
Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy

In the ethereal realm of Mythos, where the boundaries between imagination and reality blur, the mythologies we once deemed fanciful now pulse with life. Here, gods stride alongside monsters, and faiths interlace like threads in a cosmic loom. Their journey unfolds against a backdrop of mythical creatures, as well as myths and legends. The Kingdom of Solaris, its spires kissed by celestial light, stands as both sanctuary and crucible—a beacon of enlightenment and aspiration. Within this hallowed domain, twelve luminous souls tread the marble halls of the venerable Solaris Academy. Each hero bears a celestial bond—their essence entwined with a Constellation. These astral patterns, the “Constellation System,” bestow upon them singular gifts: a symphony of abilities, a lexicon of powers. As the aspiring heroes navigate the labyrinthine corridors of Solaris Academy, they grapple with destiny’s enigma. Will they ascend, their Constellations ablaze with purpose, unlocking the vaults of cosmic wisdom? Or shall they falter, their divine potential dimmed by doubt and shadow? Thus, their saga unfurls—a symphony of trials, a tapestry of legacy. For within their footsteps lies not mere legend, but a Divine Legacy.

HeavenlyKarma · แฟนตาซี
82 Chs

6.) The Stillness Between Stars

The cosmic tempest halted—a frozen tableau of celestial fury. The Drift Demons and the trio stood mid-motion, blades suspended, eyes wide with wonder or dread. The merchant's enforcers, monstrous and mortal alike, shared their fate—petrified in defiance or fear.

And then, as if the universe held its breath, "Time" stepped into the fray.

His arrival defied gravity—a figure draped in cosmic robes, eyes like distant galaxies. The narrow alleyway of the battlefield became his stage—a cosmic catwalk where destiny unraveled. His footsteps echoed through epochs, each step a seismic ripple across existence.

He moved with purpose, silent as forgotten constellations. His gaze swept over the frozen combatants—the fallen, the defiant, the forgotten. What thoughts churned behind those cosmic eyes? None could say. Was he a harbinger of salvation or cosmic indifference? The answer lay in the stillness.

Around him, the battle's debris hung mid-air—the clash of steel, the roars of mythical beasts, the sizzle of celestial energies. The Stardust Serpent, its venomous maw poised, remained suspended, scales shimmering like fractured galaxies.

"Time" circled the fallen enforcer—the one whose heart bore the arrow's mark. His fingers brushed the cosmic essence dissipating into the night. What secrets did this enforcer carry? What cosmic threads wove through his veins?

He stepped over the merchant's outstretched hand—a hand that once brokered cosmic bargains, now frozen in greed or desperation. 

The Drift Demons and the trio stood frozen in place, powerless witnesses to this cosmic interlude. Their constellations blazed; their destinies entwined. But "Time" was no ally or adversary. He was the eternal witness—the weaver of threads, the whisperer across ages.

And so, he explored—the narrow alleyway, the frozen battlefield, the hearts of fallen and foe alike. His silence spoke volumes—an enigma wrapped in cosmic robes. What grand design unfolded? Only the stars knew, and they held their secrets close.

And as the cosmic winds stirred, "Time" continued his silent promenade—a cosmic waltz through eternity, leaving ripples in his wake. The battle awaited its next beat—the moment when time would unfurl, destinies diverge, and the universe decide.


The cosmic winds whispered secrets, and "Time" sat upon the mountain of bodies—the fallen, the forgotten, the echoes of countless battles. His cosmic robes billowed, and his eyes, like distant galaxies, scanned the frozen tableau.

"Dear reader," he began, his voice a cosmic echo, "we stand at the precipice—the 636th iteration. A tapestry woven across eons; threads of fate entwined. I have reset this world 635 times, watched destinies unravel, stars ignite and fade. But this—this battle with the merchant—has never graced the cosmic stage before."

He gestured to the petrified combatants—the Drift Demons, the trio, the merchant's enforcers. Their eyes, unseeing, held no memory of his presence. They were pawns in a cosmic game, their strings pulled by forces beyond their ken.

"In the previous iterations," "Time" continued, "I wove destinies with precision. I nudged empires toward glory or ruin, whispered secrets to prophets, and measured each heartbeat against infinity. But this time, I relinquished control. I granted free will—the wild card in the cosmic deck."

He leaned back, robes settling around him. The mountain of bodies cradled his cosmic musings.

"Why?" he wondered aloud. "Why this deviation? Perhaps because chaos breeds possibility. Perhaps because even gods tire of determinism."

His gaze shifted to the unseen audience—the silent readers beyond the veil.

"You, dear reader, are witness to an anomaly. A cosmic hiccup. In this iteration, the 636th, I chose to step back—to observe, not orchestrate. And now, before my all-seeing eyes, unfolds a new event—a question mark in the cosmic script."

He clasped his hands together, cosmic energy crackling.

"Is it for the best?" he mused. "Or a harbinger of cosmic reckoning? No one knows. But it is new—a deviation from the symphony of fate. And so, we watch—the stars, the shadows, and I."

And with that, "Time" sat—a cosmic witness, a silent observer. The battle awaited its denouement—the moment when threads would fray, destinies diverge, and the universe decide.


The cosmic tempest held its breath—a frozen canvas of celestial strife. "Time" lingered, eyes tracing the contours of fate—the Drift Demons, the trio, their constellations ablaze. Six of the 12 luminous souls—their destinies entwined; their purpose etched in cosmic code.

His gaze shifted to the companions—the baby panther, Tchalla, and the royal eagle, Arathorn. Their true forms veiled; their cosmic roles dormant. "Patience," he thought. "The cosmic dance awaits its crescendo."

And then, with cosmic energy crackling, "Time" walked away. His footsteps echoed through epochs, each step a ripple in the fabric of existence. The mountain of bodies—the fallen, the forgotten—receded into cosmic memory.

Before vanishing, he wove his hands through the air—an ancient language, syllables lost to time. He imprinted a message onto a sign hanging from the door of a dilapidated building—a single word, cryptic and untranslatable. It glowed faintly, etched into reality. No mortal eye would decipher it, yet he hoped—for someone, someday, to glimpse its cosmic truth.

And with a final cosmic blast, "Time" vanished—a comet streaking across infinity. Moments later, time unfroze—the battle resumed, destinies diverging once more.

From a distance, Krish squinted. His gaze fell upon the mark etched into the sign on the door—a cryptic symbol, an ancient language. He felt it—an energy, primal and potent, radiating from the enigmatic glyph. To him, it was more than mere graffiti; it was a message, a cosmic whisper.

But before he could decipher its meaning, an arrow whizzed past him—a swift savior. It struck an enforcer, ending a life that had threatened Krish's own. The distraction had saved him from a fatal blow.

The word on the door remained—an enigma, a cosmic riddle. Perhaps it whispered of salvation or cosmic reckoning. Perhaps it was a plea or a warning. But it endured—a silent witness to the 636th iteration, where free will danced with fate, and the universe held its breath.

As the battle resumed, curiosity danced with survival. Who was the unseen archer? What purpose drove their phantom arrows?

And then, Ijaz smirked, a knowing glint in his eyes. He had unraveled the cosmic riddle. But the answer remained locked behind his enigmatic expression.

In the midst of the cosmic chaos, Ijaz caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eye. The eagle, a silent companion throughout their journey, soared in the shadows. A closer inspection revealed an uncanny familiarity.

"Arathorn?" Ijaz muttered, his brow furrowing in bewilderment. The eagle, a enigma itself, held secrets that now begged to be unraveled. Ijaz couldn't shake the question echoing in his mind—why was Arathorn present in the heart of this cosmic battleground?

Ijaz, his mind a tempest of cosmic fragments, stood amidst the fading echoes of battle. The celestial clash had left its mark—scorched earth, fractured constellations, and the lingering scent of cosmic essence. But it was the eagle, Arathorn, that held the key to unraveling the enigma.

As if guided by unseen hands, Ijaz stepped toward the majestic bird. Its eyes, twin pools of starlight, bore into his soul. Memories surged—a distant past, a forgotten pact. Arathorn was no ordinary creature; he was a cosmic messenger, a bridge between realms.

"Arathorn," Ijaz whispered, his voice lost in the cosmic winds. "Why now? Why here?"

And then, Ijaz smirked, a knowing glint in his eyes. He had unraveled the cosmic riddle. But the answer remained locked behind his enigmatic expression.