
Training pod

He opened the shop. He saw rows upon rows of stuff. He scrolled down while roughly looking at the names and pictures of the stuff available. He saw all sorts of guns, aircrafts, missile systems, drones, combat vehicles, equipments, etc. There was also a search bar on the top right corner.

What surprised him was there were various futuristic weapons here such as emp grenades, laser weapons, drones with advanced AI and guns.

' System, search for training pod. "

The screen showed a list of things with price and pictures. All of the training pods were oval in shape and looked futuristic in style. They came in two different colors - black and white.

1) Basic training pod - 1 million points

2) Intermediate training pod - 10 million points

3) Advanced training pod - 100 million points

4) Expert training pod - 1 billion points

He quickly bought 10 basic training pods and they were automatically stored in his inventory. He checked its description.


Basic training pod

Description : The time in training pod flows differently. 1 hour in real world is 8 hours in the time pod. A person can learn all basic skills inside the training pod.


He sent Ajay for home and told him that he would contact him on Sunday.

" How much time does it take for one to learn these skills ? "

[ Ding.. A person can only use training pod for 6 hours a day. If a person focuses on a single skill for six hours a day, he or she can learn one basic skill in 1 week, intermediate skill in 1month, advanced skill in 6 months and expert skill in 1 year. ]

Bikash, then went on the internet to look if there any empty warehouse nearby the city. He would set up his training grounds there temporarily.

He actually found one pretty quickly. It was a warehouse that had been empty because of the bankruptcy of the factory that owned it. It was about five kilometers away from the city and was surrounded by a forest with only a single road leading to it. It was secluded and was away from busy areas with lots of people. It was actually perfect for him.

He quickly contacted the owner about the renting. The owner was struggling to provide food to his family and it was blessing that someone wanted to rent that warehouse of his.

The warehouse was surrounded by fence on all sides. The fence surrounded an area of about 1 sq. kilometers. Bikash accepted the rent of $5,500 dollars per year and signed a contract to rent the place for 5 years with a 10% increase in rent every year.

He transferred the sum to the guy and quickly got a keychain filled with 4-5 keys. The electricity was also cut off. So he decided to connect a electric line to the warehouse as operating training pods may require electricity and there needed to be lighting and stuff.

After all was done, he realized it was already 7 PM. He had also visited the factory to let the electricians do their work. Well, he had to pay a little 'extra' for the sake of having it done right now.

He had a dinner at hotel Opera. It was the only 5-star hotel in Mahendranagar and only well off people visited. He could count the times he had visited the hotel using his fingers. After all, people from middle classed families could be considered so-so. He smirked as he thought about it and ordered lots of stuff.

The server was amazed as to how much this guy could eat. After the consumption of the gene vaccine X, he had to eat a lot in order to fully nourish his body or he would feel weak as if he was starving. He could very well eat five times of what he used to eat when he was a fatty.

He paid the bill and went to his apartment. He fell asleep. Next day, he visited his parents. His brother and parents were amazed by his transformation. They recognized him but couldn't help but think that this was too big of a transformation.

They hadn't seen him for 6 months. He hadn't come back home and stayed in his apartment after the results of 12th grade came out. They were worried about their kid's future but now his mother was even thinking stuff like ' Maybe I should tell him to be a male model. He will have a good career. '

" Mom, dad I found a job. "

They were amazed at their son's sudden transformation but this further amazed them.

" What job ? ",he asked.

" The thing is that it is confidential what work I do. I work at a security company and it is some work with computers. "

They knew that he was always on his computer. So they thought that it might be something good since he also mentioned working for a security company.

" How much do you earn bro ? ", his kid brother asked.

" $5000 a month. "

Damn!! His parents were delighted when they heard this. One should know that the average yearly income of his family was equal to what he said he was earning. So it was no surprise that his parents were ecstatic.

After he said this, he sent $4,000 dollars to his dad and said that this was his last month's pay and he had used up the rest.

His father wanted to reject but under Bikash constant pestering he reluctantly accepted. Bikash knew that his family's financial condition was not good and they might have to sell some of their ancestral land if their income didn't increase. The taxes had been raised after the start of this year's financial year. So, they naturally needed more money to hold up.

' System, every month on the first day, transfer $3,000 to my dad's account from my account. '

[ Ding.. It will be done. ]

He had his lunch with his parents. He hanged out with his brother for a bit as he thought that he would soon be running all over the map to find recruits and successfully establishing his group.

He had dinner at home and was returning to his apartment in a cab when he remembered something. He took out his phone and called Priya, the nee-chan from the bank.

" Hi "

" Hello. Who are you ? "

" It's me. "

" Who's me? "

" Me from the bank. I mean, I met you at the bank. You said I could call you. "

Priya's heart skipped a beat when she remembered the guy from the bank. His perfect face, model-like body.. She would get wet if she thought more about him. So she stopped her day dream and said, " Oh, hi. How are you ? "

" I'm good. How bout you ? "

" I'm fine. Wh-why did you call ? "

" Are you free tomorrow ? "

" Yes, why ? "

" Wanna go for lunch tomorrow ? "

Priya was ecstatic when she heard this and accepted enthusiastically.

" Yea, sure. Where do I meet you ? "

" Where do you live ? "

" You know that old airport. I live near there. "

" I will come pick you up. Just come to the street outside when I call, okay ? "

" Okay. "

The call ended. Priya was ecstatic about the date and so was Bikash. Even though Bikash was an ikeman right now, he was just another fat otaku a couple of days ago, so he was excited about the date with Priya.

Shuvam slept. Next day, at morning he looked for an new apartment in the city. He finally rented an apartment with 3 rooms, a bathroom and a kitchen.

He wanted to move to a better place. He just rented the place and didn't move in. He then went to the KTM bike showroom in the city. This bike was kind of high class, so there was only a single showroom in the city.

A salesman approached him. He was an senior salesman who had been working here since this showroom had started. He knew that youths would sometime come here to just look at the bikes they liked. After all, not everyone could afford these high end toys.

He thought Bikash was such a kid too and didn't have any money. After all, Bikash may be handsome and all but he came here on foot and was wearing normal clothings.

" Hey, boy. This is not a place for brats like you. You guys just come here to have fun and pose to click pictures. We sell these bikes here. Don't waste your and other's time. "

Bikash didn't like this guy's attitude and was ready to leave but when he spared a glance at the bikes, how could he ? These little babies were like calling him to buy them.

He quickly swept his gaze and spotted another salesperson. It was a girl. She was fairly young and looked like a newbie.

He just ignored the guy and went to the girl.

" Hi, I would like to buy a bike. "

Asmita was had just started working here for a week or so. The seniors didn't let her any customers due to her being a newbie and she was ordered to do menial tasks.

She was ecstatic when someone found her for buying a bike. She looked at the guy. She was amazed at how perfect someone could be. He was like a who had his face sculpted by some master sculptor.

She quickly snapped out of it and started explaining about the bikes. Bikash then bought a KTM RC 390 for 7,000 dollars. He paid with a checkbook that he had kept in the bag he had on his back.

The transaction was confirmed and he took the bike. He quickly went to the old airport vicinity and called Priya. He saw her coming out a building.

She was wearing white pants, black shoes and a red top. She had an oval-ish face and that smile. She looked rather stunning. Bikash was mesmerized by her beauty while she was equally stunned that this guy was so cute with that expression.

After all, he was looking at her like an idiot while his mouth was opened. She got on the bike and both of them sped away…


And plzzz review the novel and vote some power stones

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