
legend of purple jade

"do you know you have a really cute smile?if I had a heart it would have fallen for you"I was admiring his smile. "You mean you don't have a heart?"he looked at me. "If I had met you before I wouldn't have mind keeping my heart with me"I smiled "What about now,before or now I think my smile is the same?"he turned towards me I also faced him"why you want me to fall for your heart"I teased him. I didn't left any gab between us.Our nose were about to touch. But he turned to other side. Never thought the journal I started alone would end with him. insta I'd:seliza124

Sriste_Magar · ย้อนยุค
8 Chs

chapter 1

In heaven palace

"My lord,demon world has started war with us,now what should we do?" Minister asked

"What does he mean by starting war with us?" It was god of heaven

"Its....its about the....the purple jade" minister lowered his voice.

"Since he started the war he will be the one to pay for it."he(Wàngróng,god of heaven)turned front.

Wàngróng ruled the heaven world and was about 80000years old.


" they still haven't returned the message of war,what to do king?"a man covered with fully black dress asked.

"Hahaha(evil laugh)it means formally start the war from tomorrow" it was demon king

"OK king" the man bend down to show respect.

"But...." He stopped

"But what?" Demon king shouted.

"Your wife is pregnant, what about her?" HE was afraid and his words were stopping.

"Both of them my child and wife should be fine,when I return back" he commanded.

"Yes king" he was about to go but king stopped him.

"There is only 50%chance of winning the war so if I can't return back then the demon world will be ruled by my new born baby,say this to everyone in demon land" king commanded.

"But King..." He was again stopped.

"No but" king commanded aNnd went out.


"My lord,but your wife is pregnant what about her health" minister said

"She will be fine and if I don't return back the next ruler will be my child." He said

"But my lord....ministry was stopped

" no but it is fixed"king made his statement.

Next day

Demon land

"Now the war has formally started hahaha(evil laugh)"

In war land

"I don't think the war is the solution, we should stop this war before it starts" god of heaven said to demon king

Thousand of armies were on both side

"Yes I also think so,why don't you give me the jade?" Demon king said evilly

"Dream on,you will never get the jade in your life" god of heaven replied and the war started

War lasted for two months but...

(Think the war scene by yourself and read the further story)

In heaven palace

"Push a little harder, queen", maids were saying to queen of heaven.

After few minutes

" Ahhh"queen shouted and a voice of child crying was heard.

It was new born baby boy.

"Congratulation queen,its a boy" a maid said with a smile in everyone face

Then both of them queen and her baby were resting in bedroom but she heard a knock on the door and asked her maid to open it.

The door opened reveling minister with a sad face.....

In demon palace

"You just need a little energy,push harder queen" maids said to demon queen

"I can't, i can't" it was really hard for her to give birth to child suddenly after few minutes they heard a voice of crying.

"Congregation queen its a girl..." Maid said smiling but suddenly stopped by looking at the queen.

"Queen is unconscious, take her to room" maid said and everyone hurried

After few hours queen woke up and found her child her side.

"Queen it's a girl"maid said and queen smiled.

Then the queen thought of giving her name.

"Lijing"she smiled.

"From today she will be called lijing,how is this name?"queen asked

"Beautiful"maid replied.

Suddenly a man came inside room making queen flinch.

"What the hell?Why are you here?Where is the king?"queen started questioning

"Sorry,but...."he stopped his words

"But what?"queen asked