
Legends Of Karia

Karia, the realm of the four grand empires, has borne witness to epic legends and intertwined destinies spanning through the ages. In the north, the regal Empire of Mirak stands tall, where the potency of water is revered as the very essence of life itself. To the west, the fiery Empire of Kashar, where fire and rock engage in an eternal dance of power and defiance. In the east, the enigmatic Empire of Vakaril, where the wind murmurs ancient secrets and carries the dreams of daring adventurers to uncharted lands. And to the south, the fertile Empire of Teril, where earth and light meld to craft a terrestrial paradise.

MarcQJ · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

The Whisper of Shadows

Three days after their mother's departure, the commander of the Rakentis, the great Lord Rinnos, appeared with an attitude so contemptuous it was never welcomed. He informed the siblings that their beloved father, Bastian, had left several letters before his passing, but none had reached their hands as they were never considered important, except for the last one, which had left him somewhat uncertain. Arion glared at the commander with fiery eyes, while Lyra held onto his arm with determination, despite her lack of physical strength. Rinnos solemnly handed over the letter and departed, leaving behind the phrase, "Soon, the trash will leave the city." The siblings were left immersed in the shadow of their sadness and mystery.

Arion approached Lyra and spoke with a broken voice, "It's our father's final letter." Lyra looked at him with compassionate eyes and nodded. Arion sat down in an old chair, feeling a heavy burden on his shoulders, and opened the letter. Lyra sat beside him, eager to uncover the secrets their father had left behind.

Arion began to read the letter aloud, his father's words evoking a great mystery and, at the same time, a farewell.

"Dear Fiora, beloved Arion, and precious Lyra,

I doubt if this letter will reach your hands in this challenging and enigmatic world where I find myself. Each day is a struggle to determine who will survive until dawn, but it is the memory of you that keeps me alive, like a flickering flame in the darkness, as the oldest legends of our people tell.

I sense an ancestral presence that compels me to move forward, a force beyond human understanding. I do not know where it comes from, but it fills me with hope, as if all of this is part of a greater destiny.

On the other hand, the volcano Yeva murmurs forgotten secrets from centuries past. I do not know why I perceive it, perhaps it's the fever or the influence of forces beyond our comprehension, but I am determined to unveil the mystery that lies in its fiery heart.

I love you so much that my love transcends distance and time,


The words of their father echoed in the room like an echo from an unknown world calling them into the abyss of uncertainty. Before them lay a path filled with uncertainty and danger, but also with revelations that could change the destiny of their family and the world they inhabited. When Arion finished reading the letter, Lyra embraced him tightly. Arion felt tears running down his cheeks, while the echo of their father's words resonated in his ears.


Lyra hugged him even tighter, sharing the pain of their loss.

"I know," Lyra whispered, her eyes filled with tears. "He never stopped thinking about us."

The siblings remained embraced for a long while, caught in the whirlwind of emotions that Bastian's letter had unleashed. There was solace in their father's words, but also a profound sadness for his absence.

Several days passed, and as they realized that their safety among the Aemir was in jeopardy, Arion looked at Lyra with determination, ready to take drastic measures in search of a safe haven. Despite knowing that they would have to join the Akemir since they couldn't afford the exorbitant amounts of gold required to be Aemir, Lyra, amidst tears, said to her brother,

"I want to explore the world for which my father gave his life."

Lyra's declaration reflected her deep desire to honor their father's memory and venture into the unknown, following in the footsteps he had begun.

Lyra's words hung in the air like an oath of loyalty and courage. She understood that her destiny was intertwined with her brother's, and together they would face the challenges that lay ahead. The legacy their father had bestowed upon them played a crucial role in a world filled with wonders and dangers.

In a world inhabited by fantastic creatures and ancient secrets, the two siblings embarked on a journey towards the volcano Yeva. There was no time to waste, and the orders of King Ilyos pushed them into the unknown. With the future shrouded in mystery and a burning fire in their hearts, Arion and Lyra advanced toward the vastness of the volcano. In their journey, they longed to unveil the hidden mysteries deep within Yeva, ancient secrets that could change not only their own destiny but also the destiny of all.