
Taverns and News & Hidden Mission

Only a short time after, Magnus returned with the gold, and the trade was made. The group traveled to the nearest tavern in the town. Garen was bent on finding information about the city, and what better place was there for gathering information than a tavern? 

Eamon, the merchant who came with Garen, had left the group under two knights' escorts and traveled the town. Garen was left to deal with the trade while Eamon went to make connections and examine the local market. He had told Garen that the market should be inspected to see if he would be able to make money. 

The tavern Garen chose was called the Rusty Gauntlet Tavern. It stood tall at the edge of a bustling market square, its weathered wooden facade adorned with a faded but once vibrant coat of arms depicting a gauntlet clenching a tankard. The exterior is marked by a sturdy oak door embellished with iron studs and a worn brass handle that has felt the touch of countless hands. 


The tavern's windows, fitted with leaded glass panes, allow soft candlelight to spill out onto the cobblestone street, beckoning weary travelers and knights seeking respite. 

Upon entering the tavern, the aroma of hearty, savory dishes fills the air, mingling with the scent of aged oak and burning hearth. The interior is dimly lit, the flickering glow of torches casting dancing shadows across the walls adorned with weapons and tattered banners. The atmosphere is hearty and convivial, with raucous laughter and spirited conversation weaving through the air. 


As for the fare, the Rusty Gauntlet Tavern prides itself on serving robust, comforting meals fit for warriors. The menu boasts savory venison stew, roasted game fowl, and crusty loaves of bread baked fresh in the tavern's own hearth. Tankards of frothy ale and rich mead are passed from hand to hand. 


The knights arrived in the tavern and, without making too much of a commotion, found themselves a place to sit. Soon, they were served with an ice-cold ale. 


They sat in silence while they listened to the townsfolk conversing. 


"Did you hear about Sir Percival's new squire? The lad mistook a chamber pot for a helmet!" 

"Hah! That's a tale for the ages. I hope he learns the difference before joining the next joust!" 


Dumb conversations were the most common in the tavern, but a few had reasonable meaning to it. 


"This stew is excellent! Have you traveled far to taste the fare of the Rusty Gauntlet?" 

"Aye, I hail from the next village over. The tavern's stew has been a comfort through many a long winter." 


The knight of the House just scoffed and chuckled as they heard the conversations between the group of men and women. But soon, a conversation attracted Garen's attention. 


"Whispers are afloat that the House of Silver readies for battle against another knight house. What do you think of such a brewing storm?" 


"I've heard similar tales. If true, this could bring both risks and opportunities. War can be a harsh mistress, but it also opens new paths for those who know how to seize them." 


The mention of war immediately made Garne's ears perk up. He listened closely as the minstrels and merchants talked. But he was soon interrupted. Eamon and the two knights returned, and Eamon quickly started talking to Garen, providing some valuable information. 


"It seems that the Kingdom of Highkeep ain't peaceful, according to the townsfolk. A rebellion occurred, and the kingdom was divided into two." He started to explain. 


"The town of Silverpeak belongs to a knight's household called House of Silver under the command of the Edge Barony. House Silver is aligned with the royals, while House Crimson is affiliated with the Duke faction. The rebellion of the duke faction against the royal family apparently stemmed from years of discontent with the central rule. The dukes felt marginalized and disregarded in matters of governance and influence; they began to assert their autonomy and gain a more significant share of power within the kingdom. 


Their grievances included issues of taxation, representation, and the allocation of resources, leading to a deep-seated desire for greater self-governance. This discontent eventually culminated in the formation of the duke faction, leading to a direct challenge to the authority of the royal family. 


As a result, another knight household called House Crimson, sympathetic to the cause of the dukes, became aligned with the faction in pursuit of their shared goals of autonomy and influence. Conversely, House Silver remained loyal to the royals, upholding their allegiance to the central authority and seeking to maintain the established order within the kingdom of Highkeep." Eamon finished. 

"Well done." Garen praised, "Well, we have no need to stay any longer. We should head back and report to the Patriarch." He commanded. 


The group gathered their belongings, and soon, they began their journey back to their House. 


The journey took them a total of 7 hours before they came to the foot of Mount Crown. They slowly made their departure back up, and it did not take long before the whole group made it to the House. The bears and the carts were taken away while Garen and Eamon made their way to the meeting hall, where they would greet Eldric. 

Inside the meeting hall, Garen and Eamon were the last of the merchant groups to return; both the merchant groups from Frostfall and Frostwood had already been waiting in the hall for them. They greeted one another, and soon, they started talking business. 


They were able to sell everything at market prices, and that meant that every group made a total of 400 gold before a visit to the tavern. With the expenses they paid, the total amount of gold rose to 1,100 gold coins. 


Eldric was extremely happy at the thought of the gold, and he called Orion to take the gold. As soon as Orion took and went to store the gold, a system notification appeared. 
