

Let's begin on the day that she received the 1st notification on social media.

It all started with a friend request from an unknown gentleman from the same high school.

She found him attractive and maybe longing for a partner too. Even though she would not normally accept requests from unknown people she accepted him in hopes of finding out who he was.

Immediately after accepting he messaged her and conversed with her. He would call her beautiful and would address her as MiLady.

Unfortunately she was not smart and told the gentleman a lie. She felt that if she did he might say something like "let me help you out there". Instead he distanced himself from her for a while.

For a whole year they did not speak; she avoided him at school because she was scared to have feelings for him when he had stopped speaking to her. At many points he would update his profile with posts, some of which hurt a lot and some of which made her laugh. She never reacted to his posts though for fear of attaching herself.

On her summer break right before College she was having anxiety, depression and felt really lonely. She wished one night for a partner she could converse with, and maybe even fall in love with.

The very next day she received a message in her inbox and as she went to click it her body started shaking and because she was so nervous she felt butterflies in her stomach. It was him, he had reached out to her again.
