
Legend In Another World

A man in his mid 30's dies in a tragic accident in his normal world. He dreamed of being something special, which the god heard. He got transmigrated to a new world, with a sword and magic, something he had never dreamed of. Wanting to make himself a legend, he starts on a journey, where he will save and destroy lives. Follow the story of a transmigrated named Henry, who will be building his own legend in another world.

MasterSpearmaster · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter 1 A New Beginning

"I hope there is a life after death!"

This was the thought of 32-year-old Henry. He was currently on the ground, with tons of broken bones, and blood flowing from every part of his body.

As soon as his car was hit by the car crossing a red light, he knew his time was up. He immediately after felt his life flashing before his eyes.

All he saw, was a boring man, going about his daily life as a kind of slave. All he did, was eat, sleep, and work. He had dedicated his life to work, a work that never gave him any accomplishment, but gave him food on the table.

"I hope that there is a life after death … A life with meaning!" He thought.

He had studied history back when he was young, as he loved all of the heroic stories about legends. He had always fantasized about being a legend himself, but alas, reality hit him as soon as he finished school.

"I hope there is a life after death … A life where I can become a legend!" He thought.

He knew he was asking for a lot, but he was a dying man. It was at this time he was allowed to be asking for a lot. It was at this time he realized his dreams, it was at this time he wanted to wish for the dreams that were never fulfilled.

"I hope there is a life after death …" This was his last thought as he breathed his last breath of air.

His vision was covered by complete darkness, there was nothing around him at all. What was weird though, was that he felt absolutely nothing at all. He thought he would fear this feeling of darkness, but surprisingly, he felt a nice and soft warmth, with a tinge of loneliness.

After what felt like decades for Henry, a small light was flickering in the distance. It did not take long before Henry saw this, as he reached out towards the light, trying to grab it.

As soon as he clenched his hands at the light, the darkness that was previously there completely vanished and was replaced by endless light.

This light gave him the same feeling as the darkness did, except for the loneliness he felt in the darkness, he felt extreme happiness here. He felt at ease like nothing could touch him.

"My child, it seems you have died with dreams you want to have fulfilled!" A booming voice suddenly sounded. It did not come from any distinct direction, but it came from everywhere.

"I hear you wanted a life with meaning, a life where you can become a legend?" The voice sounded again, asking a question, yet not a question.

"I will grant you this wish, but it won't be a life like your old one!" The voice sounded again.

Henry was shocked at the moment, as he did not know where the voice came from. It sounded full of authority and might. The words the voice was speaking sounded quite exaggerated, and something he usually would not believe in, but something about his voice made him not question it.

"I don't care … I just want another chance! Another chance to prove myself!" Henry said with a resolute voice. His eyes were showing pure determination. He wanted a life much great than what he had before he died.

"I see, I will grant that wish of yours!" The voice sounded. "You will be born as the 16-year-old lord, Charles!" The booming voice continued.

'A lordd!?' Henry could not help but feel the happiness of being reborn at such a high position. He had expected to be reborn as something lonely.

'Wait, a lord?' He soon realized something was wrong. There was not something like a lord in his world, at least not for the past 100 years.

"As Charles is not a strong child, I will give you a special gift for when you arrive! Good luck 'Charles,' I will be looking forward to your legend!" The booming voice said.

"Wait …" Henry wanted to ask the voice some questions, but before he could, the scenery started to change around him.

As he opened his eyes to this new scenery, he saw that he was in a room. It looked like it was from the medieval era of his old world. The walls were made of stone, with paintings and cloth pieces as decorations.

There was even a small knight's armor in the corner of his room. It was posturing like a real knight, his two hands cupped on the sword hilt and the sword tip leaning on the ground. It looked more imposing in real life than what he had seen in books.

Looking around more, he also saw that there was a big table in the middle of the room, with tons of paper stacked to the side. It looked like the offices of the scribes back in medieval Europe.

'Have I traveled back in time for my reincarnation?' He thought as everything looked to be old.

Then he saw something that was out of the world. Something he had never seen in his old world, and something that would have been impossible to see in the medieval era.

A small sphere, it was kind of translucent, and yet, it was not. It was kind of pulsating a faint red light, as it released a small amount of red smoke with every pulse.

'What is this?' He thought.

[Analyzing …]

He heard a mechanical voice in his right after he asked himself the question. This quite surprised him, and he gave a small jump.

[Analazys has been completed!]

[1xTerritory core found]

As he was looking at the sphere, a text appeared in his mind, looking like a screen of some sort.

[Territory core Level 1

Health: 1000/1000

Territory under control: 500 m x 500 m x 500 m

Current population: 11 (Including the lord)

expected population change: 0/day


This is the core of a territory. As the core of a territory, it controls how big of an area the lord can occupy, It is not possible to build anything outside of his7hers zone.

Can be upgraded to expand territory.

Materials needed to upgrade:

200x wood

150x stone]

'Judging by all of these names, and this weird system in my head, the world I have been reincarnated to, is really something else!' He thought, deducing the situation from the system in his head.

It was probably a magic world since information like this can appear in his mind, but he had no idea what to do from there.

'Can I see my own information?' He suddenly asked himself in his mind.

"Stats … Overview … Data …" He kept shouting out words, trying to see if there was any way to access something. "Attributes!" As he said that word, a screen popped up in front of him, with all of his information.


Name: Charles Franco (Henry)

Race: Human

Age: 16

Title: Lord

Occupation: None

Secondary occupation: None

Level 1

Health: 100/100

Mana: 40/40

Strength: 2

Dexterity: 3

Constitution: 5

Intelligence: 2

Charisma: 2

Leadership: 1


Spear arts level 1




System level MAX (Gift from god)

Special traits:



'I really am weak, this is going to be rough! Especially considering I am a lord' He sighed as he saw his stats, and how nothing special was to be seen. He even had a feeling that he was lower than the average human in this world.

After kind of figuring out his situation, he stood up from his bed. He went over to the table with a load of papers on it and wanted to see if that could help him figure out more.

'What is this?' All he found on the table, were loads of blueprints, showing basic buildings. They were all from houses to blacksmiths, to mines, it was everything. It was all just the most basic buildings, looking medieval.

[Blueprint learned! Basic house, tier 1]

[Blueprint learned! farmland, tier 1]

[Blueprint learned! Toolmaker, tier 1]

[Blueprint learned …]

"What the hell is going on?" He suddenly asked out loud, as he heard the same notification again and again. He closed his eyes, massaging the temples in his head until the notifications were over.

He did not know what was going on, but something had changed. All of the blueprints that were previously on the table in the room, were now gone. He tried to think back to the ones he had seen, and as soon as he did, a blueprint appeared in his hand.

'It seems like this world is kind of game-like! Amazing!' He thought. In his previous life, he had played many city builder games, this was perfect for him. He also assumed that there would be some sort of fighting going on, based on his attributes, they would not just be for show.

'Good, it seems my journey to become a legend starts from humble beginnings!' He thought to himself with a small smile. 'Let the journey begin!'