
Legendary youkai diary

the legendary king of ancient Mesopotamia, Gilgamesh become bored of the state of the world and wanted to spice up the situation and he finds the soul that can handle his power and he found it but it was a child youkai that almost lose his life but he gives that power and recover his soul and he said "entertain me mongrel for you have the power of the greatest human king in the world" so begin the journey of youkai child that being passed down to his diary my first time write this novel i hope that you can enjoy please comment when there are grammatical error thanks!!!!!!!

Handako_Gummer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
42 Chs


when ryouma was on the ground, otome rush to ryouma's side and check his condition. she sighed in relief because his cute son fainted.

the remain of kyuso's group when they see kyuso is dead. they started to run away to save their life. rihan's group saw that wanted to chase them but were stopped by rihan.


"but rihan-oyabun, this is our chance to send them to the afterlife after what they have done to us and ryouma-bochama!!!!"

"I know but we must prioritize of injured first. and also we are going to clean this place so there aren't any incongruity with this place on the next morning."

they still wanted to chase those rats but when they saw their surrounding. they knew that this is going to spell trouble when someone what to hunt them using this incident as a front to destroy them.

with a reluctant look, they started their preparation to clean up this mess and helped the injured from their team.

when rihan saw this. he sighed in relief after all this bunch is hotheaded one that can become berserk with ryouma became this sorry state. so he didn't need to resort to his aura to made them obey his order.

then he remembered about ryouma's state. he rushed to his side and when he saw otome, he asked otome about his condition.

"what happens to him, sweetheart?"

"he just faints, honey. but why he is here?"

"well I don't know about that but I'm just glad that he's here"

when otome heard that, she turned her face to rihan and with noh mask face like she asked rihan.

"honey, are you implying that he is fine to die?"

rihan heard that he had cold sweat on his face and give his reason to otome.

"sweetheart, I don't imply about that. if he didn't come here then rikuo is going to die after all. you knew about that knife right and he is still alive after all"

then otome remember about her or to be exactly right wakana's son. she didn't give a difference between rikuo and ryouma as her son. but, when her blood-related son was almost died. she couldn't see anything other than her son.

but after she checked that ryouma was safe. she was calm down and remember about rikuo's existence and she saw him at front gate fidgeting about something.

then she called rikuo.

"ah!! that's right, rikuo sweetheart. come here!!"

"ah yes, otome-san."

"mooo. don't call me with that. just call me okaa-chan or mama. rikuo sweetheart."


"no, but rikuo sweetheart."

".....huh, alright otome okaa-san"

otome smile wryly about what rikuo calling her. but she knew that she couldn't press hard to made rikuo throw calling her name and just called her okaa-chan.

"well it's okay for now, but I'm sorry about forgetting about you rikuo sweetheart."

"it's alright after all I'm just dead weight. when I see that knife flying toward me. I just stand there didn't move because of fear and if Aniki didn't come here, the that going to die is me not that man over there."

rikuo's face when he said that is mocking expression for himself. after all, he just became an easy target to be targeted by kyuso.

when otome saw that. she put ryouma head on her lap. after that, she hugged rikuo and pat him.

"it's alright to be afraid. after all, you are just children that need to be protected by us after rikuo sweetheart"

"but aniki i-"

"don't compare him to you, sweetheart. after all, some blockhead is training him to become strong enough without his tokii after all. that blockhead must be punished after all he made my cute and sweet ryouma to become musclehead too"

rihan knew who otome was implying too. he coughed at otome's word and approached otome and his two sons.

he then patted rikuo head to calm him down and spoke to him.

"rikuo, you don't have to blame yourself. after all, all ended well so we can be happy!!"

when otome heard that. she tilted her head to the side and look upward at rihan face with an ice-cold glare that can be made man flinch.


rihan had a cold sweat because he just stepped a land mine. he tried to divert the conversation to save his life.

"now that I remembered something. ryouma using some unknown shield and spear that can summon many shields behind him to protect him after all."

"I'm going to punish you later honey. to be exact is 300 hundred shields including his shield"

rikuo with his eyes was shining like star, ask question to this husband and wife.

"yeah, that was so cool. how can he do that when aniki can't use tokii!!???"

rihan and otome have troubled smiles to rikuo's question. it's not like ryouma can't use tokii. but, rikuo didn't need to know for now.

"well rikuo sweetheart, it has some complicated reason and when the time is right, we are going to tell you ourselves, right honey??"

"Yeah, that's right rikuo. so sweetheart, what the hell with that weapon? I don't think that ryouma has that weapon before"

"I have some conclusion about this but first let's take ryouma to my room to let him rest for a while"

"well, that's true, after all ryouma become a hero in this day after all!!! so we are going to party all night!!! YOU LOT, WE ARE GOING TO PARTY TO CELEBRATE MY SON BECOME A HERO IN OUR CLAN!!"

rihan's men when they heard that become ecstatic because of this celebration that show their future of this group as a whole.


when otome heard her husband's antics. she sighed because they are going to trouble for kitchen staff. so she was going to help the kitchen.

then she grabbed ryouma to her right side with one hand. and with her left hand, she held her hand with rikuo to end this night peacefully.

"let's sleep rikuo, tomorrow you are going to school right?"

"Yeah, I'm sleepy"

she with rikuo and ryouma went back to her house to prepare for food for the party. after she sent rikuo and ryouma to their representative room.


somewhere in the abandoned building that overlooks the battle of rihan's group and kyuso's group.

on the rooftop, a man of a rather simple appearance, with smooth features and messy black hair. Perhaps his most distinguishing feature is his eyes with very large, pitch-black irises. He wears a kimono and is had a smile on his face.

beside him, a woman with glasses, dark lips, and black hair pulled back in a knob. She wears a kimono with white fur along the collar and sleeves.

the woman then spoke to the man with an amused look on her face.

"well, look likes your plan is failed enchou."

the man, enchou still with his smile replied to the woman.

"well, I never count on them in the first place after all. still how strange, how can that brat still alive? akujo, are you sure that he was stabbed by mao's hammer??"

the woman akujo replied to encho with a sneering look.

"hmm, I'm 100% sure about that. after all the one that attacks him is me. or are you implying that I lying to you encho?"

encho then with a furrow brow is still processing the information.

"hmm, I believe in you. but, this is bizarre. how is he still survive from mao's hammer? also what the hell with that shield that floating behind that rihan's brat?"

then with a surprised look on her face, akujo ask the question to encho.

"you don't know?? are you sure about that?"

"one thing for sure is that shield and that beam-like attack is dangerous for us. also, when I wanted to tell a story about that phenomenon. I have a feeling that I'm going to receive divine punishment"

surprised by encho's statement, akujo had a sadistic smile on her face. after all, she love strong men especially their despair face when being revealed as the monster to human society.

noticing this woman habit, encho thought that this going to become fun for while. after all, he loved telling stories and unlock their mystery so that made his master's resurrection became reality.

he then spoke a few words to where ryouma's house.

"well, this time is your win. but, with this incident, my master's resurrection is a step closer to realization. we are going back akujo"

when akujo heard that, she shrugged her shoulder and shake her head as if no choice so she ready to go back to their base.

then suddenly, a mist appeared in their surrounding as if surrounded them, and when the mist was disappeared. they were gone as if they didn't have been there.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Handako_Gummercreators' thoughts