
Chapter 9

Sung-Hee patiently waited for Seok-Woo's haircut to be completed, occupying herself with the magazines scattered across the table. As she flipped through the pages, her eyes trailed the words, absorbed in the articles before her.

Lost in the rhythm of her reading, Sung-Hee found her thoughts drifting back to the conversation she had shared with Seok-Woo earlier. His question echoed in her mind, lingering like a gentle whisper in the quiet of her thoughts.

"Are you jealous?" His words had struck a chord within her, stirring a mixture of emotions she couldn't quite decipher. With each passing moment, she found herself grappling with the weight of his inquiry, uncertain of the true nature of her feelings towards him.

"Am I jealous?" she pondered silently, her gaze drifting to a distant point beyond the pages of the magazine. It was a question that demanded introspection, one that unraveled layers of complexity she hadn't yet explored.

The bond between Seok-Woo and Sung-Hee remained steadfastly platonic, grounded in their shared history as close friends. Though Sung-Hee often teased Seok-Woo in their youth for his timid nature, she held their friendship dear, cherishing the camaraderie they shared.

For Sung-Hee, Seok-Woo had always been a companion, a confidant, but never more than that. Yet, lately, a subtle shift seemed to linger in the air, beckoning them toward uncharted territory. Whether it was the culmination of shared experiences or the evolving dynamics between them, the possibility of something more hovered on the horizon.

Closing the magazine with a soft rustle, Sung-Hee leaned back in her seat, her thoughts drifting to the delicate balance between friendship and something deeper. "If he were still the same as before, I wouldn't even entertain the idea," she mused, her words trailing off as a realization dawned upon her.

A flush of warmth crept into her cheeks, a telltale sign of the tumultuous emotions stirring within her. "What am I even thinking?" she chided herself, her hand instinctively rising to cover her blushing face. Today, more than ever, she found herself caught in moments of vulnerability, each one a testament to the newfound complexities of her feelings towards him.

As Sung-Hee covered her face, Seok-Woo finally emerged from the barber's chair, relieved to be rid of the burden of his overgrown locks. With his newly styled two-block haircut accentuating his physique, he couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence, wondering if it might catch someone's eye.

Approaching where Sung-Hee sat, he found her shielding her face with her hands.

"Sung-Hee, why are you covering your face?" Seok-Woo questioned, prompting her to peek between her fingers to identify him.

Seeing Seok-Woo's transformed appearance, she lowered her hand and offered a surprising comment. "Well, look at you, finally looking like a respectable human being," she remarked.

Seok-Woo was taken aback by her candid observation. "Was I that bad before the haircut?" he pondered inwardly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he inquired, turning to Sung-Hee for clarification.

But she waved off his concern with a dismissive gesture. "Oh, it's nothing. Let's just head home; it's getting late," she urged, rising from her seat and making her way to the exit, inadvertently leaving behind the bag of clothes she was meant to watch over.

Seok-Woo suppressed a smirk at her response before bending down to retrieve the forgotten bag of clothes from the ground. Straightening up, he caught up to Sung-Hee and exited the building alongside her.

Outside, the night enveloped them, casting long shadows under the glow of the streetlights. They hailed a passing taxi, and as they settled into the backseat, Seok-Woo found himself seated beside Sung-Hee.

Glancing at her, he couldn't help but express his concern. "Sung-Hee, it's getting late. When do you plan to head home?"

She met his gaze with a reassuring smile. "I'll head home after I've had dinner at your house," she assured him.

"But what if there's nothing to eat at home? We could grab something to eat on the way," Seok-Woo suggested, eager to ensure she wouldn't go hungry.

In response, Sung-Hee proposed an alternative. "Then let's order food once we're at your house. What are you in the mood for?"

Seok-Woo scoffed lightly at her suggestion. "So I'll foot the bill again? You know, you owe me for all those times I've treated you," he teased, half-jokingly.

Sung-Hee turned to him, her expression earnest. "I'll pay you back soon, I promise," she reassured him, though Seok-Woo couldn't help but detect a hint of deception in her words, a familiar exchange between them.

Seok-Woo's next words carried a hint of ambiguity, a subtle shift in their usual banter. "Don't worry, I won't ask for money from you. But there's something else I might ask for," he remarked with a faint smile, leaving the nature of his request intentionally vague.

Sung-Hee couldn't shake off the unease that crept into her heart at Seok-Woo's words. Something about his tone felt different, though she couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. Despite her growing curiosity, she decided to bide her time and wait for clarity to emerge.

As the taxi drove towards Seok-Woo's home, he couldn't stop thinking about how inconvenient it was to rely on taxis. "I really need my own car," he thought to himself. "Maybe I can convince my father to buy one for me, especially since I just finished my military service." With determination, he decided to talk to his father about getting him a car.

The taxi eventually arrived at Seok-Woo's house and both he and Sung-Hee exited the vehicle with bags of clothes in hand. They walked up to the door and Seok-Woo rang the bell for someone inside to open the door. 

Inside the house, Chae-Yoon was sitting on the couch watching TV in her black nightgown, which showed off her figure. She wasn't wearing a bra, only her panties were visible through the transparent fabric. Hearing the doorbell, she turned around and wondered if it was her son. She got up from the couch and walked towards the intercom to see who was outside.

As Chae-Yoon arrived at the intercom, she caught sight of Seok-Woo with his freshly cut hair and Sung-Hee standing beside him. "Sung-Hee is still with him," Chae-Yoon thought to herself, surprised that she had not gone home yet. She opened the door, allowing the two to enter.

Upon opening the door, Seok-Woo's eyes immediately fell upon Chae-Yoon, but he couldn't help but notice the outline of her body through her sheer nightgown. The soft curves of her bare breasts and the silhouette of her panties were visible to him. He quickly averted his gaze to meet her face instead. "Good evening, Mother, I'm sorry that I came home at night." he greeted, trying to act nonchalant despite the unexpected view.

Sung-Hee couldn't help but notice Chae-Yoon's attire - a transparent nightgown that revealed her entire figure and undergarments. She also noticed how Seok-Woo was fighting against his instincts to sneak another glance.

Chae-Yoon responded casually, "No need to apologize, you can come back even later at night. You're a grown man now and can take care of yourself." As she waved her hand, her body shifted slightly causing her breast to jiggle beneath the thin fabric.

Seok-Woo fought the urge to let his gaze wander down, knowing it was inappropriate as both a man and her son. Sensing his unease, Sung-Hee stood close by his side, acting as a shield from any further temptation by pinching his arm.

Chae-Yoon then broke the awkward silence, her voice filled with concern. "Have you two already eaten? If not, I can whip up something for you now."

Seok-Woo forced himself to keep his eyes on her face as he responded. "No need to trouble yourself, we had planned to order some food tonight." His words came out strained, his mind still struggling to push away impure thoughts.

Sung-Hee forcefully pushed Seok-Woo inside the house, preventing him from making any rash decisions. Chae-Yoon stood there, taken aback by Sung-Hee's actions as she led them up the grand staircase. As they reached the top step, Chae-Yoon spoke up in a warm tone, "My dear son, I love your new haircut." She smiled at Seok-Woo before he disappeared into his room.

Sung-Hee pulled Seok-Woo towards the bedroom urgently. He was too lazy to protest or question her, feeling like a puppet on strings at her command. As they hurried into the hallway, Sung-Hee's grip tightened and she moved with determination. Seok-Woo was content to let her take charge for once.

As the two arrived. Sung-Hee turned around and shut the door firmly behind them. "Were you trying to ogle your stepmother, Seok-Woo?" she scolded him as she crossed her arms over her chest. Seok-Woo, who was holding several bags of clothes, nonchalantly made his way to the wardrobe to begin arranging them. "What are you talking about?" he feigned innocence, hoping to avoid confrontation.

"Don't play dumb with me, you pervert. I saw you trying to sneak a glance at her body," Sung-Hee exclaimed angrily as she moved closer to where Seok-Woo's bed. She plopped down on it and glared at him disapprovingly.

"What would you like to eat for this evening's meal?". Sung-Hee's words fell on deaf ears as Seok-Woo was lost in thought. Instead, he asked for her input on what she desired to eat tonight.

"Don't ignore me," Sung-Hee sighed, arms crossed in frustration.

Seok-Woo could feel the weight of Sung-Hee's gaze on him, unrelenting and persistent. He knew that she wouldn't stop talking until he admitted his mistake or dragged out this moment even further. With a resigned sigh, he smoothed down the fabric of his newly bought clothes, trying to collect his thoughts before he confronted Sung-Hee.

At this point, Seok-Woo had just finished arranging the new clothes he bought earlier that day and walked over to Sung-Hee, pinning her down on the bed.

Sung-Hee was taken aback by Seok-Woo's sudden action. "What are you doing-" she started to say before Seok-Woo cut her off.

"Yes, I was trying to sneak a glance. Are you satisfied now?" Seok-Woo admitted with a straight face. Then he continued, "Did you forget that I am a man and there is a natural attraction towards what I saw downstairs." His tone was serious.

"I suppose I did forget that you're just a regular human being," Sung-Hee said, her tone dripping with sarcasm. She then pleaded with Seok-Woo to release her from his grip.

As he released her. Seok-Woo swiftly retrieved his phone, fingers tapping with purpose as he dialed for delivery. With each ring, anticipation built until finally, the call connected. Without missing a beat, Seok-Woo launched into his order, succinctly detailing his or Sung-Hee's preferences to the attentive recipient on the other end of the line. In mere minutes, the transaction was complete, leaving Seok-Woo to settle back beside Sung-Hee, the tension of the interrupted moment still lingering between them

Seok-Woo and Sung-Hee perched on the edge of the plush bed, their legs hanging over the side, awaiting their food delivery. In the dimly lit room, a soft glow emanated from a bedside lamp, casting a warm ambiance. Sung-Hee reclined on the bed, arms outstretched, eyes shut in eager anticipation.

Observing Sung-Hee, Seok-Woo couldn't help but steal glances at her. The gentle lighting accentuated her curves, drawing his gaze from her face down to the tantalizing hint of cleavage revealed by her crop top. It was hard to tear his eyes away.

Caught in her reverie, Sung-Hee suddenly opened her eyes, catching Seok-Woo's lingering gaze. "Stop staring at me like that, you creep," she scolded, a hint of irritation coloring her tone.

Seok-Woo flashed a mischievous smirk, unable to resist teasing her. "Maybe if you covered up a bit more, I wouldn't be so tempted," he countered playfully.

Sung-Hee raised an eyebrow in surprise at Seok-Woo's boldness. "Since when did you become so shameless? Did the military change you that much?" she quipped, remembering how he used to blush and look away whenever she teased him in the past.

"Who knows?" Seok-Woo replied with a shrug, his tone cryptic as he averted his gaze. Though they sat side by side on the bed, a palpable tension hung between them, their eyes avoiding each other's.

Sung-Hee's mind raced, trying to make sense of the sudden shift in their dynamic. She had spent countless moments alone with Seok-Woo before, but tonight felt different somehow. "Why does everything feel so... different?" she pondered silently, her heart quickening at the thought.

Seok-Woo lay on his bed, the soft white sheets crumpled beneath him. His mind was swirling with thoughts as he contemplated when and how to tell Sung-Hee. Should he do it now, in this moment of quiet solitude? What would her reaction be? Would it be disgust? He wasn't sure. After much deliberation, Seok-Woo made the decision to tell her.

But a wave of anxiety washed over him as he thought about how she might react. "I hope she can find it in her heart not to despise me for this," he whispered to himself, feeling a heavy weight on his chest.

Breaking the silence, Seok-Woo spoke up, his voice cutting through the tension. "Sung-Hee, do you remember what I mentioned in the taxi earlier? About the money you owe me for all these years?"

Sung-Hee's heart sank at his words. What did he mean by that? Panic fluttered in her chest as she tried to gather her thoughts.

Sung-Hee's heart raced as she turned to Seok-Woo, her eyes searching his face for any sign of greed or deviousness. She desperately hoped that the payment he desired wouldn't be too excessive or inappropriate.

Seok-Woo smiled lightly as he met her gaze, and Sung-Hee couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over her. "I want a kiss from you," he spoke firmly and boldly, leaving no room for negotiation.
