

Ulruk Village...

While everyone was busy doing their own thing in the feast...

"Roselia, I know this is a bit sudden but..." Bloody Harvest was so drunk and was trying to confess his feelings for Roselia.

"Shh... Follow me." Roselia stopped Bloody Harvest from telling whatever he had in mind and dragged him along somewhere.


After walking a few steps, both of them went inside a random villager's house. They looked for a place to sit and they started talking.

"Roselia, I want you. I love you. Will you be my lover?" Bloody Harvest said while he held Roselia's hands.

"Umm..." Roselia did not know what to say since unlike this guy who was clearly drunk, she was still sober and does not want to do anything rash. Just as she was about to reject him, Bloody Harvest suddenly hugged her and started crying.

"Please don't leave me. Please...please..."

Then for some reason, Bloody Harvest lost consciousness and slumped down to the floor. But due to his firm grasp on her, she also got dragged to the floor with him.

"S**t..." Roselia cursed since she knew that Bloody Harvest will probably not wake up until the morning comes.

But even though she cursed at him, for some reason, she felt some kind of warmth inside her. Something she never felt before. She then looked at his face and stroked his long black hair.

"Why do I have feelings for this guy?"

She then remembered the first time she saw Bloody Harvest.

It was during the launch of Dungeons and Towers of Fate. He was the first player she encountered when she logged in the game. He helped her, taught her, and saved her when she needed saving.

But for some reason, after she got the Demon Hunter class, she chased Bloody Harvest away.

Then after some time later, when the both of them met up again in Murkwood Town...

"Hey! Roselia! Hey!"

Bloody Harvest approached her. The both of them went for some drinks at a local tavern and started talking. But for some reason, Bloody Harvest never even asked her for an apology when she chased him away. After that, she thought it will be their last meeting.

Then a few days later, when the changes happened in the game, Bloody Harvest invited her to party up with them. Then the rest of the stuff happened...


Back to the present...

"Why am I remembering this now? Why..." Roselia cried for a while and unconsciously started hugging Bloody Harvest.

"I'm sorry. You helped me a lot and I did not even appreciate it. Am I really that shameless?"

After that last thought of hers, she closed her eyes and slept.


Somewhere else in Ulruk Village...




The villagers were supposed to enjoy and watch some roosters fight each other for entertainment. But the moment they released the roosters out of their cages, these roosters focused their eyes on something else.

They saw a 'goddess' in front of them. The way she pecked and ate her food, the way she flapped her golden wings... It was too graceful and majestic.

The villagers also noticed that these roosters were eyeing Nuggets. Then they saw a very entertaining and comedic scene...



The roosters became impatient and started chasing Nuggets.

When Nuggets saw this, she desperately cried for Jay's help and ran as fast as she can.


While everyone was laughing at the scene, Nuggets was crying deep inside as she ran for her life.


Sadly, these 'dumba*s' villagers does not give a crap about her. So she just ran, and ran, and ran...


While Roselia, Bloody Harvest, and Nuggets were having these minor problems...

Somewhere in an unnamed mountain near Ulruk Village...

"Boss, we confirmed that Morris is at the village." A black hooded figure said while facing the entrance of a large and dark cave entrance.

"Gooooood... Proceed with the plans." A creepy voice replied. Then after that, the cave entrance disappeared.

The hooded figure then took of his hood. If Jay was here, he will be surprised. This 'guy' was actually a demon. It had small black tentacles that looks like its hair, had brown skin, and had a muscular build.

"Hehehe... I wonder how good is this 'Fate Tower Seal' is..."

The demon then disappeared...


Oblivious to what was happening in the village and the nearby mountain, Jay and Morris went back to the village and joined the feast. As for Lydia, she sneaked back into the wooden storehouse and chuckled a bit before going to sleep.
