
Legendary System In The Multiverse

Classic world-hopping fan-fic where the main character dies and gets some wishes. Also, I am just writing this for fun so don't take it too seriously. The cover is from Wikipedia, I don't own it

KingPanda215 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Chapter 7

[Thunder Domain: Control all electricity within 200 meters at the cost of Damage. {Cost Medium} {Damage High} Upgrade cost 500,000.]

[Fledgling Thunder God: Control all electricity within 1 kilometer. {Cost Massive} {Damage High+} Upgrade cost 500,000.]

[Electric Body: Turn into electricity briefly and gain the ability to shoot electricity from anywhere on your body. {Cost Low} {Damage Medium+} Upgrade Cost 500,000.]

Those were the three upgrade options Aurelion was debating between choosing. It was tough, all of them were good choices. He ruled out the [Fledgling Thunder God] though because he didn't want the cost of his main ability to be massive. That left [Electric Body] and [Thunder Domain] to choose between. [Electric Body] was obviously going the One Piece logia route.

Quickly deciding on what path he wanted, Aurelion choose [Thunder Domain]. The changes were immediate. With his new electrical sense, he could feel all the electricity surrounding him in much clearer detail. He could even feel the electricity in the rest of his familiy's bodies. Aurelion then looked at his status and smiled in satisfaction.

[Name: Aurelion

Race: VoidSpawn

Physical: 4

Mental: 4

Soul: 4

(A/N: 3 is Olimpic Athlete level. All Might would be at 10 in physical.)

Skills: Rulebreaker, Thunder Domain, EMS (Obito), Observation Haki, Armament Haki

Points: 409,000]

Aurelion looked at the 500,000 point upgrade cost and then at his missions. He still had the quest to kill a character connected to the plot of this world. It would give him just enough to get the next upgrade level. He knew exactly who to kill. He would kill Gentle Criminal because who cared about him. Plus it would be relatively simple to track him down through his videos.

Before he started the mission he tried something that he had seen in a book. In that book, a character who could manipulate electricity could fly by charging the air under his feet or something like that at least. Deciding it was worth a shot Aurelion jumped into the air and imagined a platform of supercharged air under his feet, but nothing happened.

Deciding to work on it later, Aurelion waited for night to come before trying to track Gentle. It didn't take long to track Gentle through his videos and figure out where his next target would be. The next day, when his parents were out he snuck out and went to the place he knew Gentle would be.

Aurelion stood outside of a supermarket, wearing his classic black clothes, except this time he wore a mask because it was day and he didn't want anyone seeing his face. It didn't take long for Gentle to arrive. He was dressed in his admittedly stylish villain costume and he held a camera with him.

Aurelion noted that La brava wasn't with him, maybe they weren't working together yet. It didn't particularly matter though. Walking towards Gentle Aurelion called out "Oh my god! Are you Gentle Criminal? I'm a huge fan." he said, not having to fake his excitement. He didn't see Gentle, he just saw the points for his new power-up. As he approached he made sure to short circuit all the cameras within 200 meters.

Gentle beamed when he heard Aurelion's words and moved closer. He stuck out his hand to Aurelion and spoke. "It's always nice to meet a fan!" he said with a huge smile. When the two shook hands Gentle felt an intense amount of bloodlust radiating from the child in front of him. The last words Gentle heard before he was sucked through a portal were "I wonder if I'll get a villain modifier and get extra points for this," then he was gone.

Aurelion didn't wait around after sucking Gentle into Kamui and teleported away. A spatial distortion appeared in the center of Aurelion's room in his house. He quickly exited the portal and threw his clothes and mask into his inventory before jumping on his bed. He idly wondered how long it would take for Gentle to die so that he could receive his points.

Sucking someone into Kamui wasn't an instant kill. They would arrive in the Kamui dimension, but there was no food or water there so they would just die of dehydration. Gentle was basically Aurelion's guinea pig to see how long it would take for him to die inside of Kamui. While waiting he decided to train to use his Susanoo, one of the powers granted to all [MS] and [EMS] users that had unlocked both of their abilities.

Since Aurelion already knew both of the abilities of his eyes he was able to use a Susanoo. He decided that this was probably best practiced outside, looking around his room that was filled with all his stuff. He stood on the lawn outside his house, but in a place, he knew people rarely ever visited. It would be though to explain away how he was able to do what he could.

Since he had seen Naruto and knew what the first stage of the Susanoo looked like Aurelion pictured a ribcage made of energy forming around him. He closed his eyes and pictured what he had seen from the show and suddenly he felt energy leaving his body at a faster rate than any other ability had ever done.

Opening his eyes Aurelion saw a ribcage made of inky black energy surrounding him. It was pure black because you could see all the way through it from either side, but it was close. He couldn't help but laugh as the ribcage faded into nothingness. He had done it! He really had the Susanoo, one of the most busted Naruto abilities. Then his mood got even better.

Looking at the prompt in front of him he felt surprised. Apparently Gentle was already dead. The screen told Aurelion that he had completed his mission. Unfortunately, he didn't get any extra points from modifiers, but he was still extremely pleased. He quickly spent the necessary points to upgrade [Thunder Domain], bringing him down to 9,000 points.

[Storm Control: Gain greater control of electricity within 200 meters as well as mediocre wind control. {Cost Medium} {Damage High} Upgrade cost 1 Million points.]

[Greater Thunder Domain: Your range for controlling electricity extends to 1 kilometer. {Cost High} {Damage High+} Upgrade cost 1 Million points.]

[Absolute Control: Within 1 meter have absolute electrical control. User is able to read minds and completely stop any bodily function of others, like keeping their heart from beating or making them braindead. {Cost Medium} {Damage Massive+}Upgrade cost 1 Million points.]