
Changes in Hogwarts

November 1994

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

After sending Timsy to deliver his letter to Sirius Black, Harry had nothing particular to do and so he went into a deep sleep.

While Harry was sleeping, unaware of the happenings in the Wizarding world, the entire Wizarding world was in chaos.

The moment the Daily Prophet along with few other minor newspapers were published and delivered to the wizarding population, mayhem had erupted. Everyone was discussing the happenings of the Wizengamot. While a rare few defended Harry's actions, a majority population was unsure about their stance and they could only wait for the further drama to unfold. Meanwhile, a significant population had already termed Harry Potter as the uprising Dark Lord.

Similar to the Wizarding world, the Hogwarts was in even more frenzy especially considering that Albus Dumbledore being removed as the headmaster was something which directly affected Hogwarts.




It was the dinner time and entire Hogwarts student population was in the Great Hall. But unlike usual when everybody would be focused on selecting what dishes to eat and what not to eat, no one had their mind on the food.

Even the food devourer, Ron Weasley had enough space left in his mouth so that he could speak. And what he spoke; he left no stone unturned to convince the Gryffindors that Harry was a rising dark Lord. And of course that Dumbledore would return back.

A particular table, the Slytherins had a gloomy atmosphere on their table. They were mostly happy that Albus Dumbledore had been thrown away but Harry Potter doing that pulled that happiness down. And added to that, Harry Potter being Lord Slytherin made them extremely uneasy and tensed.

The atmosphere at the teacher's table was also filled with anxious. Without any headmaster, they were unsure about how to proceed, especially Minerva as the vice headmistress.

Technically, she should have taken over the role of the headmaster but she herself was confused and could not wait to talk to Harry Potter. But like usual, she could not find him.

Even the Hogwarts elf, whom she had send to deliver her message to Harry were unable to find Harry. She could only wait.

Also a certain bat looking like professor was absent from his seat.




At the moment, the large wooden gate of the Great Hall opened with a bang. The noise in the hall silenced and everyone looked at the new visitor.

Harry Potter still dressed in the same robes, he was wearing in the Wizengamot hearing walked between the Ravenclaw table and Hufflepuff table with an expressionless face.

His foot steps echoed in the hall, until he reached the podium of the teacher's table and turned around to face the students with his back towards the teacher's table.

"I believe," started Harry. "You all must be aware, by now, that I am Lord Gryffindor and Lord Slytherin."

"For those who don't understand," he continued, "let me clarify."

"Hogwarts is not a government owned institution. Its ownership lies with the four house of Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff; divided equally amomg them. Since no Lord was present for any of these house, the ministry managed it through a Board of Education."

The entire student body, hung on every word coming out of Harry's mouth and so did of those students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

Harry continued, "But now that I have taken over Lordship of Gryffindor and Slytherin, I own half the Hogwarts and since the other two houses still don't have a Lord, I am the sole decision maker."

Harry's declaration brought few gasps from the student body, especially from muggle borns who had till now not understood the significance of Harry being Lord Slytherin and Lord Gryffindor.

"The first decision which I took," said Harry, "which you all know, was removing Albus Dumbledore from his position as Hogwarts headmaster."

"Some may say, I did that for my personal agenda and I agree. But remember I own Hogwarts."

"Even so, in Albus Dumbledore's reign the quality of education have went downhill at Hogwarts. He was an incompetent headmaster. At the moment, I believe even the best of Hogwarts, with rare exceptions, could cast more than few basic spells."

Harry continued, "Now there are few more changes which are going to happen,some to be implemented immediately while some to be implemented by next year."

"First of all, Professor Minerva McGonagall will temporarily take up the vacation position of Hogwarts headmistress."

Her appointment should have been welcomed with cheers, especially from Gryffindors but they were still reeling from shock.

Harry turned slightly facing Minerva, "Professor McGonagall, Hogwarts was run by a Board of Education having many prominent families as the seat holder. I believe, even the ministry would have set aside funds for the functioning of Hogwarts."

"Also, barring a few, most of the students pay a considerable amount of money in fees," said Harry.

"Then why the quality of everything used in Hogwarts... from brooms to books to potion ingredients remain so poor?"

His voice boomed in the hall, "Madam Prince, cannot get funds for new books; Professor Sprout does not have funds to expand her herbology garden; Professor Sinistra, is using years old telecope in her classes; Professor Hooch, is using decades old brooms."

"The castle has not been repaired in decades and classrooms have to be abandoned becuase, the school did not have money for renovations."

Everyone's mind got moving and the professors who had a better understanding reeled in their shock. Especially, Minerva felt heartbroken from inside. She knew very well where it was going.

"Where did all the money go?" Asked Harry.

He did not wait for answer, "I want you launch a quick investigation into Hogwarts accounts since Albus Dumbledore took over as the headmaster. If need be, contact Gringotts. They would be more than happy to send some competent accountants to look into the matter."

Minerva nodded absentmindedly.



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