or when it would happen, and it would bring enough disaster to cost me a price I would not want to pay.

It was so weird because I hadn't felt this feeling for a long time, don't blame me, I just hate everything, I hate the world and I hate myself more. I'm very cold and ruthless person so it is not often I have these feelings or have any feelings at all except blankness. And I was starting to dread the disaster that is to come.

sorry the flashback had to be this long.......well it can't be helped since it is a very crucial plot in the story ToT~

ZEKE_VALERIOcreators' thoughts