
My man

Maya was glad that she had her mask back to cover her blushing cheeks.

She was looking down at the floor, everyone could notice she was shy and blushing the hell out her.

Ethan on the other hand was confidently smiling and by one hand he was holding her waist.

He gently planted another kiss on her head.

Maya had no response. She was just so overwhelmed by that, that she literally wanted to be his girlfriend but alas she couldn't afford to destroy someone's life.

"Woo!!! Wow!!! That was a great kiss!!! What do you guys think??? " Daniel shouted to the crowd.

The crowd screamed with joy.

"What do you think Lana, do you like the kiss??? After all it was your dare!!! " Daniel asked.

Lana was already burning with what had happen!!! She left the place as soon as Daniel asked her the question but luckily her secretary stayed.

She wickedly asked "May I know at least the name of the beauty who stole the heart of the world class chef??? "

Maya finally made an eye contact with her.

"Why not???? My name is..... "

" Aisha" Daniel interrupted.

He did so because he was fearing that Maya might tell her stage or say the latest name given to her 'MAYA'

Maya gazed at Daniel. How could he possibly know her name???

Daniel broke the stare by saying "Your man is getting jealous!!! "

Maya quickly looked at Ethan who stared her with deathly eyes.

Maya quickly went away "Excuse me, I need to use the washroom"

With that she quickly went to the women's washroom.

'What is going on??? I really don't know why was the kiss so familiar??? And how the heck did Daniel know my real name??? ' Maya was lost in her thoughts when she heard the door being opened. It was the same old witch who wanted to expose her. Lana's secretary.

She directly stared her with her cruel eyes and her arms crossed near her chest.

"Tell me bitch how much do you want??? What's your price??? "

"Excuse me!!! Do you speak like that to everyone??? Don't you have some respect??? "

"Huh!!! Respect!!! You don't deserve it!!! Tell me how much do you need to leave Ethan??? Well I can guarantee you my madam can pay double the amount, I am sure that you aren't staying with a dumb man because you love him....so there is only one reason why you are staying.... Money!!! " She gave her a wicked smile.

Maya looked her straight into her eyes with a fiercing look "Do you think everyone is like you???? " With that she slapped her face and held her hands and spoke "Don't you ever disrespect my man!!! Nobody and no money could ever separate me from him... Do you understand???! "

"Yes, please!!! " The assistant cried out in pain.

Maya left her hand and went outside.

Miss secretary was really scared of those red eyes.

Maya went to the balcony where there was no crowd.

People were busy at the party inside.

She simply stood there. The gentle breeze blew her hair. She still had those tears rolling down her eyes. 'How could people be so cruel!!! They simply made fun of the person who is disabled to do something without even thinking of there feelings!!!'

Suddenly she felt an arm on her shoulder.

she looked behind. It was none other than Ethan.

Ethan looked at her. He was scared.

'what had happen to her??? why is she crying like that??? is this something to do with the kiss??? damn it!!! I should have asked!!! I should have asked for her concern before it!!!' He was simply feeling heartbroken.

He took out his handkerchief and handed to her, he didn't dared to wipe the tears himself. But to his shock before he could hand the cloth the girl hugged him.

Maya couldn't control her emotions when she saw Ethan and so she simply hugged him.

Ethan didn't know what to do, whether to hug back her or not. He was surprised.

He finally put his hands on her back.

Maya pulled out her mask and hide her face on his shoulder, hugging him tightly as if he was going to run away.

Ethan looked at her once, he was still confused about the situation.

He tried to comfort her.

"Ethan can we go back." she said with a shivering voice.

Maya loses the grip and looked at him. Her eyes were still filled with tears.

Ethan was not sure what made her cry but this wasn't the perfect time to ask her so he simply nodded.

He covered her shoulders with his coat. He also covered her face.

As they were about to leave, somebody stopped Ethan by pulling him by his arms.

Ethan looked back, it was his another friend Wan Blue.
