1 Prologue

Luna Chandon is your average girl but a lot sassier. She speaks her mind and doesn't care what anyone thinks, but contrary to what you might think she's pretty innocent. In her 21 years on earth, she's never dated anyone and quite frankly is not interested to do so either.

Jesaiah Lawrence is an arrogant bastard. Think about the most conceited person you know and multiply that by four. Thát's how arrogant he is. His world consists of working, eating, and sleeping, nothing else. He is consumed by the infinite number of ways to earn the company more money. His dominance radiates from the way he walks, talks, or even breathes. But you'd have to see him for yourself to know what I mean.

Though it might be clear already, failing is a word he's never seen or even experienced.

Before I let you go, there's one last question I want you to think about. We all know that it's easy to give in to urges, but what are the consequences of doing just that?
