

"Why did I fail?" the teen despaired, lying on the ground. His face contorted deeply. The ground holding him was made of grey evenly placed bricks. This teen had a blonde bob cut and a purple robe lined in gold. His name is Edward Ferkald. This was the first time Edward had lost in his entire life. The reason for this was because of his last name, Ferkald. Ferkald is the name of the royal family. Edward being the first boy and successor to the throne. Led him to become spoon fed his entire life, well up until now. peering down upon his royal yet decrepit face is a young wizard in a blue robe. Who goes by the name Azan. What the two are currently doing was the final test to graduate from the Ferkald Magical Academy. The best boarding school in the country of Gernald. The winning condition of the test is whoever beats their opponent passes. How Edward ended up in this position, started when he was about to finish his chant for superior fireball. His goal was to flashily get a one move win on this nobody he was paired with, giving him an easy graduation. But Azan took away the flying component from Edwards spell formation, right as it was about to be cast. This caused Edward to be blown away and burnt without Azan even lifting a finger. From an on-lookers perspective it looked as if Azan just stared Edward down causing him to fail. Edward pulled his hands up from the bricks and tried to support himself. "GUAAAAAAA!" Edward screeched. he couldn't get up, his hands were far too burnt. A bystander in a white robe ran over and stood crouched in front of Edward. In the academy teachers wore white robes to designate themselves. He put his arm up behind blocking Azan. This was to prevent him from doing any damage to the already down prince. while using the other hand to emit a white-golden ball of light. Healing the downed student.

Edward's glare pierced upwards towards Azan and shouted "NO! He must have used some kind of devilish trick! kick him out!" being healed he slowly got up.

The teacher showing a hint of disappointment stated "You failed Edward."

"HE, Cheated! there's No way I would have messed that spell up!" Edward whined.

"You clearly messed up Edward, just go back to your room." explained the teacher.

"My, father shall hear of this." Edward Spited.

The teacher ignored Edward and turned looking Azan in the eyes "Azan you pass, congratulations, go to the main office to get your diploma along with some other things."

Azan left the courtyard. Leaving Edward in an angry daze and the teacher who was a little confused at the win.

'Did Edward, the best student really mess up?' Wondered the teacher.


Azan had to walk for five minutes to get to the main office. 'This campus is too big.' thought Azan. Teleportation was a bit too high level for a student to know. So he couldn't use it willy-nilly. seeing the doors Azan walked into the office, a room about the size of half a basketball court. The walls were made of light grey smooth stone and the floor was carpeted in red. Azan walked up to the large dark mahogany desk. "Excuse me I passed the graduation exam, do you have my diploma?" asked Azan to the receptionist. The girl was wearing rectangular glasses and had a brown pony tail. Which wobbled as she looked up from her papers towards the student. He had black hair covering his forehead, his blades of hair thinned out as it reached the eyebrows. Complimenting this dark hair was brown eyes which sparkled with knowledge. Which was surprising for a person of such an age. "Azan was it?" she thought for a little then, looked down at a note next to her papers. Her eyes wavered as she wasn't sure if what she read, was what was being read. "You will need to go see the principal." the receptionist stated as she adjusted her glasses. "Thank you." Azan smiled as he left.


Arriving at the Principal's office. Azan knocked on the large wooden double doors. "Come in." stated an old dignified voice. As the doors opened slowly a large black leather chair came into vision, holding a wizard in a grand white robe. If front of him was a large wooden desk showing even more elegance than the main office's desk.

"So you passed!" stated the aged wizard happily.

Now showing a grin Azan said "Thank you for letting me get into the test last minute."

"No problem at all." Exclaimed the wizard.

"But before I give you your diploma and license. I want to ask you something.... Why? do you need it? aren't these are pretty much useless for a person like you." he questioned

"Well I've been away for a long while. So it isn't entirely unexpected that the key was changed. Isn't the license now, the key to get into the wizards library?" Asked Azan

"Yes its the new key, But you made that library. Can't you can just get in or make a key yourself?" the old wizard wondered.

"Well yea...." Azan scratched his cheek "But I want to get the key the legitimate way, without asking the current curator. Theres just a kind of romance to it, ya know." he answered.

The old wizard looked at Azan confuzed, ignoring his last statement "So, teacher where are you going to go now?" poked the old wizard.

Azan looked up at the white ceiling and though for a second "I'm thinking that I'll go to the demon country, maybe they will have a spell or two that I missed, or even new ones. It has been a hundred years hasn't it." Azan happily explained.

"Yea, yea, just don't mess up their country too bad. After all their current state was caused by you." warned the old wizard.

"You worry took much" stated Azan.

The old wizard handed a box to Azan. Who then just took it and turned it into nothingness using his personal space magic. He then walked towards the doors "Take care old man." ringed Azan. Turning around just as he got into the hallway "Or should I say Grant" Winking just as the doors closed.

"Im not the old man here." grumbled the Principal.
