
Gary Vs Ash

Editor: Phema2241

The next day, the matchups were getting closer as most of the people had been eliminated. And as for the matchups for today, it was going to be Ash versus Gary; something that Gary had been looking forward to for a long time. Since the last time they had met on stage, he was defeated but now he was going to turn that around.

"Hey, Gary. I know last time I beat you but seeing you this time, you seem to be a little overwhelming. Maybe I should just forfeit." Gary smirked when he heard that and looked at Ash strangely as he started to laugh and said, "That doesn't even sound remotely like you Ash."

Ash looked, laughed and said "You're right it's nothing like me. I'm going to give it my all and beat you once again."

Gary could not believe how smug this guy was. Even when he did not have a Legendary Pokémon, he was still acting like he had a chance. Now Gary was going to show him the difference between regular Pokémon and legendary Pokémon.

The announcer announced the start of the battle. All their family members were there, Ash's mother, Gary's grandfather and his sister. They were conflicted on who to cheer for, so they cheered for both.

Ash tossed out his poke ball as a Heracross came out. Gary looked at Ash and said, "I'm going to have to crush you and not leave any chances so I'm going to go for the kill right off the bat."

"Go Raikou."

As the electricity around the stage started to strike, the stage had become completely electrified as little bolts of electricity were dancing around it. Heracross, who was standing on the stage, tried to dodge these little bolts but one of them eventually got him stunning in place.

"Hey that's not fair" Ash yelled out. "What kind of Pokémon is that? It seems to be too powerful. Heracross let us try to gain ground on it. Fly up in the air," said Ash. But Heracross could not move, he had been stunned from a small shock.

"Thundershock. Let us try to keep it to a minimum" said Gary very slowly. And as he said so, Raikou snorted and stretched out his paw and a small shock of electricity shocked Heracross until he fainted.

Everybody there was shocked. Ash could not believe he had lost the fight without even fighting and he knew he had to do something about that Pokémon. He decided since it was an Electric Type, and the stage was ground stage, he decided to bring out his trusted pal Pikachu.

"Pikachu, are you ready for this fight?" Pikachu as usual puffed his chest as if saying "You can count on me."

As soon as Pikachu got on the stage, he felt the surge of electricity as it seemed to boost his power. Electricity surged around his body and around his eyes and as he started to power up, everything started to slow down for him.

He used the force within the electricity as he blasted forward full speed. Ash called out a Volt Tackle, huge energy erupted from Pikachu as he went in and head-butted Raikou causing Raikou to be pushed back slightly.

Raikou was shocked by this and thought, 'How could that little thing damage me' but he shook it off and unleashed multiple Thunderbolts which Pikachu was easily able to dodge.

Gary was shocked by this as he said, "That's Ash's strongest Pokémon. Do not let him get the edge on you. Take him seriously. Raikou still was not taking it seriously and did not believe he could not defeat the Pikachu. The next thing he knew, Pikachu had used Iron Tail smacking his head down as he had jumped up in the sky, coming down with the increased momentum and Raikou was hit and got him down on his knees which shocked him and Gary.

Now Raikou was pissed and started taking this battle seriously. As he got back up, his body started to quiver and his hair started to stand up as he was ready to unleash the most powerful attack he had, Thunderstorm.

The storm started to brew above his head as the clouds came in. Pikachu saw this and saw this as an opportunity to use his Thunder attack. They both charged towards each other and summoned the electricity from the clouds and released a powerful Thunder attack, but Raikou's thunder was a different color from Pikachu's.

It seemed like Raikou had gotten serious as he summoned an ultra-Thunderbolt which was blue instead of yellow like Pikachu. It quickly absorbed Pikachu's thunder and went straight for Pikachu, shocking him right off the stage giving him the win.

The crowd went wild. They could not believe how fired up this battle was. Ash was surprised quickly and went to get Pikachu who he was comforting and telling him that he had done a great job. Gary Smirked when he saw this and said, "You might have won that match. I can't believe Pikachu made you use your most powerful move."

Who is saying this to who?

"You better start taking this match seriously. Ash is not one to be pushed around and I could honestly say if anybody can defeat you it would be Ash who could surprise you. So do not hold back when facing up against him."

Raikou could only nod his head as he finally began to understand how Ash worked.

The battle continued as Ash brought out his Tyranitar hoping that he could diffuse the electricity, which he was able to do using Earthquake. He was able to do major damage against Raikou who had been short-circuited due to the elements' difference.

Gary was not worried and wondered whether he should return Raikou and bring him out later, but he shook his head and continued as he was stubborn. Raikou used Iron Tail and decided to go on the physical aspect of things. Tyranitar was able to block the attack and use a Crunch attack dealing major damage once again.

Now Raiku was on his last leg as his HP was critical. Gary could not believe Ash was able to hold him back, but Ash had lost two Pokémon already, so he already had the lead. Raikou used his last bit of strength as they both charged in and knocked each other out. Tyranitar fainted but Raiku had also fainted, shocking the whole stadium.
